The Gaza Detainee Information Office reported that Zionists detained a Palestinian youth, Wajdi Nayef Atta Al Jaradat in a raid in Sa'ir City, Hebron at dawn this morning
May Allah protect our sisters and brothers in P$lest1n ameen🤲🏻🤲🏻
Muna Al Kurd, an activist and also a Palestinian resident in Sheikh Jarrah who is famous on social media for fighting Zionist aggression has just been arrested by the Israeli police at her home in Sheikh Jarrah.
Mohammed Al Kurd surrendered at the Jerusalem Police Station after he was wanted by them.
Earlier, his sister Muna Al Kurd was detained at their home in Sheikh Jarrah. The Al Kurd family is one of the families threatened with expulsion by the Zionists in Sheikh Jarrah.
The video is believed to be the cause of Al Kurd being detained by the Zionist police earlier.
It shows Zionist police receiving orders from Jewish intruders in Sheikh Jarrah to expel the protesters. Al Kurd has also reportedly launched a campaign to boycott Israeli goods.
23 years old but have the knowledge to against a colonial state that uses economic, psychological, legal, and digital violence when it can’t straight up kill you.
This is @m7mdkurd right before being taken into detention by Israeli police in Jerusalem.
The public including international media gathered in front of the Jalan Salah Al Din Police Station where Muna and her brother Mohammed have been detained by the police until now. The ruling West Bank party, Fatah, condemned Al Kurd's detention and called for immediate release.
Alhamdulillah Mohamed al-Kurd & Muna al-Kurd have been released hours ago <3
After midnight last night, Zionist forces stormed the Bir Ayoub neighborhood in the town of Silwan and hurled gas and noise bombs widely among the residents
The Israeli Army has reportedly made preparations from an air defense point of view for any possible rocket attacks after Yahya Sinwar, the Hamas leader in Gaza, warned of a ‘Flag Rally’ to be held next week.
This morning, a group of Jewish youths were seen entering the grounds of the Al Aqsa Mosque this morning accompanied by Zionist police. Let's pray that the Muslims can enter this sacred grounds freely without any massacre anymore.
The Detainee Information Office reported that Zionist forces raided several houses belonging to the Abu Sobeih family in Qqba Injeila, Hebron City, West Bank
The Zionists detained 4 people, namely Taysser, Hussam, Abdel Rahman and Muhammad Abu Sobeih.
Hamas Movement: The Zionist regime’s action to cancel the ‘Flag March’ is among the new defeats and proves the new ‘rules’ that Jerusalem is a red line.
Is #Israelkoyak?
All of these are the images showing how quickly Jewish invaders built their settlements on Palestinian -owned land in Jabal Sbeih, Beita. This blatant and greedy invasion and construction of illegal settlements must be stopped!
With the following of the Zionist flag parade's cancellation this Thursday,
Palestinians are summoned to come to Bab Al Amud on June 10 to celebrate the success and prayers of the Maghrib congregation together at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Korang tahu tak masa Nabi Ismail lahir, umur Nabi Ibrahim dah 86 tahun!
Berpuluh tahun beliau tak dikurniakan zuriat, tp beliau tak pernah berhenti berdoa:
"Wahai Tuhanku! Kurniakanlah kepadaku anak yang terhitung dari orang-orang yang soleh!" [37:100]
Tapi kenapa dikorbankan?
Sebenarnya kita pun tak dapat nak bayangkan perasaan Nabi Ibrahim ketika Nabi Ismail lahir.
Bayangkan kita berdoa doa yg sama puluhan tahun, tanpa putus asa, dan kemudian Allah makbulkan doa tersebut.
Tak tahu nak cerita perasaan happy tu macam mana.
Sayang, cinta, kasih, pengarang jantung dan apa sahaja perkataan yang kita tahu, tidak akan mampu menggambarkan perasaan Nabi Ibrahim. Dan ujian demi ujian diberikan kepada Nabi Ibrahim.
Sehinggalah pada satu malam, Nabi Ibrahim bermimpi…
Setakat tengahari tadi, lebih 1200 mangsa telah ditempatkan ke pusat pemindahan sementara.
Team @MyFundAction cawangan utara telah digerakkan petang tadi, dan insyaAllah 2 lagi team daripada HQ akan tiba untuk mengagihkan bantuan buat mangsa yg terkesan.
Antara bantuan yg dibawa untuk agihan awal ini adalah:
1. 100 hygiene kit 2. 2000 pek daging qurban Ready-To-Eat 4. 100 buku roti 5. 40 karton air mineral
6.10 kotak Rezeki Ummat
Insyaallah, semua bantuan ini akan sampai kepada mangsa yg terkesan.
3 pasukan akan terlibat dalam misi awal ini.
Mohon doa kalian untuk semua pasukan kami yg berada di lapangan.