I have some really top-tier content planned for the future, but today it'll be a thread about more interesting tidbits gleaned from two mediocre books. there's still value, even if most mafia books are like reading adult coloring books.
I wonder how many organized crime books are written by the criminals' kids. I've read at least three recently; it seems like they're usually the weaker ones too, lol. in this case, this guy's grandfather died in the gang warfare of Chicago's Prohibition era
so, the Mafia Summit book talks about Carlo Tresca, who was a really interesting figure in the IWW. I didn't know he dated Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, for instance
I read this book recently, and although it was not great, I had a couple notes to share about the early days of computers
the most interesting parts of the book (to me, anyway) wasn't the ENIAC machine per se, but the Hollerith tabulating machine, which essentially became IBM. IBM's first real contract was the US census, right?
which we all know from reading 2nd Samuel ch. 24 that numbering the people is actually a sin, right?
let's talk hypothetically. what if there was a secret religion that practiced pedophilia and human sacrifices, but like, in a systematic way? would this explain why high-level rings keep coming up? what if I told you that this exists?
in the past, I've tried to look into "actually existing pedophile and/or murder cults", but today I'm gonna try to reverse-engineer the formula and look at the theory, such as it is, for this secret religion. lfg.
as always, I gotta front-load my disclaimers. I'm not an expert on this stuff, but I've tried to read as much as I could about this strain of ritual magick.
I'm not that interested in defending magick, but I ought to say that the majority of people doing magick aren't sus in...
"In common with most forms of magical procedure, rapport with Lam requires stern self-discipline and dedication to a higher purpose..."
"Referring back to The Lam Statement we find that "adumbrations of identity with Lam may be experienced as a strong sense of the unreality or unfamiliarity of the "objective" universe..."
"There is a definite parallel here with the curious sense of dissociation experienced by very many witnesses. In recent years there has been an increasing acceptance that this sort of thing is not pure delusion. Jenny Randles for instance, refers to it as the "Oz Effect"."
Tatos Saghatel Kardashian, Kim Kardashian's great grandfather, sponsored Avak Hagopian, Clem Davies, and William Branham, and their faith healings would form the Full Gospel Businessmen's Association International
Avak Hagopian was an Iranian "faith healer" who scammed $225,000 off some rich millionaire back in 1947
"Though Avak could not cure [the millionaire's] son, the Kardashian family began sponsoring Avak Hagopian's "faith healing" tours through the United States and Canada.
today, I'm gonna talk about David Berkowitz, the .44 Caliber killings, and the satanic Son of Sam cult behind them. that's right, Satanic Panic is a psyop, because there have been multiple Satanic killer cults in the US, and we're gonna look at one today
the .44 Caliber killings all took place in the summer of 1976. apparently random shootings of New Yorkers terrorized the city. the perp left letters taunting the cops, leading to a citywide panic and manhunt, until they arrested David Berkowitz
Berkowitz confessed to sole participation in all 8 shootings (killing 6) and claimed to have been obeying the orders of a demon dog belonging to his neighbor "Sam."
the problem is, he didn't match most of the composite drawings made by witnesses