ACLU: “Requiring only men to register for the draft reflects the outdated and sexist notion that women are less fit to serve in the military and that men are less able to stay home as caregivers.”
Women are less fit to be soldiers and men caregivers.
“Such stereotypes demean both men and women.”
No, they don’t. “Stereotypes” based on realties demean no one.
Also, if anyone gets the better deal here, it’s women.
The push here is to make women susceptible to CONSCRIPTION.
It would open NO new choices or opportunities for women — in no world is “being able to be forced to do something against your will” a “opportunity”.
ACLU: “We’re disappointed the Supreme Court allowed one of the last examples of overt sex discrimination in federal law to stand.”
Don’t worry, you are busy removing rights from women to pander to trans activists. That’ll generate plenty of overt sex discrimination for you.
ACLU: “The road to full equality remains long, but we cannot allow one of the last remaining vestiges of gender discrimination written into federal law to continue.”
“Full equality” of this sort, where there is a RELEVANT ONTOLOGICAL DIFFERENCE, is not desirable, nor required.
Justice is based on the NATURES of things, and men and women have different natures.
This is why you can’t owe a dog money or do a platypus an injustice. They aren’t that KIND of ENTITY.
Different races don’t have different NATURES. The sexes DO.
Albeit the real distinction between male and female natures is supervenient upon and subordinate to the common human nature shared by both men and women.
It is necessary to determine what justice requires of COMMON HUMANITY first, and secondly, what differences for sex.
Two errors, equally simplistic:
1 “Men and women are different, so they don’t deserve equal justice in ANY cases.”
2 “Men and women are the same (qua human being) so they must be treated IDENTICALLY in ALL cases.”
No, neither.
The correct answer is “When the difference between men and women is irrelevant, justice requires the same treatment of each; when it is relevant, it doesn’t.”
Since the difference between the two sexes is based on a difference in natures, this will amount to systemic differences in what justice requires for men and women.
Is it wrong “to hit a girl”? Differently wrong than hitting a man?
Since the difference between races is not a difference in natures (there is no “white nature” — Critical Race Theory notwithstanding — nor “black nature” etc.), justice requires systematic similarity of treatment.
Exceptions exist, but will be case by case, ad hoc.
It is not, for example, an injustice to hire a white actor to play e.g. George Washington, nor a black actor to play Martin Luther King, Jr.
The examples wherein racial discrimination is NOT an injustice are so obvious and trivial that they really only ever come to mind when some total-equality zealot tries to criticize them, e.g. the trans activist or fat activist demanding that everyone be attracted to their group.
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“It means neither lying nor apologizing just because the crowd expects you to, least of all under the absurd implication that doing so makes you more virtuous and brave.”
To go along with the crowd is NOT brave. It is to submit to the Greatest Sophist:
“It's the refusal to be concerned with what other people think of you when you’re being yourself and the recognition that it doesn’t make sense to apologize for being true to yourself and your values, telling the truth as well as you can see it, or making a joke, even a bad one.”
“Being based means tolerating most of what’s done in good faith or to lighten the mood. It’s being real with lots of room to play. It elevates the worthy without falling into the indulgent trap of “celebrating” the ordinary, mediocre, and fake.”
@NewDiscourses 1 Do not LIE, even when the tyrants command you to
2 Laugh at tyrants
@NewDiscourses “While ‘it could never happen here’ is a bit of wishful thinking applied to the question of whether the Nazi regime could ever be repeated in the U.S. the ideological conditions and general cowardice that enable these sorts of catastrophes have already come knocking at our door.”
“The white race deems itself to be the dominant race in this country. And so it is, in prestige, in achievements, in education, in wealth, and in power.”
“So, I doubt not, it will continue to be, if it remains true to its great heritage and holds fast to the principles of constitutional liberty. But in the view of the Constitution, in the eye of the law, there is in this country no superior, dominant, ruling class of citizens.”
The postmodern side of Critical Race Theory shows itself by its CATEGORY DESTRUCTION—e.g. it is able to deny something as basic as the reality of the sexes.
But it HOLDS FIXED the categories it REQUIRES FOR REVENGE, e.g. racial categories such as “White” and “Black.”
Recall the young philosopher who was benighted enough to think that she could approach an issue in a purely theoretical, philosophical way: Rebecca Tuvel, who naively wanted to argue that every argument that goes for transgenderism goes for transracialism … remember the VENOM:
“At least for the Husserl of the Ideas, Formal and Transcendental Logic, and Cartesian Meditations, phenomenology is the science of pure essences, and of the transcendental subjectivity in which these essences are constituted.”
“Husserl’s phenomenology is rooted in Plato, Kant, and modern mathematics. His essences are mathematical in the sense of possessing no teleological order, no hierarchical structure which is the presence of divine totality in and through the phenomena.”
“Each essence is self-identical, or obedient to the laws of finite (nondialectical) logic. If I may so put it, each essence is an absolute expression of the Absolute, and not a dialectical element in the gradually to be completed self-exhibition of a totally visible Absolute.”