You up?
You’re ignoring me
I’m Adam, a real person
We are begging you
We have never been so enraged
Heartbreaker bitch
Get your shit together
We must pass HR-1
Sorry we overreacted
Hey girl it’s Nancy Pelosi
Have you see that monster MTG?
We heard you voted for Donald Trump
So you’re saying you hate democracy?
I gave you everything
Barack Obama asked you out
You cruel ugly Republican
I wanted the best for you
You broke my heart
Oh whoops people thought I was hacked - nope. Or rather maybe I was self-hacked -
One personality (the one beset with DNC texts and memes) hacked the other more reasonable one.
Zero people need my opinion on mask use but what the hay:
My sole purpose in life these days is to proselytize for the vax.
So I have to think like Ned Flanders or a Jehovah’s Witness or Mormon or Scientologist on commission for how many appointments I book.
But like any good salesman or evangelist my techniques change depending on who I am trying to bend to my will.
Hippie antivaxers are a whole different kettle of fish from Trump antivaxers. People who think it’s expensive to get the (free) vax—they’re their own thing.
Sometimes not wearing a mask & telling people it’s bc I got the vax and feel so free finally, right? — that’s the best way. Other times, wearing one & bonding hating anti-mask assholes & how you definitely got the vax, right? No? Oh well lemme sign you up. Sometimes that does it
My lemon 2019
Mac is in the shop & I am using a loaner iPad, my least favorite of all devices.
I just spent 20 minutes digging around for the right combo of USBs, USB-cs, “lightning” thingamabob, and good old 2-pronged plug to get things into the wall.
Mediating among cables and cords and apps that represent competition among tech companies AND planned obsolescence is a huge waste of anyone’s executive brain.