To the struggling trader out there who is still wondering "man, is this even worth it? should I quit now?" Listen u little fuck. Endure the small losses. Endure the sleepless nights. Because TRUST me, once u finally activate beastmode, it would have all been worth the pain.
Just follow these 3 SIMPLE rules:
1) FOCUS on just ONE setup at first. Just one, simple, scalable, cunty little setup. just ONE bro. u dont have to learn every fucking strategy out there. just find ONE and make it your bitch. u can worry about other setups later.
why? b/c NOISE is 1 of the BIGGEST enemies of a growing trader. THERE IS JUST TOO MUCH INFORMATION OUT THERE. and ur beginner little bagholder brain just wont know what to do with all that info. Shiny object syndrome will have u hopping from strategy to strategy. FOCUS bro. FOCUS
2) MANAGE RISK!!!. Yup. sorry i know u were expecting some new golden nugget, but instead u're getting the broken ADF record again. KEEP ur losses small until u EARN the right to size up. U can have all the knowledge in the world BUT U CANT TRADE IF U HAVE NO CHEDDAR 🧀 !!!
And when it comes to risk management, market makers are not your enemy. the market is not your enemy. shortsellers (or bulls) are not ur enemies. YOUR DUMB, RAGGEDY ASS, EGOTISTICAL "i NeEd tO bE RiGhT" cunty little pride is your BIGGEST enemy. Learn to get out of ur own way.
The most important skill in poker is not the ability to count cards, to bluff, or to read ur opponent. it is the ability to FOLD!! the ability to take the small L in order to live to see another round. Trading is the same. ur BIGGEST ally is ur ability to say "I AM WRONG" early
3) ROUTINE: make it a RULE to keep learning DAILY. u CANT afford to waste time. Show me a person who refined his skill DAILY for yrs & ill show u an absolute fucking beast. Trust me, u'll have plenty of time to rest once things click. But until then, OBSESS !!
And that's the goal of my tweets.. to REDUCE ur learning curve. to REDUCE the amount of tuition u have to pay to the market before things finally "click". So if I can make u learn something in ONE TWEET that took me YEARS & a ridiculous amount of money lost to learn, i did my job
u see me talk about PROVEN concepts that sound simple at first.. #vwapBoulevard, bloodbath setup, 1-3pm selloff due to filing requirements, ADF score, volume forecast etc. and u think "gee thanks. that was easy". but do u have ANY idea how long it took me to crack those things??
~17hr days (~119 hour weeks) stuck in front of screens all day, sifting through charts, reading sec filings all night, plowing through tedious, boring excel sheets. Blowing up account after account. Bc i didnt have the luxury of a mentor. A trader's learning curve is a BITCH
Interesting tweet I just got tagged on. Let's get one thing straight:
first off, ANY profitable trader who tells u they dont "backtest" is lying their ass off. EVERYONE "backtests". we just use different approaches. Backtesting simply means consulting history to make a decision.
Ask ANY profitable trader "are there certain trades u avoid?". and they'll tell u yes. Ask them "why", they ll tell u "b/c historically i dont do well on those". guess what.. that's a form of backtesting. u're just consulting ur own historical performance to make that decision
did you ever get advice from a friend or mentor and used it to guide u in your niche or trading? well guess what.. u just consulted that trader's experience or historical performance on that specific niche to guide u. THAT's a form of "backtesting".
1R is just your max loss per trade. In caveman speech, just think of the amount of money ur account is able to lose 20 times in a row before blowing up (or going under PDT). And that's for an aggressive trader. so for a $50K acct ur max loss should be no more than $1250 per trade
so with a risk/reward of 3:1 (absolute minimum 2:1), on that $50K acct, u're risking $1250 (per stopout) to make $3750 or $2500. If u take 2 trades per day of good quality setups, with decent win rates (even 50% winrate), ur account WILL grow. it's pure math.
The reason u fuckers keep blowing up is b/c u dont have a fixed 1R (max loss). one day u lose $100 another day $2000 another day $700 etc. what the fuck? imagine living in an apartment where u dont know what the rent will be. u should KNOW what ur losses will be BEFORE u take em
✅pull out ur data tracking sheet on excel
✅identify the best faders ever (reverse if u're a bull)
✅find out the top 5 things they all had in common (fundamentals, technicals, sentiment)
Compare those w/ the other 5 things ur best trades have in common.
Find the common thread
for example if u notice that YOUR best shortselling trades, & the BEST faders u've tracked, share a few common factors, over & over again, then u can use those factors to rank ALL ur future trades based on how many of those factors they share. 1 out of 5? 3 out of 5? 5 out of 5?
✅how often does this setup occur
✅at what time does it usually occur
✅what is the avg range
✅what signal/indicator usually marks the top/bottom of this setup
✅what are the fundamentals usually like on this setup?
✅what is the most reliable exit signal for this setup?
✅what is the most reliable entry signal for this setup?
✅where is the best place to place stops on this setup?
✅what do the BEST performers on this setup have in common?
✅how much volume does this setup usually trade?
✅at what time does HOD usually happen on this setup? LOD?
✅How does float size effect this setup?
✅Does this setup respect the key moving averages? if so which ones?
✅Does this setup perform better on day 1, 2 or 3?
✅Who is my competition on this setup? Dumb $ or smart $?
Some strategies are timeless simply because human behavior doesnt change. Example jesse livermore spoke about support/resistance, trend following & relative strength/weakness etc 100 years ago, & they still work today.
Bagholders are predictable bc human behavior is predictable
Example if im stuck bagholding 1M shares of a lowfloat trash stock at a $5 avg, & the stock drops to $2, with no liquidity to bail, what am i praying to Odin? Im praying “pls lord, i dont even wanna make $ anymore. Just get this stock back up near my breakeven price & im OUT!!
Now imagine if multiple cunts are bagged near that same avg, all thinking the same. That creates a wall of sellers near $5. Lets say 3M shares total. Once the stock gets back up there weeks later,if there is not at least 3M shared worth of demand at that area, the stock is toast.