One podcast, two #rehablegend, season 3 episode 1 @PedsIntensiva

Early Mobilization feat. @SapnaKmd & Guest Editor @karen_choong

+ @drpetaalexander, @drgregkelly, Kate Thompson & Mike Clifford @rch…

#ICUrehab #pedsICU @PICU_Up @mch_childrens
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens Can we stop children dying without giving them new problems?

Alongside gains in #pedsICU survival is parallel ⤴ in kids who leave w functional limitation– may affect life forever

Some related to illness but some related to what we do– or don’t do

#ICUrehab #rehablegend Image
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens #pedsICU has 2 distinct pops:

1.Kids who come in, get better & go. Teams, thoughts, training structured for these minority of bed days
2.Kids who stay > 1 wk – majority of bed days but systems ignore

#ICUrehab #rehablegend, pic @mch_childrens w parent consent Image
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens Sleep disturbance, delirium, delayed rehab. Don’t neglect moderate stay patients!

Long stay #pedsICU pts highest risk of functional impairment. In & out < 2 days probably less harm

BUT kids who are there for 3-4 days have problems & can't be ignored

#ICUrehab #rehablegend
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens First 24-48 hrs of #pedsICU is about resuscitation & stabilization, but #ICUrehab needs to start early

Unless you have systematic approach rehab gets forgotten until day 7-10 when there’s no acute issues left to discuss & it’s too late!..

@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens Studies show that globally we all have the same neglect of #ICUrehab! US, Canada, Europe, Brazil = same ☹

Functional impairment isn’t at the top of our minds when pts are admitted to #pedsICU

@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens Many long stay #pedsICU pts have underlying chronic & complex comorbidities

Perception “less to gain” from #ICUrehab. While absolute decrement may be less, time to regain function greater

These pts have as much to gain as other patients!

@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens For babies, mobility is #therapeuticcuddles

i.e. being out of bed & held. #pedsICU has very young pts at most vulnerable stage of neurodevelopment. Have ⬇ baseline function so perception is don’t need mobilization - but do

pic @PICU_Up w parent consent #ICUrehab #rehablegend Image
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens Nothing that parents of #pedsICU pts want more than to hold their child

But after a few days of asking & being told no – parents just stop asking. It is on us as professionals to facilitate early mobility

#ICUrehab #rehablegend
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens Early mobility is NOT about walking intubated patients (even though it’s very cool it’s a tiny minority of the work)

It's about doing the most we can for EVERY kid, EVERY day, ensuring #illnessdoesntmeanstillness

#ICUrehab #rehablegend #pedsICU pic @PICU_Up w parent consent Image
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens We can do SOMETHING to enhance neuro & functional recovery for every #pedsICU pt, every day

Early mobility might just mean optimizing sleep/wake for paralysed HFOV pt – b/c that’s all you can do. BIG barrier to early mobility is PT/ OT turned away b/c “too sick today”

@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens We are all taught “A-B-C” frameworks for hemodynamics in the #pedsICU – but not frameworks for #ICUrehab & early mobility...

..Such frameworks exist & are incredibly useful, e.g.

#rehablegend #illnessdoesntmeanstillness Image
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens “ABCDEFGH” #pedsICU rehab care bundle:

Attention to Analgesia; Avoid oversedation; allow Awake
Breathing trials
Choice of sedation & analgesia
Delirium prevention, surveillance, & mx
Early mobilization & Exercise
Family engage & empower
Good nutrition

@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens Early mobility brings MORE of your team to the table than any other project

Early mobility improves outcomes in your team AND in your patients ⬆interprofessional comms & psychological / emotional wellbeing of staff

pic @PICU_Up w parent consent
#ICUrehab #rehablegend #pedsICU Image
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens Share seamlessly & steal shamelessly!

Early mobility will look different in every place – because every place is different. Local adaptations, creations & implementation make it work & can / should be shared widely

#ICUrehab #rehablegend #pedsICU
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens Early mobility in the #pedsICU is clearly possible

Now it’s becoming imperative…

#ICUrehab #rehablegend

pic @mch_childrens w parent consent Image
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens If you want to shape & influence a field, concentrate on your “shaping strategy” - creation and free sharing of resources, frameworks, guidelines & support

Helped early mobility concepts to spread rapidly around the #pedsICU world…

#ICUrehab #rehablegend
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens It’s all about culture change!

Implementation is the most challenging (& fascinating) part of research, especially with complex interventions like early mobility

#ICUrehab #rehablegend #pedsICU
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens Early mobility in the #pedsICU is fun, especially in the time of social media

Knowledge and ideas spread at light speed!

#ICUrehab #rehablegend
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens You DON'T need a background or formal quals in QI to start improving things at your place

There are lots of great frameworks out there, and people who can help. You’ll get better as you go (that’s what QI is, after all)

#ICUrehab #rehablegend #pedsICU
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens Artificial distinction btw “QI” & “research” not helpful, nor is downplaying importance of QI

QI might start at one center, but can be adapted – and published. LOTS of most exciting work in #pedsICU is "QI" - @PICU_Up, @pc4quality, @pediRESQ, @pac3quality

#ICUrehab #rehablegend
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens @pc4quality @pediRESQ @pac3quality Don’t ignore low-hanging fruit! Downside of #pedsICU social media is “cool” stuff (#ECMO walking) shared > "less exciting” stuff which is more common & important.

Less tweets of kid sitting on side of bed dangling legs

#ICUrehab #rehablegend pic @mch_childrens w parent consent Image
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens @pc4quality @pediRESQ @pac3quality Truth bomb: In early mobility – doing the small things early is what sets up patients to do more later!

…not letting pts getting weak & contracted in the first place

Lots of small things -> leads to being ready to get up & walk

#ICUrehab #rehablegend
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens @pc4quality @pediRESQ @pac3quality The key to early mobility working is that doctors get out of the way and bedside nurses & PT / OT start communicating directly about what the patient’s activity levels could be for the day

Doctors backing up / supervising > doctors driving

#ICUrehab #rehablegend #pedsICU
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens @pc4quality @pediRESQ @pac3quality Mobility can be a starting point, rather than an end point

Don’t need to wait until sedation / delirium / analgesia etc are ‘perfect.’ Starting to mobilise is a great prompt to screen for & fix the other things

#ICUrehab #rehablegend #pedsICU
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens @pc4quality @pediRESQ @pac3quality Restraints in #pedsICU contribute to delirium & immobility

PARK-PICU studies showed that rates now ~ 15% when previously were up to 100% in sedated & ventilated

#ICUrehab #rehablegend
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens @pc4quality @pediRESQ @pac3quality Majority of #ICUrehab is delivered by bedside nurses & the family – once they are empowered, educated & working as a team with PT / OT & medical

Massive improvement in resource use. PT / OT reserved for specialist therapy, not just getting pts out of bed

#rehablegend #pedsICU
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens @pc4quality @pediRESQ @pac3quality Resources are always a concern in #pedsICU – how do we ensure early mobility is not just ‘another thing’ for bedside nurses to do, esp. when they feel most responsible for safety of their patient?

In fact #ICUrehab can massively empower nursing staff

@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens @pc4quality @pediRESQ @pac3quality You DON’T have to have a sedation protocol

You DO have to have a systematic, score-based approach to assessing sedation & setting sedation goals

#ICUrehab #rehablegend #pedsICU
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens @pc4quality @pediRESQ @pac3quality Intubated babies cry

Awake babies cry

If we wouldn't give an awake baby a benzo for crying we should be thoughtful about giving it to an intubated baby too…

#ICUrehab #rehablegend #pedsICU
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens @pc4quality @pediRESQ @pac3quality Culture change is tiring! Make sure there are new people, energy & ideas coming in all the time

Eventually early mobility develops a life of its own & helps overcome change champion fatigue

#ICUrehab #rehablegend #pedsICU
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens @pc4quality @pediRESQ @pac3quality Early mobility brings hope to caregivers & bedside staff

What was considered difficult becomes easy. What was considered high risk becomes everyday care.

How can we do this today?

#ICUrehab #rehablegend #pedsICU
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens @pc4quality @pediRESQ @pac3quality There is no contraindication to #ICUrehab & early mobility. There are patient & team factors to consider, but we can do something for every patient, every day

Even if it just passive motion or optimising sleep / wake cycles

#ICUrehab #rehablegend #pedsICU
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens @pc4quality @pediRESQ @pac3quality #pedsICU has a lot to learn from our adult #ICU colleagues

Likewise adult ICU has lot to learn from peds. Almost every single thing we w pt & family centered care is welcome in adult critical care (except more fun with kids!)

#ICUrehab #rehablegend pic @PICU_Up w parent consent Image
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens @pc4quality @pediRESQ @pac3quality #COVID19 has shown the world that CRITICAL ILLNESS SUCKS & that long term, patients have issues

Most of the problems are post critical illness, not specific to COVID

#ICUrehab #rehablegend #pedsICU
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens @pc4quality @pediRESQ @pac3quality It’s not enough to save patient’s lives anymore, it’s all about survivorship

It’s not good enough to dc from ICU or hospital, call it a day & ignore long term problems

Every day must think “what can I do to optimise this patient’s survivorship?”

#ICUrehab #rehablegend #pedsICU
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens @pc4quality @pediRESQ @pac3quality Common Q. about #ICUrehab – what equipment? Need fancy stuff like cycle ergometers and virtual reality?

Most important ‘equipment’ is nursing staff, PT / OT, rehab team & family

Most useful physical equipment: chairs, play mats, lifts (& know how to use)

#rehablegend #pedsICU
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens @pc4quality @pediRESQ @pac3quality As early mobility programs mature – find that patients do less in bed activities & mobilise out of bed as soon as they are awake & able

#ICUrehab #rehablegend #pedsICU
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens @pc4quality @pediRESQ @pac3quality Early mobility is an overall cost saver due to shorter LOS, less morbidity and FEWER staff injuries

Mechanism unclear but perhaps because patients are stronger & need less assistance & because staff move them more safely

#ICUrehab #rehablegend #pedsICU
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens @pc4quality @pediRESQ @pac3quality Early mobility is a low cost, cost saving intervention that can be done all around the world, including in low / middle income countries

Little plastic shopping cart = early mobility aid

#ICUrehab #rehablegend #pedsICU
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens @pc4quality @pediRESQ @pac3quality No lack of scoring going on in most #pedsICU – is lack of planning around scores

Frustrating for nurses to be doing CAP-D, RASS, etc that no one utilises. These are tools to help teams understand their pts & speak uniform language, NOT compliance measures

#ICUrehab #rehablegend
@SapnaKmd @karen_choong @drpetaalexander @drgregkelly @rch @PICU_Up @mch_childrens @pc4quality @pediRESQ @pac3quality Scores for sedation, delirium, etc DON’T mean ignoring the gut feeling of bedside nurses

All scores are doing is quantifying that gut feeling, & help us speak a common language & better target interventions

Adding value to nursing impression

#ICUrehab #rehablegend #pedsICU
Senior physicians can be the most recalcitrant with getting on board with culture change & systematic approaches to #ICUrehab

Time & work can transform dinosaurs into champions

#rehablegend #pedsICU
Hot tip: sobriety awards for reducing sedation in #pedsICU patients

#ICUrehab #rehablegend
@karen_choong & @SapnaKmd

The passion & creativity of international #pedsICU community keeps inspiring & driving, even in the face of change champion fatigue

Hearing from institutions having challenges is more inspiring than easy success

#pedsrocks #ICUrehab #rehablegend
Early mobility & #ICUrehab is not just another thing to do - it’s a fundamental shift in EVERYTHING we do in #pedsICU, & it’s happening fast

Get on board!

#rehablegend pic @PICU_Up w parent consent

The end.... Image

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More from @PedsIntensiva

30 Oct 20
3rd regular episode of @pedsintensiva, podcast that bridges the gap btw literature & practice for #pedsICU

CPR & #ECMO in Single V patients w Ravi Thiagarajan Division Chief of Cardiac ICU @bostonchildrens

Tweetorial 👇…

#pedscards #pedsCICU #CHD
@BostonChildrens Single V pts are ++ risk for arrest & #ECMO support

Many pts die & more have morbidity, even in best centers

Prevention of arrest is more important & effective than rescue CPR/ECMO – great work by @pc4quality in making prevention sexy!

#pedsICU #pedscards #pedsCICU #CHD
@BostonChildrens @pc4quality ECPR (extracorporeal-CPR) is only ever as good as the CPR you get beforehand

Getting a pt onto #ECMO is busy but don’t forget the prime importance of good quality CPR w minimal interruptions on the way there

#pedsICU #pedscards #pedsCICU #CHD
Read 19 tweets
8 Oct 20
1st ever regular episode of Pediatrica Intensiva, the podcast that bridges the gap btw literature & practice for #pedsICU

Borderline Left Hearts w @laussen_peter from @BostonChildrens @SickKidsNews, part 1 of Single Ventricle season

Borderline Left Hearts are subset of pts w critical L heart obstruction, best defined as:
1.‘Output of aortic valve inadequate to maintain life’ (so need to maintain duct until 1st intervention) &;
2.Present & need intervention in neonatal period

#PedsICU #PedsCICU #CHD /2
Infants w critical left heart obstruction are on spectrum
-One end: clearly inadequate L heart structures -> single V pathway
-Other end, clearly adequate (even if bit small) -> biV pathway
- Pts in middle are TRICKY (hence this podcast)

#PedsICU #PedsCICU #CHD #pedscards /3
Read 37 tweets
21 Mar 20
1/39 2nd podcast & tweetorial for Pediatrica Intensiva, the art & science of pediatric intensive care. Here, an update on the realities of battling a tsunami of #COVID19 with intensivists Giovanna Colombo & Lorenzo Grazioli from Bergamo, Italy

#ICU #pedsICU
Here's the link to the recording…
2/39 But first, a story about 2 real life heroes in the midst of #COVID19. #ICU & #pedsICU docs Giovanna Colombo & Lorenzo Grazioli are working in the epicentre of the outbreak. They’ve seen countless deaths & know that to save many they can’t save all
Read 22 tweets
14 Mar 20
1/31 1st podcast & tweetorial for Pediatrica Intensiva, the art & science of pediatric intensive care.

Incredible real experience of battling 100s of #COVID19 cases with intensivists Giovanna Colombo & Lorenzo Grazioli from Bergamo, Italy

#ICU #pedsICU
2/31 “The problem is seeing the outbreak in the other part of the world…is very different when you face it. Now the outbreak is here. We are the epicentre of the earthquake”

3/31 “Lombardy is one of the richest regions in Europe, & its healthcare is one of the best in Europe. If we are in this situation with #COVID19, you can imagine the rest of Europe”

#ICU #pedsICU
Read 32 tweets

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