Ok so the last year+ has been most strange
The TV tells us there's a pandemic when I see zero evidence around me
Ppl wearing masks bc they're afraid and they really believe the mask is protecting them
And they're so scared they're letting ppl inject them with potentially lethal chemicals and god knows what
Ppl are getting sick and dying from the jab
Blood clots
Heart attacks
Horrible skin issues
Scary neurological symptoms
YouTube channel
Cosmic agency
Several months ago
Said vaccines would go forward
Lots of people will die
I didn't believe it
I got upset
I refused to listen
But now it's actually happening
What will happen if millions of people start dying?
Life as it is will stop
There will not be enough people to keep everything going
Son 30 in NJ
He's tired of not being free
Wants the jab
I don't blame him
But he won't listen to me
Last night I dreamed he died
Husband was with me so husband was still alive
I don't put much stock in dreams @AbrahamHicks says
Dreams are an indication of coming manifestations of reality
Ee create our reality
The future is not here yet
And can be changed
Good meditation this morning
Meditation is my saving grace
A strange peace came over me
Whatever is going to happen is going to happen
Getting upset or angry wont stop it
We are fully stocked and I'm working on growing food
We have a lake for water
We have firewood propane etc
Haven't seen dear son in over a year bc of this scamdemic
I think I have accepted that the worst is possible
I'll keep meditating
Hoping for the best
Good will come out of this
What if the only people to survive this are antivaxxers
We will rebuild
We will form a new way of living based on local community survival strategies
Growing and preserving food will be a necessity
May god have mercy on us all
May this horror stop
May we all find
In meditation this morning
I was thinking
All this bullshit is not in my meditation
My meditation is not a part of all this bullshit
It's a daily story
There are two realities
Nature gardening housework music knitting cooking baking
Twitter cabal covid vaccine masks ww3 etc
I know that I know that I know that
God is everywhere
In you
In me
The true nature of reality is
I know this deeply in meditation
Everything else is an illusory overlay
Stories plots evils wars anger fear scamdemics vaccines cabal etc
I grew up in fear and anger
My mother had a lot of fear and anger
My 66 years has been a journey of overcoming fear and anger
Not there yet lol
I can start out the day in deep peace and joy
Go to Twitter
Get triggered angry and fearful
Am still recovering from a long illness
Meditation has been my saving grace
When I was almost bedridden for about 2 or 3 years
I would be in a meditative state much of the time
Lately been getting up around 4am to meditate and make husband's breakfast 5 30
They say the veils are thinnest about 3am to 4am or so
Monks arise to meditate around 4am and I think this is why
Let me tell you there
IS something special about this time of day that...
...enhances meditation and makes it easier
Usually wake up in bliss
From the bliss of that brain state that's in between sleep and awake
Then the thoughts start
Most of us are trained into chronic involuntary repetitive negative thoughts from an early age
We get yelled at by...
Well it was bound to happen
Got called out on my new Twitter name
If I wanted to name myself
Most High God
And shoot flaming darts out my butt
And cuss up a storm
That would still be my prerogative
In the realm of supposed free speech
It turns out
We are all hypocrites
At one time or another
Bc no one is perfect
We all have dark and light
Until we become masters of ourselves
Which we are all in training for
We cannot help being misaligned in our intentions and actions
From time to time
We all make mistakes
And really it is all a matter of perception
One who sees me as
The enemy
Will see evil in even the most best intentioned thing I say
Last night
I dreamed of Jerry Seinfeld
He was a heroic figure
A cross between Superman
One of his supposed heroes
And an archangel
I realized why