Last month, EU foreign policy chief Borrell tweeted support for waiving some intellectual property rules to scale up vaccine production globally...
Then he deleted his tweet...
The European Parliament has voted in favour of a temporary waiver on some intellectual property rules to deal with the pandemic, although a more decisive vote on a COVID-specific resolution will come on 8 June...
And just hours ago, this official European Citizens' Initiative calling on the European Commission to treat anti-pandemic vaccines and treatments as a global public good, passed 200,000 signatures!
So, Merkel & von der Leyen are actually even more isolated than this chart would suggest. Most governments & the vast majority of experts globally support COVID patent waivers, and so do many leaders even in EU member states.
Merkel and von der Leyen are apparently trying to keep everyone in the EU "on message" with a pitiful pile of talking points.
Their arguments are so easily debunked, I almost feel sorry for them.
And for those who want more technical details on issues like how the proposed #TRIPSwaiver would supplement compulsory licensing, this latest document from @MSF_access is for you:…
It seems that Mexico has shifted its position from undecided to pro, thus further isolating the EU, UK & a handful of others...
This from @benphillips76 to the European Parliament is another great rebuke to the stale arguments of the European Commission & its pharma friends.
Love that first point especially on how pharma arguments inherently contradict themselves... 🔥
The European Commission will hardly even listen to anyone with a different opinion...
They sadly seemed determined only to hear & obey the voices of pharma companies seeking to use the pandemic to maximise their profits...…
EU policy is to block wider vaccine production globally to help pharma maximise profits.
Great for pharma. Terrible for humanity, because it means a longer pandemic, so:
⬛️ more death;
⬛️ more economic disruption;
⬛️ more chances for vaccine-resistant variants to emerge.
Germany has received more doses than 92 developing countries combined...
✅ Condemned 7/10 killings by Palestinian armed groups;
✅ Questioned legality of some Israeli airstrikes;
✅ Condemned Israel's collective punishment of Palestinians & called for targeted sanctions on those responsible;
Belgium has also:
✅ Expressed support for the International Criminal Court’s role and its ongoing investigation on the situation in Palestine, which includes jurisdiction over the current hostilities between the Israeli government and Palestinian armed groups.
In addition, the Belgian federal parliament has introduced a bill to ban trade with settlements in occupied territories.
Convincing people that they have fundamental rights takes no effort at all.
Convincing them that others have fundamental rights is the hard part.
I want to write about these things in ways that might encourage new people to warm to the idea of universal human rights.
I don’t feel you can do that by using language and tropes that immediately spark “culture war” reactions - those cliché phrases that close minds instantly.
That’s been the purpose of my newsletter over the past year: to find language that brings people closer to understanding the fundamental rights that bind us together.
Dans l'après-midi du 2 octobre 2018, l'éminent journaliste #saoudien et chroniqueur du Washington Post Jamal Khashoggi s'est rendu au consulat saoudien d'Istanbul pour obtenir les documents nécessaires pour son mariage. C'est la dernière fois que sa fiancée l'a vu.
Des agents saoudiens l’ont assassiné à l'intérieur du consulat et ont découpé son corps en morceaux.
Il ne s'agissait pas simplement d'une opération véreuse. En 2019, une enquête de l'ONU a mis en évidence "une coordination, des ressources et des finances gouvernementales importantes" derrière l'assassinat.