@StClairCollegeus02web.zoom.us/webinar/regist… These webinar done for your college, seems to have comments turned off so no one can make dissenting comments. That is censorship at it's finest.
Donna Grayer is also making misleading statements on Metis people. As per the Daniels decision there is no consensus on who is a Metis person. Daniels decision Section 17 - No one exclusive Metis people in Canada.
facebook.com/metis.national… - The courts have told both MNA and MNS , 2 affiliates of the Metis National Council, that they have no legislative authority over other Metis peoples. That their non profit associations, are voluntary bodies that do not affect anyone other than their own
membership through their own bylaws. They are not governmental. They need to stop trying to enforce their own opinions on other Metis peoples. Canlii -McCargar v MNA. This is getting out of hand, censorship and lies.
Well I do hope Donna brings her well documented facts cause I sure will , :)
Facts: 56719032-Legislative-Assembly-of-Assiniboia-History.- As Metis is a name of honor for people who choose to identify with this aspect of their heritage- serve as a universal term for past people of mixed Indigenous and non-North American heritage.
it is very disingenuous to put Metis from the East in the same category of Joseph Boyden who I do believe from what I have read doesn't have an Indigenous family. I have tried to have this discussion with Pam many times, about her own father and well a lot of her family who had a
Metis identity. Frank Palmater in the RCAP reports, 432 Metis Circle Special Consultation, self identifies as a Mi'kmaw Metis from the Maritimes and now she has has regained her status and she is now recognized by her nation, has a community now and a law degree and NOW says
"There is always going to be some hurdles to climb for any researcher who is entering a community for which they are not a member, regardless of what cultural group is discussed." -- so if you are Darryl Leroux you totally bypass that by saying the community is not Indigenous.
Darryl Leroux saying Eastern Metis are not indigenous. ( Even if people who identify as such have 4 Peace and Friendship Treaty signatories in their family)
Ah Jarvis saying that Non-Status and Metis are separate, in the Daniels case it specifically says those Metis described in section 117.
sec 117 - Harry Daniels case describing the core group of MNSI as a group of native people who maintained a strong affinity for their Indian Heritage without possessing Indian status sec. ( Core group of Metis and NonStatus Indians ) Not separate and distinct Jarvis !!
he also seems to forget all the Metis/NonStatus who have switched to being Status, notice they don't call those folks Darryl's fabricated word "raceshifting" that is not based on science but his "opinion". Race is a social construct, subject to shift, 🤪 If that is #Highered,
The Unsaid of the Grand Dérangement - KATIE MACLEOD
"Yet histories of the grand derangement have
emphasized continuity, persistence, ...." That is who we are as a people.
"Faragher notes that relationships between Acadians and Mi'kmaq were sustained through intermarriage and common religion."
"As a result ethnic identities in this pre-deportation period became increasingly complicated around strategies of alliance."