PROmate 2g will make a difference too for international sales !
Next gen'AB LFT coming in a few months.
They deliver on schedule.
Only one test scheduled for now in Q3... What will they surprise us with next ?
SNPsig is the largest portfolio of his kind.
They're on the NHS framework for VoC, with only 3 others.
UK is looking for the variant that appeared in india. For now, i think it's the only one.
Surely used by NHS, UKgov for surge testing.
Avaiable around the World to !
The bioinformatic team must bée getting bigger.
1.2m sequences verified.
1.1m between 11/20 and 05/21 !!!
Not many co's are doing such a work.
They're working with academics worldwide.
So, for R&D, there arent much bad things to Say, everyone should agree with that.
Innovation and R&D are just top class.
And that's not the problem.
How big is versalab now ? How many partners are using it ?
We know some, but not the scale of it.
It's a great service, even more with PROmate, rapidity, but good standard tests At the same Time.
It should be very welcome for many types of needs. Airports, workplaces etcetc
Theyre able to do great RNS. But most of them are for R&D.
Many of us find there arent enough details about sales, partnerships etc.
Well.. kinda agree with this !
Pessimistic side of rns are just aweful. Why dont be more positive ?
Its just like theyre digging themselves...
Many things to Say about theyre words in RNS...
One thing also, LFT could create significant revenues.
That for once was nice...
Bref, we all know how good theyre at writing rns...
What is astonishing, is that the Bad rns Always occur At critic times for the chart.
If it was done in purpose, it couldnt be better !
Why ? Coïncidence ? Well... 🤷
But At least two Times now...
Even if we have this dispute with the DHSC, wich could have an impact on Q4 20 and Q1 21, im confident that they will win.
Mullis said theyre confident on that matter. Well, i believe him.
There was no other choice but to rns it. It's something significant.
But as i said more than once, and others too, maybe @NovacytGroup should think again whats a material news.
They've sold for more than 40m€ in Q1 (outside of DHSC), but they didnt find anithing significant to tell us ?
They should think about that...
It would help create some confidence again - if it's still possible...
Because theyre only bringing us down for now...
Could it be done on purpose? 🤷
There were many pis on ncyt, today, not so much anymore imo !
GM Can get more LT holders (ii) and they are happy because 14/n
They Can get in cheap...
Because even if we go down, there is Always someone to buy the shares, no ?
I realy hope its not done on purpose, but dont forget there councelors on rns matters are the brokers... Maybe they dont give a sH*t ? That would not surprise me.
Now, about takeovers and other co's.
I link 4 articles about 4 takeovers that happened lately.
Watch their revenues, watch their takeover prices, and make your opinion of the Real value of novacyt.
➡️qu'un contrat avec les maisons de soins va arriver
➡️Que le contrat avec le NHS va entrer en phase 2
Promate et NPT :
Nouveau réactifs :
- utilisation simplifiée
- moins de réactifs nécessaires et lyophilisés
- réduction de la durée d'un test
- inactivation virale : moins de protections nécessaires
➡️ Faciliter l'utilisation des Qs dans les petits hôpitaux et ehpads
A tous ceux qui croient que les tests sont finis, que ncyt retourne a la cave, que cette entreprise ne vaut rien, que le covid, c'est le passé, que les vaccins arrivent
Réveillez vous
Les vaccins ne sont pas prêts
Les tests dureront
Ncyt innove sans cesse