Around 1931 there was a big drought in Mysore and Madras province. The penance of Sri Chandrasekara Bharati and the koti gAyatri japa along with various prayers in temples including atirudrAs resulted in rains and the end of drought. Recognising the AcAryas tapa as the prime 1/n
many persons thronged to Sringeri to seek the Acharya's blessings. One of them was Sri Satyamurthy. The Acharya had him seated and appreciated him for his contribution to the freedom struggle
SS: by involving in the Congress I am not able to do my swakarma properly
SCB पश्चातापेन
शुद्ध्यति if you regret at not being able to do it then that itself becomes a parihAra for the doSas.
SS Like Mysore there was no rain in Madras. Only from last week there has been rains and from this we may get prosperity
SCB since all of you have done your swakarma to the 4/
extent possible why would it not rain? If everyone makes an effort together what is not possible
SS but we have not done any karma for it to rain?
SCB do you not say this mantra इमं मे वरुणा श्रुधिहवमद्या च मृडय everyday?
SS we do. But what has that got to do with rain? 5/n
SCB in that mantra don't we ask varuNa to accept our prayers and give us happiness?
SS: only now I am able to comprehend the meaning. We keep doing our karmas mostly without knowing their meaning
SCB it is good to do it with the meaning but अनिच्छयापि संस्पृष्टो भवत्येव हि पावकः
Even if u do not know the meanings these mantras will not be in vain. They will give their benefits
SS (abridged) is our humble sandhyavandana powerful enough to rectify doSas such as anaavrusti and durbiksham...this drought has been rectified by only the tapas of rSyasringa
maharshi who is here in your form. Of this there is no doubt
SCB: without your karmaphala my prayers alone will not yield results. All your efforts mingle with my prayers to yield fruit that's all. Therefore when all of u do your swakarma my prayers also fructify
• • •
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For some years Sri Chandrasekara Bharathi would become antharmukha for periods of time. During this he would be in a self absorbed state not responding the external environment. Sometimes he would say odd words or Slokas which his attendants would note and keep. One day the 1/n
the acharya called the head of a vedapAtaSala and instructed that they vidyArthis should do sahasra gAyatri from that day till he tells them to complete and that this should be done in front of SharadAmbal herself. He added that this will need not only benefits to the atma but
also to the world. He instructed that a total count of the gAyatri be made. After this the Acharya became antarmukha. Some days letter some officials from mysore came to see him unannounced. The administrator was hesitant to let them see the Acarya while he was in this state
Conversation between Sri Srikanta SAstri (SSS) and Sri narasimha SAstri (SNS) (purvASrama of Sri chandrasekara bhArati)
SSS: Narasimha our gurunath a has expressed his desire to give you sanyAsa and the adikaara of the preetha
SNS: I agree with the first but not with the second
SSS You are only willing to accept sanyAsa? When sannidhanam has nominated you as the peetAdipathi can you refuse
SNS: sannidhanam has hinted to me in the past only about taking sanyAsa
SSS : would he have asked to give only sanyAsa for a uttama siSya like you? When sanyAsa was
mentioned the peetaadikara was also implied.
SNS I don't have the desire to accept peetaadikara or the talent to administer
SSS if u don't have the capability would the gurus orders be such
SNS प्रविचारय तत्वात्मनः सुचिरम् is the order I have received from the Guru in the past
The scramble to get FCRA "unfroze" is interesting. 1. What is obvious is that projecting India as poor and destitute was profitable business for folks both in and out of this country 2. This was also a conduit that was used to achieve other social and religious objectives
of the donors and donees 3. Cant find instances where the society has suffered or support systems have collapsed (pls show me examples to the contrary) because of the "freeze".. so one must question what is the role of these organisations and especially the need for funding from
overseas 4. Other than oxygen and related stuff and raw materials the GOI has not asked for any other supplies and none of these as handouts or charity. So clearly we have no need for external funding do we? 5. In this scenario allowing grants and largesse directed at a local
Most health care workers don't see themselves as special or heroes. They are everyday folks with families who do a job. This is how they put food on the table. Altruism and empathy are prerequisites for the job. Its a job that saves life. But it's a job nevertheless 1/n
Many are self effacing and bothered when words like gods are thrown. Because they are doing a job. They are equally distressed when expectations run high and the pedestal quickly makes way to a pit. To put this bereft of emotions 2/n
It's a job that they are trained to do and they live by doing it. They enter it knowing the demands the hours the impact on family life. And many would like society to treat them just as that ones doing a job..Don't treat them as gods or fallen angels. Give them the space and 3/n
My take from the Kashi epsiode... If u want the core of the SD - the Vedas and vedangas to be taught in a traditional format don't trust universities anymore. Take them back to traditional gurukulas. Network them with tech so that students in mattur for instance get to hear 1/2
To hear a teacher from kanchi.. create or strengthen existing examination systems for them popularise them. Get recognition for them from traditional mathas.. there is no skin in the game for the govt or universities to do this.. no support will come from 2/3
Don't expect support from so called RW mags or writers.. it is to the convenience of many that a diluted non vedic homogenised Hinduism exists. If the Vedas and its ancillaries have to be supported ànd rejevenated the work has to be done by those who believe it's preservation 3/4
The one takeway from the Indonesia abhisekham...repeal the ASI rules that prevent rejuvenation of murthys in temples. Restart worship... Tourists welcome but first & foremost temples are places of worship of Hindus.
If worship has been interrupted due to invasion mutilation of murthies etc the right to rejuvenate the temple and restart worship must rest with the Hindus. This is consistent with the establishment of the deity as a person.
A devata who is invoked in a temple does stay for a long time in the premises even in the absence of jeevanodharana - in the Murthy then the gopura kalasa and finally flag staff.. while waiting for rejuvenation three things we can do in any temple that has no worship