@ConnexionFrance hello. Your article linked below directly contradicts the Ministere de l'Interieur's website which says "Le titulaire d'un visa de circulation Schengen, valable 1 an minimum pour plusieurs entrées, est dispensé d'attestation d'accueil." 2/
In your article you say that ONLY those with Schengen visa have to show an Attestation d'accueil. It is incorrect. connexionfrance.com/French-news/At…
I cannot understand why people express surprise that UKG will agree a FTA which will damage the farmers & create a damaging precedent for FTAs with Brazil etc. This was completely predicted and wanted by Brexiters like Patrick Minford.
He advocated 0 tarrifs/quotas with the rest of the world; acknowledged it would destroy farming & manufacturing which would have to be progressively "phased out like coal & steel". Land will be bought cheaply by Tory farmers like Dyson who will live off government subsidies
& genome edited plants (controlling this key technology) while the population will be fed on food from developing countries (with a small profitable organic farming for the wealthy & healthy). Manufacturing will be destroyed by competition with India and so on. All the wealth in
A LIRE: Un article très important sur le discours qui consiste à nous laisser croire que la France est à feu et à sang 🧵
Le discours sécuritaire : un piège pour la démocratie – lesechos.fr/idees-debats/e… via @LesEchos
Depuis cinquante ans, le taux d'homicide diminue de manière constante. En 1988, il s'établissait encore à 2,79 pour 100.000 habitants ; en 2019, il n'est plus que de 1,36.
Le nombre d'homicides en France est stable : 845 en 2018, 880 en 2019, 863 en 2020. L'année dernière, confinement aidant, les vols &cambriolages ont régressé de 20 %, tandis que les violences intrafamiliales ont progressé de 9 %. Le contexte explique les variations,
USEFUL: List of documents to be presented since 1st May to enter France (or another Schengen country).
Before complaining remember: the EU offered an EU wide mobility clause to do away with this paperwork. The UK rejected it as "too similar to FoM" & france-visas.gouv.fr/en_US/web/fran…
(shock horror) "reciprocal" (Reader: it was nothing like FoM but it is true that it would have deprived our @UKBorder from the joy of throwing young Europeans au-pairs into detention.)
Anyway we are where we are & apart from the dreaded attestation d'accueil - which perversely has to be produced because we can travel visa-free (it would have been simpler to apply for a Schengen visa every year imo) - not insurmountable.
Very interesting article which gives hope next to vaccines. Well worth reading.
I couldn't resist a tiny bit of Brexiters' provocation below but the article is much better than this. politico.eu/article/corona…
In Europe, countries that have embraced these therapies — such as Hungary, Germany, France, Czech Republic, Italy and Sweden — have done "a really good job" with rolling out these treatments and overcoming access hurdles, often "infusing hundreds of patients a day," she said.
However, for the majority of European countries, including the U.K., these drugs still aren't available.
The UK is trying to torpedo Biden's minimum corporate tax together with 🇮🇪 by putting the digital tax back on the table.
It will lead to endless discussions & no agreement They are banking on the Republicans winning the mid-term elections ( wrapping in in a "noble cause").
They are banking on the Republicans winning the mid-term elections. Biden's proposal isn't perfect but it is a big step forward.
UK withholds backing for Joe Biden’s minimum global business tax - on.ft.com/3w89hcF via @FT