This article - by an anti-Trump liberal journalist - is a great work of investigative reporting. It doesn't mean every claim is proven or that one has to believe each assertion -- I don't -- but it is one of the best attempts yet to grapple with what the USG did on COVID origins.
Even given my low expectations for the liberal sector of the corporate media, I find it shocking how little coverage they're devoting to Fauci's fascinating email archive.
He's one of the most important officials on the planet over the last 18 months, and yet: virtual silence.
There are divisions on the left over how to treat the lab-leak theory. For those hostile to it, is the argument that:
1) The lab-leak theory is clearly false & COVID is obviously zoonotic; or,
2) The dangers of finding out (fueling a Cold War with China) outweigh the benefits?
Here's an interesting debate between leftists on whether the lab-leak theory, if true, would fuel a Cold War with China given the *US helped fund that research*.
I see validity to both views, but still don't understand if the argument is: it's false or we shouldn't want to know:
I'll just repeat: until COVID origin is known (or we discover it can't be), the lab-leak story is, to me, a censorship and media story:
The combination of USG, corporate media and Silicon Valley claimed a certainty they never had, to the point of *banning* lab-leak questioning.
One thing we do know: the only proven mass bio-terror attack came, says the FBI, from a Fauci-supervised program at a US Army lab: the 2001 anthrax attack, perpetrated (says FBI) by a Fort Detrick scientist working with highly weaponized bacterial agents.
There's so many fascinating and still-unresolved questions about that anthrax attack. As I wrote yesterday, there was pervasive mainstream doubts about the FBI's case.
Also: exactly 1 week before 9/11, NYT ran an article on dangerous US anthrax research:
Meanwhile, in a now-forgotten 2008 @Slate article, long-time DC-based Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen says he was told shortly after 9/11 -- before the anthrax attack -- to carry cipro as an antidote to anthrax.
The January @NYMag article by Nicolas Baker that helped mainstream the lab-leak theory had a passage discussing Fauci's key role in overseeing anthrax research (for defensive purposes only, he insisted). But that it happened is beyond dispute:
The key point is there's no question -- zero -- that both the US and China (and others) create, manipulate and cultivate lethal pathogens in their research labs. They claim it's for defensive, not offensive, purposes, but the leak dangers are the same.
Here's @robbysoave with an excellent article on, what for me, at least as of now, is the key point with the USG/media/tech fraud that allowed lab-leak censorship:
"The Media's Lab Leak Debacle Shows Why Banning 'Misinformation' Is a Terrible Idea"
It's like what happened with Mueller: once liberals start revering a government official (which they often do), any criticisms of that state idol are inherently illegitimate and ill-intentioned.
(Of course, once they disappoint liberals -- as Mueller did -- it's open season).
There's a virtual industry of operatives funded by the Atlantic Council -- which in turn is funded by Gulf State despots and US intel agencies & NATO governments -- whose purpose is to demand the internet be purged of anyone dissenting from their orthodoxies.
Pro-censorship operatives from the Atlantic Council have built fan bases among US liberals because that movement is devoted to censoring anyone and everyone whose questions their pieties and narratives.
For all of you liberal groupies of Atlantic Council censorship operatives like @jaredlholt, here's what your cheering for: their own description of who funds them.
Mainstream institutions had seriously doubted the FBI had solved the 2001 anthrax case. That has all now been memory-holed: elite circles implicitly agreed to just move on.
Either way, revelations that emerged then about US Government bio-research labs have newfound relevance.
To understand the current debate over COVID origins, it is really worth returning to what happened with the still-bizarre 2001 anthrax attacks and the FBI's claim that the highly weaponized strain came from a US Army research lab. Lots of key lessons:
This is exactly how they see themselves. As a "journalist," you pick one side of the partisan/ideological war and you enslave yourself to it. That's why they see any criticisms of their side as necessarily support for the other. Their brains function only in binary terms.
Smart people not in journalism have no trouble seeing how trapped these partisan drones are in primitive and vapid labels. That opposing militaristic, imperialistic, censorship-mad & corporatist liberals puts you on the "hard right" is obscenely stupid:
The Department of Homeland Security just issued its fourth danger bulletin this year.
Despite the fact that *none* has yet happened, both the weapons and rhetorical tactics of the first War on Terror are increasingly visible.
Virtually every authoritarian power that made the first War on Terror so menacing to core civil liberties -- domestic surveillance, domestic no-fly lists for citizens, CIA interference in domestic politics -- are being weaponized in the name of this new domestic War on Terror.
European leaders -- including Germany's Merkel and France's Macron -- are furious over new reports this week that the Obama/Biden Admin used Danish intelligence in 2014 to spy on their own EU allies, including Merkel herself. Demanding answers from Biden:
Recall that at the height of the Snowden reporting, Merkel was so furious with Obama that she accused him of using "Stasi" tactics to spy on her and entire European populations -- a rather stinging accusation given her childhood in East Germany:
In my 2014 book based on NSA reporting, I described a program whereby NSA cooperated with Danish intelligence to spy on US allies. Snowden himself warned of how Denmark could be used by the US to spy on German leaders and German citizens: