New Mexico Governor @GovMLG is mired in scandals. Yet she announced yesterday, that she is running for reelection in 2022. I will compile her scandals for easy linking and sharing.
At the height of NM Shutdown for COVID, the Governor decided to allow a store to open so she could buy jewelry. Businesses went under, but she got jewelry.
At one of her parties with that Waygu Beef, she spilled water on a male staffers lap and proceeded to grab his crotch while "cleaning" it up. She paid him off with campaign contributions.
But that is nothing. It was reported that unemployment claims were OVERPAID by nearly $250 million. Her office though made a statement that was only OVERPAID by $105 million.
Now tell me again why anyone should vote for this woman? Why should @GovMLG be re-elected? Why shouldn't we look at people like @ElectJayCBlock@KarenBedonie1 ?o
Our kids are suffering. High unemployment. Poor education. Enormously high suicide rate in teens. We NEED change.
What other scandals would you like to see here? Follow @pmbrenner91 for his ignored FOIA requests RE: @GovMLG ! Message me to let me know other scandals to watch. Maybe @ABQJournal@KOB4@krqe could actually do some real reporting on her, but I doubt it, @PinonPost will tho!
Another scandal, thanks for reminding me! Bionet said they could deliver 10 million ppe for $8 million dollars. Grisham paid, PPE never received.
. @PinonPost if you ever want another writer, I have been published previously and I would be glad to make this pretty for you. I enjoy writing, and I refuse to let her scandals be swept away like other "news agencies" want to. Thank you for not ignoring it.
The Governor is still dodging questions. Her scandals will not stop. I hope @KOB4 stays after her to do something right for the citizens of New Mexico.
Scandals, "QAnon Lizard People", & critics, are all "security concerns" affecting her events in her re-election push. These are things that will be difficult to overcome. Constituents, Democrat & Republican, are seeing her actions & pushing back.
Before becoming Gov, she oversaw the Agency of Aging & the DOJ found patients last days were spent in agony. There were at least 8 deaths that could have been avoided, as well as pain & suffering endured by numerous residents during the investigation.
. @BoSnerdley talked about Grisham today. @JackPosobiec want to know what our Governor is doing? This is New Mexico.
In April 2020, many medical fragile nursing home patients were evicted from their facilities to make way for COVID patients...this one continues to something else interesting tho....
Gibson Hospital in Albuquerque was retrofitted by Army Corps of Engineers in 14 days in April. Rented from Lovelace at 8.64 million a year, it still was empty in November.