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Jun 3rd 2021
June is National #PTSDAwarenessMonth ! I will be sharing information on this tweet thread every day. #PTSD #VA #CPTSD #PTSDawareness
June 1: I took the pledge.…
June 2: ImageImageImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Jun 21st 2020
(1/5) #PublicHealth comes in many forms and this #SundaySpotlight focuses on #MentalHealth & suicide prevention. On Wed, the Administration released a plan to reduce suicide among our most treasured heroes, our veterans 🇺🇸. More via @UPI:…
(2/5) W/ 🔟 recommendations & an implementation strategy, the @WeArePREVENTS task force is committed to the mission. Much like my motto, better health through better partnerships, the strategy utilizes a community level response bringing everyone together.…
(3/5) As part of this effort, combating stigma will be critical. If we ALL talk more openly about #MentalHealth, we can ⬇️ the stigma tied to it.

Make an effort today to reach out to a friend or loved one and check on them during these stressful times.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 2nd 2020
(1) Thread: How are you doing?

Genuine question. We're all angry beyond belief at the way #GeorgeFloyd lost his life. Most of us are just as angry at the related subsequent deaths of LEOs & other innocent parties this week.

This thread is about coping strategies for you & me.
(2) There's a free, 24/7 professionally staffed national helpline for anyone suffering distress from a previous or current disaster, including "civil unrest."

(3) June happens to be PTSD awareness month.

A large number of the people you know, including me, and possibly you, live with this terrible disorder.

It causes lifelong daily potential to be instantly transported back to the moment where you believed your life was in danger.
Read 15 tweets
Jun 19th 2019
Because last month was #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth and this month is #PTSDAwarenessMonth, let’s talk about classic PTSD, and another related mental illness, which is c-PTSD, or complex PTSD. A thread.
PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is an anxiety disorder that can occur in both humans and animals after experiencing or witnessing any sort of traumatic situation. Its symptoms are grouped into four categories: intrusive thoughts, avoidance, arousal, and negative mood.
Intrusive thoughts include negative memories related to trauma, flashbacks (there are multiple types— we’ll get to that later), upsetting dreams or nightmares related to issues surrounding the trauma, and feeling physically or emotionally uncomfortable when reminded of the trauma
Read 59 tweets

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