#BreakingNews Research:
This will be a long thread, but I need all eyes on. Seeing a pattern and not saying anything is worse than being called a conspiracy theorist.
Hang with me.
Twitter is refusing to send my tweets; follow quote tweet. Archive link, as it pertains to Columbia-Rockefeller.
00:49 seconds in at quote tweet. Sierre Leone & Liberia..
NIH VRC expanded partnership w Mod...for full scale research into a pan coronavirus *vaccine platform*;
...only for HHS to approve similar work without P3CO (Pandemic Pathogen Care Oversight Framework) review...
P3CO was designed to allow greater flexibility for
vxc development.
Planned experiments/ collaboration:
WIV - Wuhan
ECNU - East China Normal
UNC - Chapel Hill, NC
NWHC - National Wildlife HC
PARC - Palo Alto Research Center
Link to source video at the end of this thread. I'm going to weave (seemingly unrelated) research throughout.
The subthreads will have additional info.
I welcome all comments, as this I treat information through the lens of
being skeptical, but verifying where I can.
This technology/medical phenomenon is completely new to many.. but most definitely not new to those working w/in the industries.
Keep going. I'm not done.
Aerosolized spike protein chimera leaked;
"The reason the disease is so confusing is it is less a virus than it is engineered spike proteins hitch-hiking a ride on a SARSr-CoV quasispecies swarm."
While you guys have Fauci & Walensky (right now), ask them if they've deployed "Transmissable" or "Transferable" vaccines [OR viruses to function as vaccines]. See UC Davis: