Thinking about modern reincarnation AU where WKX did not survive the transfer of qi so ZZS lived on alone. A few thousand years later, ZZS, now a renowned actor, just finished his 1st table reading with a newbie actor.

"H-hey wait up, I'm—A-Xu!"

ZZS felt his breath hitch.
"...What did you just call me?"

A name that hadn't been used in a few millennia. A face that looks achingly familiar now that he's actually paying attention.

"I, I'm incredibly sorry, I know your name is Zhou Zishu—I don't know what just came over me."
(be forewarned, i started this with absolutely no plan in mind sdkfhkds)

Wen Yan isn't sure what came over him to suddenly call an actor 6 years his senior by such an intimate (and wrong!!) address. From the way he's being glared at, he doesn't think he'll be forgiven easily.
Unconsciously, he braces himself for a punch, already feeling the phantom pain on his upper arm.

"'s fine. What did you need?"

Zhou Zishu eventually learns that Wen Ke—Yan only wanted to reintroduce himself in a more personal setting to build their relationship as costars.
From ZZS's perspective, he has absolutely no desire to build anything whatsoever bc seeing the face from his memories look at him with nothing but a politely suggestive smile—still far too polite, far too distant—is somehow more than he can handle.
Unknowingly—not really—ZZS had forgotten the details of WKX's face (a few millennia will do that to a person) but seeing the newbie in front of him is making all the memories that had long since faded resurface to the forefront of his mind.
For WY, he'd long since heard about ZZS's reputation as a phenomenal actor, able to perform the most gruelling of action scenes. But the one genre he'd never ventured into was romance.

People said he was unable to, having no romantic experience.

WY thought he was unwilling to.
Oddly enough, there was something about ZZS that was very familiar. Despite ZZS's obvious attempts at keeping his distance or his occasional biting remarks, WY still felt more comfortable and relaxed around him than he did with anyone else in the industry.

ZZS felt real. Safe.
Still, there was a hurdle neither of them could seem to get over: emotionally charged scenes.

As the producer put it, the two of them "lacked spark". The idea is so absurd that WY's ready to say screw his entire career as an actor just to cuss the PD out.
How can there be no spark when WY can feel the electrifying tension between them with every eye contact? How ZZS tenses up every time they accidentally brush against each other?

That being said, he does agree on one thing: both of them are still holding back.
And the problem seems to lie with ZZS.

Things come to a head when the PD calls the two of them aside with an ultimatum: figure shit out asap or she's stopping everything.

In the ensuing silence, ZZS feels like he's been backed into a corner.
He knows he can do better. If anything, the heavens made everything easy for him by bringing a WKX look-alike as his costar. By all means, filming should be easy.

But they aren't and he finds himself stuck. Eventually, WY breaks the silence first and suggests they get drinks.
"How about we play 20 questions?"

ZZS is suddenly brought back to a night at the inn, two people using drinking games as a way to find out the truth they most wished to know about the other.

Misunderstanding his silence as judgement, WY hurries to explain.
The two of them had been acting together for a few weeks now, yet they might as well be strangers for all know about each other.

While ZZS still has no desire to get close to WY, he thinks of the PD's threat and eventually agrees, to WY's relief.
Things start off pretty smoothly, with the two of them dancing around each other by asking superficial question, not really asking anything too personal until—

"Have you been hurt by love before?"

ZZS's hand pauses where it was making its way to grab his drink.
"I just, I couldn't help but notice that we started getting NGs during scenes where our characters' feelings are developing. So I assumed..."

ZZS hates WY for being so perceptive.

(Because it's another similarity between the two that ZZS can't ignore. Just perfect.)
Still, the question was asked out of genuine curiosity so ZZS thinks carefully about his answer.

He thinks back on what WKX had done to preserve his life, the years he spent in solitude because of it, the countless times he thought about ending it all and—


—he answers.
Love had never hurt him.

It was the lack of it that did.
At that, WY can't help the confused "Oh?" that escapes, making ZZS look at him.

"Want to know why?" A nod.

"Then you're going to have to wait till next round."

WY is struck by the mischievous smile directed at him. For the first time, he feels like this is the real ZZS.
Realizing that he's been staring for far too long to be considered proper in any way or form, he quickly clears his throat and nods in ZZS's direction.

"Okay, your turn."

ZZS takes a moment to think about his question.

"Is Wen Yan your real name?"

It's WY's turn to freeze.
ZZS's also surprised.

He's not sure why he ended up asking such a question when there'd been no indication of Wen Yan not being his name. Realizing that he might have just grossly overstepped his bounds to chase after a ghost of the past, he quickly shakes his head.
"Never mind, don't answer that. Stage names are common in this line of work, I should know better than anyone that people use them for a reason. Apologies if I overstepped."

"Ah, no, it's quite alright."

Still, ZZS can feel that the man beside him has become a lot more subdued.
Feeling a bit guilty at having potentially brought up unhappy memories, ZZS ends up paying for all their drinks, despite WY's protests.

"You can pay me back later. With interest."

That quiets WY down much quicker than ZZS would have expected.
Still, despite his own protests, WY insists on walking him home, saying that the area can be dangerous at night and the two of them together would be less of a target.

ZZS lets him be, finding his persistence somewhat amusing—endearing. He doesn't remind him of his black belt.
The walk is filled with WY's mindless chatter with ZZS barely saying a word but neither seem to mind.

Sooner than expected, the gates to ZZS's building come into view. Their pace slow in tandem, stopping entirely a few meters away.
"Thanks for the company tonight."

He offers WY a smile, feeling light for the first time in a long time.

"It's nothing. We should do this again."

At ZZS's raised eyebrow, WY hurries to explain.

"I still have to pay you back for treating me today. With interest, I remember."
ZZS laughs.

"Sounds good. I'll go now."

He pats WY's shoulder a few times before turning around and walking towards the gates. Feeling followed, he turns around to stare at WY who shrugs sheepishly.

"Just until you cross the gates."

ZZS rolls his eyes.
Upon seeing him, the old security guard simply gives him a smile before letting him through.


He turns around to see WY standing on the other side of the gate with his hands in his pockets. ZZS walks up to him.

"What is it?"
"Earlier... you asked me if Wen Yan was my real name and I realized I never answered."

"Oh, like I said, it's—"

"Nono, it's really alright. Wen Yan is my real name."

Despite having expected it, ZZS still feels a pang in his chest at the confirmation. Of course.
"That being said..." He gestures for ZZS to come closer. ZZS turns his head slightly to catch his lowered voice.

"I'm actually adopted."

ZZS steps back in surprise. WY smiles.

"No one knows. That's why I was caught off guard by your question and reacted the way I did."
He must have noticed the pain in ZZS's eyes because he quickly explains.

"Don't worry, it happened when I was a child, I barely remember much anyways. I just thought I'd let you know."

He smiles softly before adding, "Secret?"

ZZS isn't convinced but nods anyways.

The smile he gets in turn is so reminiscent of WKX's that he feels his exhale catch in his throat.

"Okay, I won't hold you back any longer," WY says as he playfully makes a shoo-ing motion, taking a few steps back himself.

At his insistence, ZZS turns around to go home.
He only managed to take a few steps before WY's next words stop him dead in his tracks.

"Actually, now that I think about it, my name is Wen Yan but it's technically my adopted name. My birth name is Wen Kexing. Does that count as real?"
okay apologies in advance (and i can already sense the pitchforks coming) but ima have to stop this right here sdfhjksdhkfjh i'll try to update uhhh, later

in the meantime, i hope you enjoyed this idea?? fic??? thing???? i dont even know anymore phew 🥲
(惊不惊喜? 意不意外?IM UPDATING \o/)

ZZS tosses and turns that night, mind racing.

WY is WKX.

There had been similarities but he never dared hope, out of fear that he's actually wrong. The reveal of WY's birth name just confirmed without the shadow of a doubt that he's WKX.
After so long, the universe finally decided to return his Lao Wen back to him.

Still, ZZS's feelings about the whole situation are extremely complicated. On one hand, he's beyond elated, barely daring to believe it's actually real and not just another cruel dream.
On the other... well.

He might know that WY is WKX but WY doesn't appear to be aware of it and just for that, ZZS isn't sure what to do.

WY seems to be his own person (despite the similarities) so it's wouldn't be fair to him to be forced to live in another person's shadow.
Still, ZZS thinks as he closes his eyes and tries for the umpteenth time to fall asleep, regardless of everything else, the most prevalent emotion is relief bc for once, he finally has time.

WKX is here. He has all the time in the world.

He'll figure it out eventually.
When he arrives on set the next morning, his eyes zero in on the tall figure currently chatting with the PD.

"Lao Wen, PD, morning."

The two spin around to look at him. ZZS notes the surprise (and hint of undisguised pleasure) on WY's face and mentally pats himself on the back.
He ignores the weird look the PD gives him.

"Zhou-laoshi, good morning to you too."

Damn it, that smile really is deadly.

The PD looks between them, confused expression slowly turning calculating.

"Would it be safe for me to assume that you've found a fix to your problem?"
ZZS keeps his face expressionless as he pulls WY into a side hug. "Absolutely, we're best friends now."

"Perfect, then I'll go tell the rest that filming's ready to resume."

The two of them watch her leave, with WY still caught in the awkward side hug.

"Uhh, what was that?"
"Friendship," ZZS deadpans. "What, you don't want to be friends?"

"No, that's not what—"

"Then what's the problem."

WY stares at him and ZZS stares right back. Eventually, WY smiles, and ZZS is reminded of the night he drank with WKX, right before his identity got revealed.
"Nothing. I'm just glad."

What he's glad about, he never ends up saying but ZZS feels like he understands the sentiment regardless. The two separate and make their way together to where the rest of the cast and crew are gathered, ready to resume filming.
It's a few days later, while the two are taking a break that WY finally offers, "I have apples, do you want one?"

ZZS pauses mid-bite to look at him, noting with a hint of humour the disdainful way WY is eyeing the popsicle he is currently munching on.

"Thanks, but I'm good."
If there's one thing WY noticed about ZZS, it's his love for all things cold and sweet. While other actors would snack on veggies or fruits, being mindful of their weight, ZZS can always be found munching on some kind of frozen dessert.
"You know they're not good for you right?"

ZZS ignores him and continues to nibble on his popsicle, scrolling through his phone.

"So little nutritional value, just sugar and water."

Still no response.

"Really, you're better off eating real fruits and drinking water."
ZZS sighs, finally looking up from his phone. He sees WY shake his head exasperatedly before taking a sip of water.

He waits until WY is looking at him and once he's certain that their gaze is locked together, he shoves the entirety of his popsicle into his mouth.

WY chokes.
Eyes locked, ZZS pulls the popsicle out, swirling his tongue over the tip once. He gives it a hard suck, making an audible pop as it leaves his lips.

An eyebrow raise and he's up, leaving without turning back.

WY never dares complain about him eating a popsicle ever again.
(For a while, when they're not in a scene together, WY also can't seem to look at him without turning red.

ZZS pays it no mind.)

"Aaaand—CUT! Good job everyone, we're making good progress. Take a break while I review the footage we just took."
ZZS eyes WY who is too focused on his phone to notice him. He gets an idea.

"I'm thirsty. Lao Wen, get some water for me." That catches WY's attention real quick.

"Why aren't you getting it by yourself?"

Despite his words, WY's already putting his phone away.
ZZS feels fondness well up inside of him. WY's way of always giving him his full attention no matter what will never not be endearing.

"I'm your senior," he answers instead.

"You're only a tiny bit older."

Guess the seniority card won't work. Time to bring out the big guns.
Slouching in his chair, he fakes a feeble cough or two before looking at WY. He watches WY stare a him wide-eyed for a few seconds before shaking his head and getting up.

"Alright, alright, I'll go. Take a rest while this humble servant of your royal highness fetches water."
While ZZS is busy celebrating his small victory, he misses the pause from WY as he hesitates for a moment, having experienced a weird sense of déjà vu.

It feels as if something similar had happened before, which confuses him to no end.
Filming continues this way for a few weeks, proceeding smoothly without any noticeable issues.

"Zishu are you coming?"

Confusion must be clearly written on his face bc another cast member pipes up from the side, "Wen Yan's treating everyone to hotpot since it's New Years soon."

Somehow without realizing it, it's already New Years. The last New Years he celebrated had been...

...well, there's no use dwelling on the past. He's actually a bit surprised bc it's been a while since he's been reminded of that particular time. He thinks it's bc of WY.
"Thanks, but I'll have to pass."

"Again? But you always p—" the senior staff elbows the cast member—another newbie—before nodding at ZZS.

"The rest are already at the restaurant, I'll let them know. Make sure you take full advantage of the New Years break."
ZZS nods in thanks before grabbing his things and leaving.

"What was that about?"

"Don't ask. I'm actually surprised you don't know, since he's got a reputation in the industry for never participating in get-togethers, no matter how you try to threaten him."
"Do we know—"

"No, there're a few rumours but none of them are confirmed. It's also none of our business so don't go digging around," the staff warns. "He's good at his job and he's polite, don't go creating problems for him. So what if he doesn't join a meal or two."
Unaware of the discussion about him, ZZS gets home in record time, greeting the old security guard and wishing him a Happy New Years in advance.

The first thing he does after getting home is take a long, relaxing soak, changing into some comfortable loungewear afterwards.
He grabs a popsicle, which he finishes in record time while fiddling around on his phone. Just as he's debating whether or not he should work out a bit or just go to bed early, he gets a call.

"Sir Zhou, apologies for bothering you at this hour."
Ah, the apartment's security guard.

"Not at all, did something happen?"

"Actually... could I trouble you to take a trip down yourself? There appears to be a bit of a situation that requires your presence."

"Certainly, I'll be right down."
He quickly slips into a pair of slippers, grabbing his keys in a hurry before heading out. In all his years as a resident, he'd never been called down like this so he isn't sure what to expect.

He hopes it's not some stalker fan bc that would be a terrible start to the year.
As he makes his way to the front gate, he can just about make out the silhouette of two people talking. One of them is definitely the security guard. As for the other person...

When he gets close enough to hear their voices, he freezes mid-step.

Wen Yan.

Almost as if sensing him, WY raises his head from where he was talking animatedly to the security guard. Noticing ZZS standing a few meters away, he waves before smiling sheepishly.

ZZS makes his over hesitantly, still not sure what's going on or if he's dreaming.
Before he has the chance to ask, WY hurries to explain.

"Sorry for bothering you this late, I heard that you went home already and um, I just don't think anyone should be alone on New Years soIjustthoughtI'dstopby,IreallyhopeI'mnotbotheringyou."
The two of them just stare at each other, the old security guard having already gone back.

Eventually ZZS can't hold it in anymore, unleashing a full-bodied laugh that takes his own breath away. Seeing him laugh, WY feels himself relax.

"Stop laughing, this is embarrassing..."
Contrary to his words, his own smile threatens to rival ZZS's.

Finally, ZZS calms himself down enough to look at WY without laughing, face still flushed.

"I didn't really understand that last part, but am I right to assume you're here to see me?"
WY scratches his head before nodding.

"What's all that?" ZZS only just notices the number of plastic bags on the ground around WY.

"Ah this is, I wasn't sure if you had food so I just grabbed a few things, thinking that I could make something for you... if you don't mind."

Well the thought is certainly appreciated and very very sweet.

"Did you not eat yet? You bought so much..." he asks instead of answering WY.

"I did, hot pot. They're actually still there, I just excused myself early and left my manager there to pay once they're done."
Well that explains the timing then.

As far as ZZS knows, this kind of thing usually lasts well into the night so WY must have left quite early to fit grocery shopping. He feels fondness bubble in his chest, chasing all remnants of laughter away.
For the first time in a long time, he feels warm all over.

Eventually, with ZZS leading the way, the two make their way up to his apartment with WY insisting on carrying all the bags even though ZZS could have very easily helped carry one or two.
While WY gets familiar with the kitchen, ZZS helps out by putting everything on the counter.

He pauses, staring at the ingredients he took out.

"Chicken soup...?"

"Yeah I thought...wait, do you not like chicken? Sorry, I don't know what came over me, I just assumed that—"
ZZS silences him by putting his hand on WY's shoulder.

"It's fine. I do like it, it's actually one of my favourites."

WY visibly relaxes and ZZS suddenly finds it hard to swallow around the lump in his throat.

"Oh, thank god. I'll make sure to ask for your opinion next time."
"'Next time'?" His smile feels watery even to him but WY doesn't notice, too busy trying to retract his words.

"No! I mean yes, but no, I mean—"

"I'm just teasing, I'm sure I'll like anything you make."

He gets a light tap on the head from a stalk of green onion.
"Don't say that when you haven't tried it yet. Go sit, I also bought some sunflower seeds that you can munch on while you wait since something tells me you're not going to be of much help in the kitchen... The chicken needs longer time to be cooked as well."
How does the universe manage to do this to him, teasing him with so many similarities but refusing to give him what's really his?

Not trusting his voice, he simply nods as he takes a seat at the dining table. He ignores the sunflower seeds entirely, preferring to watch WY work.
Time must have sped up unknowingly because before he knows it, he's presented with a whole feast. WY ladles a bowl of chicken soup and places it in front of him with a spoon before he can stop him.

It's far too late to say that he'd already eaten.
As he's scrambling to come up with an excuse to not eat, WY grabs the pair of chopstick in front of him (the only thing in front of him, he didn't even bother getting a plate for himself, ZZS notes with a pang) and starts placing food in ZZS's plate.
"Come, try these dishes, the quality of the wood ear mushroom is particularly good."

That smile, that mannerism, the way he spoke... In that split second, ZZS made his decision.

He smiles, grabbing his spoon.

"Let me try the soup first."
He dips his spoon into clear broth, hesitating for the briefest of seconds before bringing it to his mouth.

"So? How is it?"

"...It's really good."

His voice is thick with emotions. He tries to clear the lump lodged in his throat, feeling his eyes prickle with unshed tears.
"Does it need any thing? Salt or pepper, I'm pretty sure I bought—are you okay?!"

ZZS looks up from his bowl before touching his face, only just noticing that it's wet with tears. He tries to wipe them away, but it's a lost battle so he gives up.
WY quickly gets up, cupping ZZS's face between his hands and gently wiping the tears as they fall, occasionally using his sleeve to dab the wetness away.

"Shh, A-Xu, it's alright. I'm here."

ZZS jolts before staring at WY in shock.

"What did you just call me?"
"I—huh, what? Did I say something?"

WY's confusion mirrors ZZS's own. ZZS feels like he's going crazy.

"You just! A-Xu, I—" He's cut off by WY placing a cool hand on his forehead.

"Are you feeling alright? You're burning up, I'm taking you to bed."
Right as he says this, ZZS feels the world around him spin and before he knows it, WY's panicked face is the last thing he sees before darkness claims him.
When he eventually comes to, it's to sunlight streaming through his curtains.

He tries to sit up, and only then does he notice the person sleeping on the chair beside him. His hand twitches from where it's being held tightly by another.
Just as he's debating what to do, WY jolts awake, eyes zeroing in on him.

"Oh thank god you're awake."

Before ZZS can say anything, WY is already fussing over him, bringing their foreheads together to check his temperature.

ZZS closes his eyes until he feels WY retreat.
"Your temperature feels normal, I think the worst is over but are you—"

ZZS tugs on WY hand which effectively shuts him up.

"I'm feeling okay right now. What happened?"

WY stares at him.

"'What happened'? I should be asking YOU that, what was that last night?"
ZZS isn't sure how to answer either.

"Tell me the truth: are you actually allergic to chicken?"


WY rolls his eyes before looking at him with eyes full of accusation.

"You idiot, you passed out after having one sip of chicken broth, what else am I supposed to think?"
"But I'm not?"

"Then what the hell was that?"

ZZS's not sure how to answer either. WY sighs, breaking the silence, and carefully brushes ZZS's hair away from his face.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to yell. You gave me a serious scare last night, I thought I killed you or something."
ZZS snickers at the thought.

"Death by chicken soup?" He gets a light tap on the forehead for his efforts.

"Not funny" but WY's smiling. He pulls back eventually and ZZS finally lets go of his hand.

"Is there anything you'd like right now?"
ZZS shakes his head before realizing something.

"Wait, what time is it?"

"It's almost noon, why?"

ZZS almost smacks him.

"Noon? Don't you have a meeting with the PD at noon today??"

WY only shrugs. "It's fine, she can wait or I can always just cancel."
ZZS does smack him this time. He ignores the betrayed puppy look WY gives him.

"Leave now, you can still make it."

WY refuses to budge.

"Absolutely not, I'm not leaving you while you're like this."

ZZS doesn't roll his eyes but it's a near thing.
"Do you want me to get off this bed and do a few jumping jacks to prove my point? I'm FINE, now go before I really pass out from anger bc my junior refuses to listen to me and wants to ruin his entire reputation as an actor by snubbing the PD."
When WY still refuses to budge, ZZS sighs before lifting the covers, ready to get off the bed. Only then does WY move, pushing him back down with gentle but insistent hands and tucking him in with a warning glare.

"Don't you dare. You're on bed rest until further notice."
ZZS huffs but stays put.

"Fine, I'll go but only if you promise to let me know if anything happens. I'll pack the food from last night up so you can reheat it if you get hungry."

He didn't think it was that important so ZZS wasn't going to answer.
Or at least, that was his plan until he notices WY just standing there, staring at him expectantly.

"Alright alright, I promise. I'm really fine, I'll even see you at work tomorrow so just GO." Only then does WY leave, but not before throwing a few more worried glances his way.
It ended up taking ZZS throwing a pillow at him full force for him to get the message that yes, he really is fine.

ZZS stays in bed, listening to WY putter in the kitchen. Finally, he hears the front door open and close, and only then does he close his eyes.
Too many things happened in the span of far too little time, leaving ZZS with absolutely no energy to think too much about it.

The only thing he's sure of is that WY is WKX, whether he realizes it or not because he knows for sure he did not dream that "A-Xu" last night.
Meanwhile on WY's side, his own thoughts are racing as he thinks back on the previous night.

When ZZS woke up this morning and asked him what happened, WY truly had no idea. That being said, some things did happen, which he debated internally before deciding to not mention it.
After all, how was he supposed to tell ZZS that he stubbornly refused to let go of his hand no matter how many times WY tried to pull away, or the way he kept brokenly calling out "Lao Wen..." while burning a fever so high, WY really was worried for his life?
Despite the fact that the name being called clearly belonged to him, WY can't quite help but feel that it's also not him that ZZS was calling out to.

Feeling like there's something right at the edge of his consciousness, he tries to grab onto it.
Except that, when he does, a jolt of pain runs through his head, so sudden and so incredibly painful he can do nothing but clutch at it, feeling like his head is about to split in half.

Eventually, the pain recedes but it leaves him breathless.

'What the fuck was that...?'
The next day, as promised, ZZS arrives on set bright and early.

While his hair is being styled, he scrolls through his phone, sending out and replying to a few New Years greetings.

"Oh my god."

ZZS doesn't look up from his online shopping app as he responds.

"What is this incredible discovery? Has the great Zhou Zishu finally decided to join us mortals in the mortal realm?"

Thinking she meant the online shopping app he's currently on that he only recently downloaded, he deadpans, "I have no idea what you're talking about."
Feeling a tug on his scalp, he turns around, only to see her holding a strand of white hair between her fingers.

"Zishu, a white hair. I just found a white hair on this beautiful head of yours, the first in my 6 years of working with you."

He stares at it.

So it has started.
y'all are gonna hate me for this but 🙃 im gonna stop this right here for today's update. i gave up halfway and just started writing a mf fic, im so sorry.

thanks for sticking around and feel free to yell at me in the replies, ill try to respond to as many as i can before i go
okay and before the pitchforks come for me, I P R O M I S E this is gonna be a HE and it won’t be a half HE (I’m aiming for as happy/soft as it can be).

Actually, I /think/ the worst of the angst was all concentrated in today’s update so, congrats 🥳🎉 you survived!
(final update lets gooooooo!!! p.s. there's gonna be a small epilogue at the end as well!)

The stylist yelps in surprise. A hand had appeared out of nowhere to grab her wrist tightly.

“Zhou Zishu, you—!”

ZZS’s not sure why WY is looking at him the way he does.
“It’s just a white hair. I’m almost 30, isn’t that pretty normal?”

“And in your line of work, white hairs are pretty common since you’re always so stressed. Not having any like him is actually weirder,” the stylist adds as she rubs her tender wrist, glaring resentfully at WY.
WY feels his head throb, just like it did yesterday. He brings a hand to his temple, feeling like his head is about to split open—

‘The one left behind will be the most painful.’

—he stumbles, barely catching himself in time on the chair.
ZZS stands up at that, putting his hands on WY’s arms to steady him.

“Lao Wen, are you okay?”

With an unexpected burst of strength, WY frees himself from ZZS and rushes out of the room.
ZZS quickly excuses himself, telling the stylist to tell the PD that something came up and they might be a bit late before chasing after him.


“Lao Wen!”

In a burst of speed, ZZS catches up to him and grabs his wrist.

“Why are you so angry?”
“I’m not.”

ZZS looks at him without saying a word.

“...I don’t know, something feels wrong and I can’t help but feel like it’s because of me. It’s driving me crazy that I can’t put my finger on it. Also I’ve been having migraines at random moments, which I never used to have.”

“Yeah.” WY looks at ZZS and sees the concern on his face. Instantly, he feels terrible. “I’m really sorry for yelling… I know you’re just worried about me, I’ve not been myself lately.”

ZZS lets go of his wrist, sliding his hand up to let it rest on WY’s shoulder.
“It’s alright, you don’t have to worry. I understand.”

“No, it’s really not. Is there anything I can do to make up for it?”

ZZS is about to refuse again but seeing WY’s puppy eyes, he hesitates.

“Fine then, I’ll forgive you on this one condition.”

WY looks at him expectantly.
“Cook for me.”

Feeling inexplicably complicated, WY tries to get ZZS to change his request. “Is there nothing else I can do?”

ZZS raises an eyebrow, “You’re the one who asked, now you’re already going back on your word?” Before WY can answer, ZZS looks at his watch.
“Shit, we should really go, unless you're not feeling well. I can always—” He's cut short when WY grabs his hand.

“I’m really fine, let’s go.”

He squeezes ZZS’s hand tightly before letting go, already making his way back.
After a few seconds, ZZS follows, feeling the residual warmth from his hand make its way to his heart.


They return on set, looking like they arrived right in the middle of a break. The PD sees the two of them and walks over, an unknown face in tow.

“Everything’s okay now?”
“Yes. I’m sorry for the delay.”

The PD dismisses the apology with a wave of her hand. “No worries, as long as you’re good to go now.”

The two of them nod simultaneously.
“Perfect. By the way, this is the guest star who’ll be with us for the last few episodes. He’ll be filming mainly with Wen Yan, although I hear he’s been a long time fan of yours Zishu. I’ll leave you youngsters to get familiar with each other while I prepare for the next scene.”
She hands the script in her hand to WY and leaves.

As soon as she’s gone, it’s like a dam being opened as the newcomer starts fawning over ZZS.

“Oh my god, hello Zhou-laoshi I am Mu Yaoran! I’ve been a huge fan of yours ever since your appearance in 'The Wolf Teeth’s List', I—”
“Actually, Zishu, about that dinner date, I’m free this Friday evening if you're okay. I’ll take care of everything.”

They miss Mu Yaoran repeating ‘Zishu?’ in surprise. ZZS, too busy staring at WY and WY, too busy glaring daggers.

He turns to Mu Yaoran, eyes flashing.
“Also, the PD said you’ll be filming most of your scenes with me right? Then we should hurry up and go.”

ZZS nudges him with his elbow, giving him a warning glare.

WY nudges right back without looking at him.
Mu Yaoran looks between them before nodding, as if suddenly understanding something. He smiles.

“Of course! Then I’ll go ahead first, see you soon!” And he’s gone.

ZZS turns to look at WY, who’s still glaring daggers at the newcomer's retreating back. “What the hell was that?”
Instead of looking sorry or flustered as ZZS expects, WY holds his gaze, surprisingly steady and unflinching.

“He was being improper, I simply wanted to remind him why he’s here.”


“The PD’s waiting right?” WY expertly cuts him off.
“We should go, don’t want to keep her waiting for too long.” He pulls ZZS along and ZZS can do nothing but follow behind obediently, still confused about what just happened.

He has an idea but it seems too good to be true so he doesn't dwell on it.
In the ensuing flurry of wrapping up filming and participating in various interviews and shoots, Friday arrives sooner than expected.

ZZS barely has enough time to get ready before WY’s expected arrival, opting to take a quick shower and changing into some comfortable clothes.
As he’s trying to decide what to do with his hair—the length is slowly getting out of hand—he notices a flash of white. Not looking away from his reflection, he carefully plucks the strand of hair. After a careful search, he finds six more.

Things were speeding up unexpectedly.
Giving up, he ends up pulling his hair up in a messy half ponytail.

It’s not long before he hears a careful knock. He opens the door, greeted with the sight of WY holding far too many bags for a simple dinner date.
Noticing ZZS eyeing his bags, WY looks a bit sheepish. “I may have gone overboard. But don’t worry, most of it are fruits.”

WY quickly takes charge of the kitchen but not before ushering ZZS into the living room bc “there’s not much you can do to help anyways so just go rest”.
ZZS happily complies.

Somewhere along the rhythmic sound of chopping, he ends up falling asleep. He must have been more tired than he realized.

It’s only when WY shakes him that he finally stirs from sleep.
Sitting up, he’s about to yawn when he feels gentle hands brushing hair away from his forehead. He stops mid-yawn, staring at WY who only smiles before telling him that the food’s ready.

Well, that certainly woke him right up.
He goes to the table and sees two bowls of cold, chewy noodles sitting in a bowl of clear, frozen broth, perfect for the summer, topped with various thinly sliced vegetables. There's a frozen smoothie next to each bowl as well and—


He grabs a seat, accepting the proffered chopsticks in a daze. The only thing that looks normal is the salad mixed with sesame sauce. He takes a bite and—frozen ice plant?

It’s unexpectedly delicious, the stalks are extra crisp and refreshing from the freeze but...
“What’s for dessert?” he asks offhandedly. WY looks up from his bowl, thinking.

“I froze some fruits to have for later. There’s also ice cream—”

ZZS cuts him off. “Is there some kind of theme for today’s food because...”

“Oh no, I just felt like the weather called for it.”
ZZS looks at his window where heavy rain clouds were already gathered due to the recently announced cold front. WY follows his gaze.

WY ends up looking away first, clearing his throat awkwardly as he digs into his food.

“Don’t ask. It just felt like something I should do.”
ZZS doesn't ask, silently digging into his food.

It's delicious.

(The lump in his throat grows.)

Eventually, the two finish their meal and ZZS insists on doing the dishes despite WY's protests. Just as he's about to start, his hair tie snaps, making his hair get into his face.
He huffs, looking at his already soapy hands, before making a split-second decision.

"Lao Wen, could you grab me a hair tie from my room? They should be in one of the boxes, in the drawers."

WY raises an eyebrow as he smiles, arms crossed in front of his chest.
"Or... I could just hold your hair with my hands...?" he suggests as he uncrosses his arms, looking like he's about to do exactly that.

Reacting on instincts alone, ZZS raises a soapy hand threateningly. WY brings his hands up in surrender, laughing.

"Okay okay, I'll go."
As WY digs around ZZS's drawers, mindful to not look too closely at his things out of respect for his privacy, he finds a wooden box kept in one of the upper drawers.

ZZS had said a box right?
Instead of hair ties, he finds a single white jade hairpin.

Intrigued, he carefully picks it up.


Suddenly feeling his head throb, he lets go of the box as a torrent of memories rush in.

'It's so fortunate that your feelings are the same as mine.'
'Aren't you very capable? Get up yourself.'

'I found it!'

'The one left behind is always the most painful.'

'A-Xu... A-Xu, A-Xu, A-Xu—'


Hearing a loud crash from his room, ZZS quickly rushes over, just in time to catch WY swaying unsteadily as he tilts backwards.
ZZS catches him, bringing the two to the floor.

"Lao Wen? Wen Yan! Wen Yan, what's wrong??"

Instead of answering, WY desperately clutches ZZS's shirt as sobs wrack his entire body. ZZS hugs him tighter.

Eventually, the grip on his shirt loosens and ZZS pulls back slightly.
WY looks at him before bringing his free hand up to touch ZZS's face.

"A-Xu... I'm so sorry..." he barely manages to force out before passing out, hand falling down.

ZZS stills in shock, only just noticing the hairpin in WY's hand.

Or rather, should he say... Wen Kexing.
When Wen Kexing comes to, he's lying on Zhou Zishu's bed, room dark save for the soft glow of the bedside lamp.

He almost panics but the feeling only lasts the briefest of moment because he can feel his hand being grasped tightly by another.
And, as he drinks in Zhou Zishu's face, there's only one person who'd always been there to catch him when he fell.

"How are you feeling?"

He takes a moment before answering. "Like a whole lifetime of memories just slammed into me," he laughs but it's without a hint of humor.
Wen Kexing manages to sit up with a bit of help. He smiles tiredly at A-Xu, who's still looking at him with a worried frown.

"Let me go fetch some water, I'll be right back."

Just as Zhou Zishu is about to let go of his hand, Wen Kexing pulls him back with surprising strength.
Zhou Zishu ends up falling on top of him and just as he's about to push himself off—

"Stay. Please."

—and he does.

For who knows how long, the two of them simply soak up each other's presence and warmth.

Wholly. Completely.
Zhou Zishu slowly pulls back and this time, Wen Kexing doesn't stop him. They look at each other.

Despite having no issues meeting Wen Yan's gaze, Zhou Zishu finds himself having a hard time holding Lao Wen's—his Lao Wen, his Wen Kexing, his his his—so he averts his eyes.
Unfortunately, it seemed like Wen Kexing had other ideas because he stops him from looking away by holding his face between his hands.

Wen Kexing searches his face, almost as if looking for some kind of answer.

"A-Xu... just what did you do...?"
Zhou Zishu knew instinctively what Wen Kexing was talking about, especially given how it looked like it physically pained him to ask.

Looks like while he did regain his memories as Wen Kexing, he still remembers his life as Wen Yan.
He also knows that Lao Wen isn't actually asking him what he did but rather...

Zhou Zishu smiles as he relaxes into Wen Kexing's touch. He meets his gaze head on.

"Because living the rest of this life with you... doesn't sound so bad after all."

Before he can protest further, Zhou Zishu closes the distance between them by pressing their lips together softly, eyes fluttering shut.

He pulls back—

"Save it."

—before smiling at Wen Kexing's dazed expression.
He presses their foreheads together, the gesture bringing him both comfort and courage as he starts speaking, keeping his eyes closed the entire time.

"When you made me that broth, I knew. It didn't matter if you'd ever remember our past together, because I knew you were there."
"And if living forever meant having to lose you all over again then I—" he cuts himself off, eyebrows furrowing as he refuses to finish. He doesn't have to because Wen Kexing understands better than anyone.

Zhou Zishu pulls back to look at him.
"Wen Kexing, let's make this one thing very clear: I didn’t do this for anyone. No one can force me to do anything I don't want to, you of all people should know that. The things I want... not even god can take them away from me.”
Wen Kexing stares at him in wonder.

“What did I do to deserve you?”

Zhou Zishu flicks his forehead.

“It’s not about deserve. It’s about treasuring what you have.”
This time, it's Wen Kexing who closes the distance as he kisses Zhou Zishu deeply.

Still, there seems to be some hesitation in the way Wen Kexing moves. It doesn't take Zhou Zishu long to find out.

"Why did you wait for so long?" he finally asks when they both break for air.
Zhou Zishu takes a moment to study Wen Kexing's face. He can't help but notice how Wen Kexing looks at him like he's holding the most precious thing in the world and Zhou Zishu feels his heart swell with love.

Just for the chance to see him again, he thinks, it was all worth it.
Instead, he answers. “I don’t know when you’d come, how you’d come... But I knew, you'd definitely come.”

A sharp intake.

“‘The world is not important. What’s important is you.’” WKX continues, voice just slightly above a whisper.

Zhou Zishu closes his eyes as he nods.
This time, they meet each other halfway.

Somehow, Zhou Zishu ends up straddling Wen Kexing's lap.

Wen Kexing tugs on his shirt insistently and Zhou Zishu raises his arms to help him remove it. However, instead of taking it off, Wen Kexing keeps it wrapped around his wrists.
Just as Zhou Zishu is about to ask him what he's doing, Wen Kexing flips them around and Zhou Zishu ends up below, arms raised above his head where Wen Kexing keeps them pinned with one hand.

The hold is loose enough that Zhou Zishu can easily shake him off... but he doesn't.
“Let me take care of you." In the soft light, Wen Kexing looks even more striking, eyes burning in a way that Zhou Zishu knows mirrors his own. "From now on, for as long as we have, let me take care of you.”

And for the first time in two lifetimes, they come together.

Their first year together, Zhou Zishu wins best actor—his first main category award.

The second year, Zhou Zishu brings Wen Kexing to the place where he buried his parents. That night, he holds Wen Kexing throughout the night as tears silently stream down his face.
The third year, WKX proposes, something that is long overdue in his opinion.

(They also end up going public inadvertently as people took notice of the matching rings on their fingers—rumours had been circulating but nothing had ever been confirmed.

Until now.)
The fourth year, they both pour their all into work as they end up as costars for another drama.

The fifth year, they once again get nominated but this time, it's together.


The two are getting ready for the big night, with Wen Kexing in charge of combing Zhou Zishu's hair.
Zhou Zishu keeps his eyes closed, as usual, enjoying the careful brushing when suddenly—

"Wait. A-Xu."


"When was the last time you saw a white hair?"
"Uhhh, just yesterday, I saw an old man..."

"No, you idiot! I meant on you!"

Zhou Zishu's eyes shoot open as his eyes meet with Wen Kexing's in the mirror. For the next few minutes, it's just both of franticly looking for white hairs on his head only to find—

How is that possible?

They look at each other before Zhou Zishu is rushing to his storage room.

"A-Xu, what are you looking for?"

"This!" He pulls out a familiar red covered script with gold lettering, already flipping it open.

"'The Combined Six Cultivation Methods'?"
Zhou Zishu skims over the words until—there!

How could he have forgotten, especially when reading that specific passage had shocked him so much that his eyes had widened on their own.
He hands the script over as he laughs.

Dual Cultivation.

To think that was the method. While eating secular food does cause the body to wither, the process can be reversed as long as there is sufficient qi being channelled into him...and nothing does that like Dual Cultivating.
He knows the exact moment Lao Wen reads the passage because all of a suddenly, he's enveloped and crushed against a solid chest.

"Thank god..."

The relief in both of them is palpable. Wen Kexing pulls away to look at Zhou Zishu before suddenly whisking him up in a bridal carry.
“What are you doing?!”

“Making sure that my husband stays alive by supplying him with as much internal energy as he needs.”

Zhou Zishu smacks his chest. Unbelievable. Wen Kexing's going to be even worse now that he has an actually legitimate excuse to fall on.
“We still have that award show to get ready for,” Zhou Zishu reminds him but he already stopped struggling. Wen Kexing carefully lowers him onto the bed before throwing a cursory glance at the clock.

“We’ve got time.”

He looks at Zhou Zishu before smiling softly.
“All the time in the world, apparently.”

Zhou Zishu smiles back as he wraps his arms around Wen Kexing's neck to bring him down with him.

“Forever and always.”


So you’re probably wondering, why did it take Wen Kexing so many years to come back? Well...

It's not that Old Lady Meng didn't try to get him to go earlier. His soul had arrived at the Naihe Bridge and stubbornly refused every single bowl of soup offered to him.
"Why are you so stubborn?"

"What can't you let go of?"

"Why are you still here?"

All her questions go unanswered as the stubborn soul refuses to budge from his spot. Eventually...

"You know, that person you’re waiting for? They might never come."
For the first since coming down here, he speaks.

“He will.”

Stubborn fool. He’ll get tired of waiting eventually.

Seeing how he's still refusing the bowl of soup, Old Lady Meng decides to leave him be, too busy dealing with other souls.

She eventually forgets about him.
Or she thinks she does because after a very while—probably a very long while, given the numbers of souls she's let pass—she's suddenly reminded of him.

She looks around, expecting (hoping) to see him long gone but to her surprise, he’s still there, exactly where she left him.
Such devotion.

“Are you still waiting?”

He nods.

She sighs, settling down next to him, and offers him a bowl once again. As usual, he refuses but this time, she doesn’t take the soup away.

“What if he’s waiting for you?”

The effect is near instantaneous.

He stares at her.
She sighs. She shouldn’t be doing this but she remembers taking a look at his life when he first came down.

Zhou Zishu.

“Go on, he’s waiting for you.”

She should't be making such promises, ever, but with him, she wants to believe.
Seeing the speed with which he downs the bowl before crossing the bridge, she's glad she only gave him water.

Still, she decides to cast a charm to protect his soul, just in case. That's when she notices it.
His soul is incomplete. In fact, it's missing the most important part, his heart.

“The fool, he must have left it with someone for safeguarding. I hope he finds it soon..."

Only then will he be able to remember who he is.

She sighs. Idiot in love.

She wishes him the best.

Okay and that's a wrap, holy fuck. Thanks to everyone who stuck through, I am likely never going to do this ever again because boy did that take half my life out of me 🥲

Hope you guys enjoyed it and plz don't hate me or WKX too much for what we did to A-Xu 😭😭😭

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19 May
This idea just popped into my head but thinking about courtesan!WKX who is used to all sorts of influential men requesting for his “services”.

He thinks he’s seen it all until he’s booked one night by the Head of Tian Chuang, who only wants him for information about a case. ImageImageImageImage
“You know, my services do not come cheap.”

“Naturally. Your time will be appropriately compensated.”

“...what I mean to say is, you’ve already booked me for the night, you might as well take full advantage of it. Now, what can I do for you?”

“Then, perhaps music.”

So, for the first night in as long as he can remember, WKX does not spend it entangled in bed. Rather, he spends part of it playing a few flute pieces, while his curious little patron remains seated at the small table, liquor untouched.

“That was lovely Wen-gongzi. Thank you.”
Read 4 tweets
17 May
AU where twins Wen Yan and Wen Kexing were forcefully separated at a young age: WY grew up with ZZS in the 4 Seasons Manor while WKX ended up in the Ghost Valley, but they never stopped searching for one another.

They eventually meet again when WKX crashes a Heroes Conference.
He'd heard that the person responsible for both the death of his parents and his separation with his little brother would be present at the Heroes Conference so he decides to arrange a little surprise visit as the Ghost Valley's new master, under the guise of improving relations.
So imagine his surprise when, instead of finding the perpetrator, he finds his twin instead.

Not only that, but the beautiful man who is apparently the head disciple of the Four Seasons Manor also ends up catching his eye.
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3 Apr
Thread to compile the translations of the #WordOfHonor paid interview of #ZhangZhehan and #Gongjun

(just to put them all under one place and make it easier to navigate hhhh)
Read 5 tweets
3 Apr
#WordOfHonor Paid Interview Translation Part 3

These two can understand each other very well. At the same time, their ideology is very similar, they all yearn for freedom but, they also shoulder a lot of burden. And that’s how they walked towards each other.
#GongJun: But I can understand that he (Zhou Zishu) would rather... rather let himself live for less long and to keep his martial arts, can’t let them be abolished. He has his reasons.
But when I ask that question, firstly it’s because I truly don’t want, this early on, for his life to end in just these years. I want to keep this soulmate. Secondly, it’s also... also out of selfishness?
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3 Apr
#WordOfHonor Paid Interview Translation Part 2

Actually, when you first come into contact with Wen Kexing he’s quite... outwardly. You get the feeling that he’s a cynical young master. Really, he’s capable of saying anything and everything is said by him.
For revenge, he can suppress his emotions. He lives too tiredly, I feel quite bad for him. His entire life is dedicated to his parents, until Zhou Zishu’s appearance, that’s when he started having happy times.
Towards Jianghu people, the feeling he gives off is probably an elegant Young Master, none confrontational, very kind, very generous, very easygoing.
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3 Apr
#WordOfHonor Paid Interview Translation Part 1

This character is probably one of the most varied roles I’ve acted, including the different periods’ attitude and role. A role that tends to have more turning points.
In terms of overall attitudes, we could probably talk about his Tian Chuang era, leaving Tian Chuang, then meeting Wen Kexing and revealing his true appearance. But within these, there are many smaller complicated changes of the heart.
At the time, when all the people that left the Four Season’s with him to create Tian Chuang died and there’s just him left—with only one last person alive, he’d rather nail himself because he needs to leave this place.
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