In the evening Sri Chandrasekara Bharati would go to the kAlabhairava temple. There vidyArthis would participate in an andhAdi Sloka recital (an antAkSari with Slokas). One evening during his turn to start with la said the following:
लोको नापुत्रस्यातीति शृत्या त्वभाषि लोका।
मुक्ति संसरणं वा तद्नय लोकोऽथवा नाद्य॥
from the prabodha sudhakara. He then quoted the next couple of verses and asked for their meaning.
What is the meaning of the Sruti vAkya when it says nA putrasya lokosti? Will a person who does not have a son not achieve any world? What
world does world imply? If it is mukti is the world spoken of - will those who have children all attain mukti? Will this not be against the concept of samsAra? In the maitreya brAhmaNa there is testimony that mukti referred to as a amrutatvam and states that आत्मावा वा अरे
द्रष्टव्य - that Atma jnAna is indeed the tool to mokSa. It also adds sravaNa manana and nidhyAsana are the sAdhanAs that take you close to it. Having provided these paths and not mentioning "having a child" as a path - mokSa does not apply. A child is not the means to
happiness in this world nor the others. This is because for happiness in this world dana and dAnya and for happiness in the other worlds yAgas are ordained - ज्योतिष्टोमेन स्वर्ग कामो यजेत। Therefore नापुत्रस्य लोकोऽस्ति can be considered as arthavAda and not as vidhi.
Sankara's view is that because people do not do anything without looking for benefit - the Sruti provides an impetus for doing the kAmya karma which is putrakAmeSti. When Sri Vaidhyanatha Sastri provided this explanation SCB said
लोके व्यवायामिषमद्य सेवा नित्यास्तु जन्तोर्नहि
तत्र चोदना। व्यवस्थितिस्तत्र विवाहयज्ञसुराग्रहैरासु निवृत्तिरिष्टा ॥ from srimad bhagavatam. To be attracted to women meat etc in the world is natural. Instigation from the Sastra for these is not required. The Sastra makes a determination stating that outside of marriage yajna
etc - these should not be done. If one wants to experience samsAra he must marry - but otherwise there is no compulsion. If one is desirous of viSaya suKa he must marry but there is no compulsion. If one is desirous of various karmas (oupasanam etc) he should marry. A person who
has none of these desires and has virakta is not compelled by the sruti to marry. In the presence of desire the Sruti gives you a path to achieve it without much harm. It dose not tell you to follow desire or increase it. Will a mother allow a child to fall into a ditch?
Similarly vedamAta when men are filled with desire and choose many paths to fulfil them provides a way and guides them to find a good path (or less harmful path) to fulfil those desires. When a person who is instigated by lust tries to use many paths to fulfil it the Sruti guides
him to marriage as an institution to fulfil his desires without straying from a good path. Sruti does not ordain that man must marry. Its object is to remove all the vAsanAs accumulated over many births and raise him. When kAma flows like a torrent placing a barrier against is
it is futile. Therefore you must divert it into a stream so that it can run parallel without disrupting the flow of life to its higher objective. The institution of marriage has been established to divert the flow of desire into a Sastriya path. Let him use that path to do kAma
nivrutti is what the Sruti intends. In the yoga vaSiSTa शुभाशुभायामं मार्गभ्यां वहन्ति वासना सरित्। पौरुषेन प्रयत्नेन योजनीया शुभे पथि॥ The river of janmAntara vAsana runs both in good and bad paths. Man must through effort prevent it from going in the bad path and let it flow in
the good path. Thus it is impossible to dam the flow of these vAsanAs. To divert them through a good path is cleverness.
To continue..
From Gurukrupa vilasam volume 1
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I m always intrigued with the word happiness. Happiness is used in pop psychology as an easily achievable state of mind. Is it? Do we confuse a transient sense of pleasure that comes when we gain something wordly with something more permanent that comes from discipline and effort
Interestingly the english happiness and other European words etymologically mean luck! Again the link to material gain. Tamizh has two equivalent words மகிழ்ச்சி of the rajnikAnth fame which again sounds transient and உவகை which seems to be closer to bliss. The other ancient
language संस्कृतम् has a close word सुखं। the Vedic use seems to be pleasure. The Mahabharata which personifies these traits calls it the offspring of dharma and siddhi. Clearly happiness as our morning messages tell us is a transient joy (from the Latin gaudere). Bliss a
A sense of literature and history is so important for a poet. Kannadasan is the epitome. There are many instances where he would take a line or two from kamba rAmAyaNam expand and flaunt and searching for the origin of that usage is a great past time because he would introduce
You to the classics. But this one stumped me for long. This is from a movie called savAle samALi. Walk these words. In the movie Shivaji sings this after his newly wed tells him not to touch.
புதியதல்லவே தீண்டாமை என்பது
புதுமை அல்லவே அதை நீயும் சொன்னது
Untouchability is not and it's not novel that you said it
(This is when the genius of the poet comes in..)
சொன்ன வார்த்தையும் இரவல் தான் அது
The words that you used are also borrowed
(And wait for this)
திரு நீலகண்டரின் மனைவி சொன்னது
These were said by Thiru neelakantars wife.
I have either just
Around 1931 there was a big drought in Mysore and Madras province. The penance of Sri Chandrasekara Bharati and the koti gAyatri japa along with various prayers in temples including atirudrAs resulted in rains and the end of drought. Recognising the AcAryas tapa as the prime 1/n
many persons thronged to Sringeri to seek the Acharya's blessings. One of them was Sri Satyamurthy. The Acharya had him seated and appreciated him for his contribution to the freedom struggle
SS: by involving in the Congress I am not able to do my swakarma properly
SCB पश्चातापेन
शुद्ध्यति if you regret at not being able to do it then that itself becomes a parihAra for the doSas.
SS Like Mysore there was no rain in Madras. Only from last week there has been rains and from this we may get prosperity
SCB since all of you have done your swakarma to the 4/
For some years Sri Chandrasekara Bharathi would become antharmukha for periods of time. During this he would be in a self absorbed state not responding the external environment. Sometimes he would say odd words or Slokas which his attendants would note and keep. One day the 1/n
the acharya called the head of a vedapAtaSala and instructed that they vidyArthis should do sahasra gAyatri from that day till he tells them to complete and that this should be done in front of SharadAmbal herself. He added that this will need not only benefits to the atma but
also to the world. He instructed that a total count of the gAyatri be made. After this the Acharya became antarmukha. Some days letter some officials from mysore came to see him unannounced. The administrator was hesitant to let them see the Acarya while he was in this state
Conversation between Sri Srikanta SAstri (SSS) and Sri narasimha SAstri (SNS) (purvASrama of Sri chandrasekara bhArati)
SSS: Narasimha our gurunath a has expressed his desire to give you sanyAsa and the adikaara of the preetha
SNS: I agree with the first but not with the second
SSS You are only willing to accept sanyAsa? When sannidhanam has nominated you as the peetAdipathi can you refuse
SNS: sannidhanam has hinted to me in the past only about taking sanyAsa
SSS : would he have asked to give only sanyAsa for a uttama siSya like you? When sanyAsa was
mentioned the peetaadikara was also implied.
SNS I don't have the desire to accept peetaadikara or the talent to administer
SSS if u don't have the capability would the gurus orders be such
SNS प्रविचारय तत्वात्मनः सुचिरम् is the order I have received from the Guru in the past
The scramble to get FCRA "unfroze" is interesting. 1. What is obvious is that projecting India as poor and destitute was profitable business for folks both in and out of this country 2. This was also a conduit that was used to achieve other social and religious objectives
of the donors and donees 3. Cant find instances where the society has suffered or support systems have collapsed (pls show me examples to the contrary) because of the "freeze".. so one must question what is the role of these organisations and especially the need for funding from
overseas 4. Other than oxygen and related stuff and raw materials the GOI has not asked for any other supplies and none of these as handouts or charity. So clearly we have no need for external funding do we? 5. In this scenario allowing grants and largesse directed at a local