• Why are we having this meeting?
• What would success look like? The desired outcome? What will we have that we didn't have before?
• What are we trying to explore, understand, generate ideas about, decide on?
• By what process, in what overall format?
• What ore we NOT trying to do? eg,, make a premature decision, resolve rather than understand a conflict, reach a compromise rather than a consensus, debate rather than explore, etc.
• What's the form of the collaboration process?👇
I remember once being in a situation where I was competing with AT&T in a particular service area (conference calls).
We ran circles around them with our agility and adaptability. We would think up and implement features in an hour when they took months to schedule a meeting.
• Go up a level of attraction or more
• Go Meta: Is this the problem I really want to be solving? The Real Problem? How can I reframe it?
• How was this TYPE of problem solved in another domain?
• What are the limiting assumptions?
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Creative exercises:
How was this solved in nature?
What would be an "impossible" solution?
How would a criminal solve it? How could I make that legal and ethical?
Improve your thinking — even if you are a genius
1. Think of thinking as a conversation with yourself, a dialogue or a group meeting of your parts:
What kind of conversation is this? 👇
1a. An exploration, creative stream-of-consciousness, investigation, attempt to explain a puzzling situation?
A fantasy, a reminiscence or re-living af a past event.
A celebration of an achievement.
A performance review.
An attempt to understand an emotion
2. Goal: Perhaps you are trying to come up with a new approach, or explain an unexpected result., or understand a confusing situation.
2a. Like in a conversation, Go Meta and try to state the goal and PROCESS (it can shift):
◦ Find something that you really want to do, but seems impossible. Get in touch with your inner vision: the ability to “see” the invisible, what isn’t there yet, what isn’t even possible yet. 👇
2/ • Figure out what you want to do that is way beyond your realm of possibility.
◦ Realize that that’s just a problem: a situation in which you don’t yet know how to get what you want, starting from where you are and what you have.
3/ ◦ Let yourself go into WONDER as an adventure: I wonder why, I wonder how, I wonder if… Practice wondering about everything. Go see amazing things, like magicians and other astonishing performers. 👇