Even though [[Niklas Luhmann]] creatively mitigated the limitations of a physical slip box, the hinderance from juggling such things in this analog form, is comparably weak to the efficiency of an implementation in the digital realm
1️⃣ The main difficulty with a physical slip box is the actual index cards, while even using the thinnest cards possible, the juggling of such materials is obsolete within the digital realm
2️⃣ [[Niklas Luhmann]] creatively cut the paper to it's smallest physical limitations and utilized the thinnest index cards that he could, but even with these solutions the weakness was apparent when he would have to juggle such things, which has huge detriment to workflow
3️⃣ The fact that he had to actually open and close, move and rearrange these things, takes away from the most important work—actually working with his thoughts
4️⃣ Creatively solving the problems of the actual physical slip box gave [[Niklas Luhmann]] incredible efficiency, but even with these solutions the hinderance that juggling such things has, made the workflow less than ideal
5️⃣ The limitations of a fixed system of order needed a new way of looking at how ideas and thoughts would connect, and by seeing the possibility of off-loading that responsibility to computers, [[Niklas Luhmann]] was able to implement something revolutionary
6️⃣ And this is why the convergence of [[Zettelkasten]] and @RoamResearch is so mind blowing.
7️⃣ The power of an index to provide entry-points into the [[Zettelkasten]] were necessary in order to see beyond the card at hand, but the unimaginable technological advancements in computers have presented a even more granular solution to seeing beyond the bend
8️⃣ The sequence in which new notes are added, builds on top of the previous note, which allows for the powerful inside-out formation of knowledge
9️⃣ The power of this is when you are able to jump from these ideas into totally different branches of threaded thought
🔟 Because the overarching system is no longer predicated on a folder or a constraint, it creates a vitally different approach, which produces vitally different results
When I first started learning about this strange German word for slip box, I had no idea that it would bring me to where I am today.
And as I have scoured every resource I could about this simple, lightweight, note-taking system, I realized that I was fortunate enough to not have brought with me much baggage of old ways of working.
If you're literally beaten to death to always have the right fucking answers, it only makes sense that venturing off into the darkness might be a bit scary.
Unless, you're from the dark. Unless, you're familiar with all that is dark.
There's hope my friends, but it's tough! 👥
I think this is why we have people in our lives, that love us enough to show us light—to show us life.
Looking at ourselves in the mirror is hopelessly impossible because we'll never be able to really see past our own viewpoint.
No matter how legitimate we've been harmed...
We still need each other to see where we're wrong. Or fuck it, where we've been right...
I'm thinking there's plenty of folks out there, who we all think is strong and buoyant—flailing in their own shortcomings.
Sometimes the answers are right under your nose! @RoamBookClub
Just go into the Linked References for each Day and then follow just how much time everyone is spending in @RoamResearch but then look a little deeper and read what these folks are actually writing.
If you don't start tearing up, from reading just how vulnerable everyone gets...
There's no ON-BOARDING if they don't write notes.
And there's no ON-BOARDING in someone's head, it has to be actualized, it has to be proven to work.