I am sincerely concerned as I watch our constitutional rights fall like dominoes.
We lost the 4th Amendment after 9/11 with the passage of the Patriot Act and the growth of the surveillance state.
Since whistleblower @Snowden and journalist Julian Assange disclosed and reported the crimes of the Washington surveillance state, the federal government has pursued them to the ends of the earth to punish acts that one would think are protected by the 1st Amendment.
Suppressing the free speech of high-profile whistleblowers and journalists was not enough.
In the era of social media, every American can spread information.
Gain an audience speaking against the ruling class and they twist the arms of social media giants to unperson you.
In the era of COVID, the destruction of our 1st Amendment has been virtually completed as American people ask for permission from their government to attend church.
With the 1st and 4th Amendments down, they're coming for the 2nd Amendment next.
This is why Joe Biden is calling for Red Flag gun confiscation and has nominated gun control activist David Chipman to lead the gun confiscation agency, the ATF.
As Joe Biden says, "No amendment is absolute," and he means it.
There are no rights in America anymore.
Our rights are now mere privileges that exist at the pleasure of the Crown, which can be taken away whenever the DC Crown pleases.
America is the land of the free. Time to stand up and fight back.
Biological research aimed at increasing the virulence and lethality of pathogens and viruses, including enhancing their transmissibility among humans.
The argument for GOF research is that is conducted for biodefense purposes.
Dr. Anthony Fauci has argued that GOF research is worth any potential risks because it enables scientists to make preparations that could be useful in a pandemic.
Many other scientists have cautioned against GOF research, however, noting that science-enhanced pathogens can:
(1.) Escape from labs, infecting and killing people
(2.) Be used for biological warfare
Washington attempts to corral American voters into an illusion of choice between red and blue Washington supremacists—aka the Bushes and the Clintons.
When the American people can communicate freely across social media, everyone becomes a potential threat to the carefully constructed right and left political narratives.
Unrestrained social media empowered the American people to step off the establishment reservation and elect Donald Trump as President of the United States.
Love him or hate him, he was not a part of the script and that loss of control terrified the political class.
I am proud to serve as Senior Spokesperson for @YALiberty, an organization that exists to #MakeLibertyWin by holding politicians accountable to our Constitution.
Over the last several months, @YALiberty activists have been working hard to make Texas the 21st Constitutional Carry state in America by putting pressure on the Texas politicians.
Knocking nearly 12,000 doors and making over 79,000 phone calls, @YALiberty students connected constituents directly to their representatives and senators so they could tell them:
Sticker Shock: When @Walgreens in Texas wants to charge me $300 for a prescription that my direct primary care doctor in Maine could give me directly for $5.
When people see these exorbitant prices in healthcare, remember that government is the dam blocking choice and competition from flowing freely through the marketplace for the benefit of a privileged few corporate actors.
The reason I can’t get my prescription for $5 directly from the prescribing physician in Texas is a state law that prohibits me from doing so.