What makes Black people upset about Tim Tebow signing in NFL is not just the NFL itself & hypocrisy of Colin Kaepernick’s blackballing vs Tebow’s unlimited privilege, it’s the burden of feeling we have to beat back every single cultural fight to preserve rights in our real lives
Tim Tebow’s unlimited privilege vs Colin Kaepernick’s blackballing is not far a leap from GOP voter suppression bills in Black people’s eyes.
Not far a leap for the right either.See Mr. Potato Head & Dr. Seuss displays in Congressional hearings,except their arguments are trivial
Absolutely NO Black person has any substantive beef against Tim Tebow the man. To suggest some reverse racism against him is profoundly absurd and intentionally intellectually dishonest.
Black people know an uneven playing field when they see it, & they see an extra man on it
For Tim Tebow’s seemingly ageless, unlimited privilege vs Colin Kaepernick’s blackballing, Black people see a yellow flag the play, and the once again, the American flag on display
*on the play* but you feel me ✊🏽
I workshop episodes of #SuitUPNews through @Twitter threads, so you’ll be seeing this in video form shortly
“The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service is investigating the harassment of a manatee...reported to federal authorities over the weekend discovered w/ words "Trump" scraped in its back ...discovered in Blue Hole on the Homosassa River” (via @CitrusChronicle )
Insurrectioning wildlife?
Humans cause so much pain, suffering, and destruction for innocent animals and this beautiful planet’s environment. It is heartbreaking
Imagine if the people in streets ripping signs off churches & beating people up in the nation’s capital, blowing themselves up in major US city, in office actively suing to overturn elections, and refused to transfer power were not white men.
We’ve normalized their entitlement
There is no question the country would be in full scale panic. This is all being treated ho hum, not realizing the long term damage being inflicted on the county’s stability, domestic security from copycats, and faith in government and fair elections moving forward
The country is more triggered by mere mention of #DefundThePolice than white suicide bombers, white citizens aiming guns at people, killing protestors, white citizens defacing Black churches, elected officials trying to disqualify Black votes & attempting to overturn elections