@eminently_me5@Firebird_psych@Oneiorosgrip@DavidsonYorick Probably many of those “rapes” weren’t rape. DNA evidence suggests that between a fifth and a quarter of rapes women report are either completely false or misidentify the rapist. There isn’t statistically significant data regarding false rape allegations from male victims.
@eminently_me5@Firebird_psych@Oneiorosgrip@DavidsonYorick It is worth noting that, of the rape allegations that are reported and where DNA testing has been performed, apparently "the current 'exclusion' rate [of rape suspects] for forensic DNA labs [is] close to 25 percent" according to Rockne Harmon (ncjrs.gov/txtfiles/dnaev…).
@eminently_me5@Firebird_psych@Oneiorosgrip@DavidsonYorick "Every year since 1989, in about 25 percent of the sexual assault cases referred to the FBI where results could be obtained…, the primary suspect has been excluded by forensic DNA testing" according to Peter Neufeld, Esq., and Barry C. Scheck (ncjrs.gov/txtfiles/dnaev…).
@eminently_me5@Firebird_psych@Oneiorosgrip@DavidsonYorick "In each of the 28 cases [in this study], a defendant was convicted of a crime or crimes and serving a sentence of incarceration… [and i]n each case, the results showed that there was not a [DNA] match, and the defendant was ultimately set free" (ncjrs.gov/txtfiles/dnaev…, ch. 2).
@eminently_me5@Firebird_psych@Oneiorosgrip@DavidsonYorick@innocence@FBI "There has also been a failure to acknowledge the methodological limitations of much of the existing research and the state of our current understanding of the rate of false allegations." 65 Cambridge Law Journal 157–158.
@eminently_me5@Firebird_psych@Oneiorosgrip@DavidsonYorick@innocence@FBI "This suggests a widespread analytical failure on the part of legal scholarship and requires an acknowledgment of the weakness of assumptions that have been constructed upon unreliable research evidence." 65 Cambridge Law Journal 158.
@eminently_me5@Firebird_psych@Oneiorosgrip@DavidsonYorick@innocence@FBI "[I]n the last three decades[,] there has been a lack of critical analysis by those who claim a low false reporting rate and the uncritical adoption of unreliable research findings." 65 Cambridge Law Journal 157.
@eminently_me5@Firebird_psych@Oneiorosgrip@DavidsonYorick@innocence@FBI "At the core of [feminist] discourse on rape is … that 'women don't lie' about sexual abuse. The foundation for such a … statement is … that false accusations of rape are very rare; specifically, …no more than [2%] of such complaints are invalid." 33 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 948.
@eminently_me5@Firebird_psych@Oneiorosgrip@DavidsonYorick@innocence@FBI "Despite the plethora of … citations, it turns out that there is … only one[] underlying source [for the 2% figure]—feminist publicist Susan Brownmiller's interpretation of some data… of unknown provenance from a single police department unit." 33 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 955–956.
@eminently_me5@Firebird_psych@Oneiorosgrip@DavidsonYorick@innocence@FBI "…Professor Deborah Rhode['s] belief that "two percent false = other felonies" is a consensus fact that… likely comes from having perused numerous … feminist articles and books which …recycle it from… Susan Brownmiller's _Against Our Will_." 33 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 958.
@eminently_me5@Firebird_psych@Oneiorosgrip@DavidsonYorick@innocence@FBI "[Feminist] literature advances the proposition that 'women don't lie about rape' as an axiomatic substrate to their proposed policy changes fueled by the purported two percent false claim figure." 33 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 960.
@eminently_me5@Firebird_psych@Oneiorosgrip@DavidsonYorick@innocence@FBI "[B]ecause of its axiom that virtually all complaints of rape are legitimate, a …goal of [feminism] is to reform the legal definition of 'consent' in rape… to become more favorable to women, thereby making conviction at trial easier to accomplish." 33 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 962–963.
@eminently_me5@Firebird_psych@Oneiorosgrip@DavidsonYorick@innocence@FBI "[B]lack men are no more likely to rape than white men. The radical disproportion in rape imprisonment rates can then be seen as a… marker as to just how racist the criminal …process… actually is. [Feminism's] proposal is implicitly racist." 33 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 969–971.
@eminently_me5@Firebird_psych@Oneiorosgrip@DavidsonYorick@innocence@FBI "It seems clear that the [2%] false claim figure… has no basis in fact. Since this figure is …unsupported, there is no justification for shifting the burden of proof or redefining consent in rape crimes in accordance with this figure." 33 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 971.
@eminently_me5@Firebird_psych@Oneiorosgrip@DavidsonYorick@innocence@FBI From the @innocence project and similar organizations and programs, we know that not all those convicted are indeed guilty, we just don't know how many have actually been falsely convicted. However, the studies that calculate the false accusation rate assume convictions are true.
@eminently_me5@Firebird_psych@Oneiorosgrip@DavidsonYorick@innocence@FBI Crimes statistics are tricky because you must know whether the crime actually happened to evaluate whether the allegation is false, which is impossible for an outside observer. We use proxies (like inconsistencies) to guestimate false allegations, but those are quite imperfect.
@eminently_me5@Firebird_psych@Oneiorosgrip@DavidsonYorick@innocence@FBI Also, some witnesses are terrible and don't seem credible despite telling the truth and some witnesses are good liars who seem credible despite telling a complete falsehood. These phenomena together result in both false convictions and false acquittals, both of which are bad.
This analysis contradicts your assertions, @eminently_me5, despite using the same data.
@eminently_me5@Firebird_psych@Oneiorosgrip@DavidsonYorick@innocence@FBI "[I]n 2011[,] …the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS), …found that men and women had a similar prevalence of nonconsensual sex in the previous 12 months (1.270 million women and 1.267 million men)."
Am J Public Health. 2014 June; 104(6): e19.
@eminently_me5@Firebird_psych@Oneiorosgrip@DavidsonYorick@innocence@FBI "However unintentionally, the CDC’s publications and the media coverage that followed instead highlighted female sexual victimization, reinforcing public perceptions that sexual victimization is primarily a women’s issue."
Martin D. Schwartz wrote "Methodological Issues in the Use of Survey Data for Measuring and Characterizing Violence Against Women" which was published in August 2000 in volume 6, issue 8, of _Violence Against Women_ (journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.117…).
The Office of the Inspector General for the Justice Department considers rape (pursuant to 18 U.S.C. §§ 2241, 2243, and 2244) of federal inmates a huge problem (oig.justice.gov/special/0504/i…).
@eminently_me5@Eminently_Me Where? You have only demonstrated that you have poor reading comprehension. First, you claim the study says that the "vast majority of perps are men and the victims are majority women" (archive.ph/XDGxP), but the study shows the opposite (
@eminently_me5@Eminently_Me You then claim that there "some subsets in which it is equal" but that "in the total set, it is primarily men attacking women" (archive.ph/3Jplg), but the study shows the opposite (
) as indicated in this chart showing all the data analyzed.
@eminently_me5@Eminently_Me However, the study does show that a lot of women rape women in institutions like prison and jail (both in adult and juvenile populations), which it appears that you are trying to blame on men somehow. 🤣 Your demonstrable lack of reading comprehension is laughable.
@eminently_me5 There are academic studies that don't support your contention, @eminently_me5, that women are only or primarily defensively abusing men (archive.ph/VqwkS), but rather suggest that women abuse men more often than men abuse women.
Let's look at some more studies, shall we?
@eminently_me5 With physical aggression, "studies consistently find that as many women self-report perpetrating this behavior as do men; some studies find a higher prevalence of physical aggression committed by women" (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P…, p. 2), but only a minority of women are arrested.
@eminently_me5 Notes @TheJusticeDept: "[w]ife defendants had a lower conviction rate than husband defendants…. Of the 222 wife defendants, 70% were convicted of killing their mate. By contrast, of the 318 husband defendants, 87% were convicted of spouse murder" (bjs.gov/content/pub/pd…, p. 2).