Stories of the Holocaust fill most of us with shock and horror. To think of fellow human beings in such a degraded state evokes deep emotions of sadness, anger, and shame for the human race for what we have wrought.
It is painful to contemplate the suffering these people endured. What is even more difficult to comprehend - is that this was done to them by other human beings, and worse - that it was done willfully.
This was no accident, no anomally..
it was the end result of a systematic eliminative process. A process which was necessary to create the conditions where such a thing was even possible.
It did not start here.
Hatred against these people was carefully nurtured, by which their identity, ethics, sanity and humanity were denied, by which permission to abuse them was granted, then encouraged, then demanded.
I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever
human beings endure suffering and humiliation.
We must always take sides.
Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim.
Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.
~ Elie Wiesel
The tried-and-true method of elimination known as Mobbing has been with us for a long time. It is simple, efficient and scalable.
It is insidious and pernicious as it hides behind a veil of lies and justifications. It is designed to be difficult to detect or prove.
Those that do see it are terrified and are too intimidated to speak out.
This silence emboldens the bullies and the mobbing process continues and escalates to its predictable, stereotypical and inevitable result.
The elimination of the targeted individual, group or race.
Mobbing - its Course Over Time
By Dr Heinz Leymann
The course of mobbing changes its character over time as the social setting changes. Research thus far reveals very stereotypical courses
(Leymann, 1990).
1. Critical incidents:
The triggering situation is always one that can be described as a conflict. Mobbing can, therefore, be seen as an escalated conflict. So far, not much is known about what details transform the development of a conflict into a mobbing situation.
Hypothetically, this first mobbing phase (which, to be exact, is not yet mobbing!) may be very short while the next phase reveals stigmatizing actions by colleges, shop-floor management or top management.
2. Mobbing and stigmatizing:
As stated above, mobbing activities may contain quite a number of behaviors which, in normal interaction, do not necessarily indicate aggression, any attempts to expel or exclude anyone.
However, being subjected to these behaviors on an almost
daily basis, for a very long period of time and for hostile purposes, the activity can change in context and may be used in stigmatizing someone in the group.
In fact, all of the observed behaviors, regardless of their meaning in normal daily communication,
have the common denominator of being based on the intent to "get at a person" or punish him or her. Thus, aggressive manipulation is the main characteristic of these activities.
3. Personnel management: When management eventually steps in, the case becomes officially "a case". Due to previous stigmatization, it is very easy to misjudge the situation and place the blame on the mobbed person. Management tends to accept and take over the prejudices produced
during previous stages.
This very often seems to bring about the desire to do something in order to "get rid of the problem", i. e. the mobbed person. This most often results in serious violations of the individual´s civil rights. In this phase, the mobbed person ultimately
becomes marked/stigmatized. Because of fundamental attribution errors, colleges and management tend to create explanations based on personal characteristics rather than on environmental factors (Jones, 1984).
This may be the case particularly when management is responsible for the psychosocial work environment and may refuse to accept this responsibility.
4. Incorrect diagnoses:
If the mobbed person seeks contact with psychiatrists or psychologists, there is a great risk that these professionals will misinterpret the situation, as they very often lack sufficient training in investigating social situations in the workplace.
Therefore, they also tend to judge the person due to some incorrect personality concepts. The risk is that the subjected person will be labeled with an incorrect diagnosis such as "paranoia", "querulous paranoia", "manic-depressive illness", "adjustment disorder"
or "character disorder". This judgment can destroy the person´s chances of gaining anything from vocational rehabilitation in order to return to the labor market, or from occupational rehabilitation in order to be able to return to the previous occupation.
5. Expulsion:
As far as the mobbing scenario at the workplace is concerned, the social consequences for people who have been expelled from the labor market long before retirement are well known. This situation is probably responsible for the development of serious illnesses
(Groeblinghoff & Becker, 1996; or also Leymann, 1996) that cause the victim to seek medical or psychological help. However, as has been argued, the subjected person can very easily be incorrectly diagnosed by professionals, namely when they do not want
to believe the person´s story or when they do not bother to look into the triggering social events, as stated above.
Even though this list relates to mobbing in the workplace, it describes the same process used by the Nazis against their scapegoats, primarily the Jews.
1. Critical incidents:
Before the war, resentment toward the Jewish population was brewing. Longstanding grievances fuelled hatred and a racist mindset that reached the highest levels of European power. At this stage it’s not yet a mobbing, not yet a Holocaust, but it has begun.
2. Mobbing and stigmatizing:
Anti-semitism is rampant and promoted openly. Slander, derision and baiting is the order of the day. A prime example indicative of the level to which this vitriol reached can be found in Julius Streicher, the Nazi newspaper publisher of
the aptly named, "Der Stuermer" (The Attacker). Streicher used his newspaper to further his rabidly anti-semitic views by spreading venemous stories and calling for the destruction of the Jewish people.
Bullies like Streicher paved the road to destruction with incitement and
propaganda. At the same time as these tactics erode support for the target, they also make it socially acceptable, even benefitial, to participate in the attacks.
Ironically the targets of this abuse are made out the be the "real" troublemakers.
In the case of the Jews, Streicher blamed them for all of Germany's, Europe's and the World's woes.
3. Personnel management:
Once bullies like Striecher have stirred up enough trouble it becomes a problem for those in authority.
The Nazi Party was the legal governing authority to which Jewish people were expected to appeal to for justice.
When those in authority have a vested interest in silencing and destroying the target the outcome is sadly predictable. Lives are destroyed with the full legal sanction of the state (or Corporation, in the case of Workplace Mobbing Targets).
4. Incorrect diagnoses:
What is the Final Solution to the Mobbing Question?
As bullies never accept responsibility for their crimes, it is the disenfranchised, helpless target who is branded as the "real" problem - for which a final solution must be found.
5. Expulsion:
The Solution? Eliminate them!!!
Professor Kenneth Westhues of the University of Waterloo describes the mobbing process to which workers are subjected. One can readily see the same process at work in Nazi Germany in the campaign against the Jews.
Mobbing can
be understood as the stressor to beat all stressors.
It is an impassioned, collective campaign by co-workers to exclude, punish, and humiliate a targeted worker. Initiated most often by a person in a position of power or influence, mobbing is a desperate urge to crush and
eliminate the target. The urge travels through the workplace like a virus, infecting one person after another. The target comes to be viewed as absolutely abhorrent, with no redeeming qualities, outside the circle of acceptance and respectability, deserving only of contempt.
As the campaign proceeds, a steadily larger range of hostile ploys and communications comes to be seen as legitimate.
In spite of the hopeful words "Never Again" this insidious process has never stopped. It has relentlessly continued to play itself out around the world to this very day - with no end in sight.
Bullies of every stripe, military, political and corporate, continue to profit by
trading in misery and death. Each of them uses this process to justify their crimes to make them palatable to themselves and to bystanders who might otherwise object.
They use this slow, methodical approach to creep up on thier victims.
Victims who do not want to believe what is happening, that a poison is taking hold of them, that a noose is tightening around their necks, that thier neighbours, coworkers or countrymen would ever perpetrate such crimes against them.
As the Nazis advanced and consolidated their
power many didn't want to believe the reports they were hearing of mass killings. They delayed going into hiding and held out faint hope that maybe things would be alright after all.
They learned too late that the mobbing process had already gone too far.
Too far for hope, too far for reason, too far for mercy.
We ignore mobbing at our own peril. Inhumanity is so commonplace in our world that many have simply accepted it or have been beaten down for so long they no longer have the strength to stand up to it.
It is incumbent on those who still can to speak up while there is still time. Many are too intimidated and afraid and console themselves that others have suffered even more than they have, that they are "lucky" because things could be much worse.
They witness abuses against others but say nothing, do nothing, because they are afraid that they would be next. Their credo is "Better them than me."
As bullies eliminate their targets fresh victims are needed. Only those who prove their fealty to the bully by
also participating in the abuse are spared. All others are suspect. Those who protested move to the top of the bully's list and the machinery of mobbing begins another cycle of fear and death. It's easy to ignore until one day - it's your turn.
Some may feel it is not fair to compare the murder of millions committed by the Nazis to workplace mobbing, which is generally considered to be an assault on the emotional and mental well being rather than outright physical violence.
However, this does not take into account the
collateral damage done to the lives of mobbing targets and their families.
That the mobbing process can end in direct physical violence has been demonstrated time and time again, but other more subtle approaches are just as lethal and are happening right now on a massive scale.
According to Dr. Catherine Le Galès-Camus, WHO Assistant-Director General, Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health, in a Sept 2004 article:
“For every suicide death there are scores of family and friends whose lives are devastated emotionally, socially and economically,“
“Suicide is a tragic global public health problem. Worldwide, more people die from suicide than from all homicides and wars combined."
Suicide is a huge but largely preventable public health problem, causing almost half of all violent deaths and resulting in almost
one million fatalities every year, as well as economic costs in the billions of dollars, says the World Health Organization (WHO).
Estimates suggest fatalities could rise to 1.5 million by 2020.* (check this prediction).
Whether someone is killed by another or driven to suicide makes little difference to the victims or their families.
In a study done in Sweden, Dr. Heinz Leymann estimated that about twelve percent of suicides were related to Workplace Mobbing.
For many companies these are acceptable losses, the cost of doing business, for others a calculated means to a profitable end.
“In the societies of the highly industrialized western world, the workplace is the only remaining "battlefield" where people can "kill" each other
without running the risk of being taken to court.”
~ Professor Heinz Leyman
The mobbing process has parallels to some of the most horrific human rights violations in history. Ethnic "cleansing", lynching, and other forms of systematic murder, torture and rape continue unabated.
Those who support or participate in Workplace Mobbing are no better or different than those who support it in concentration camps or killing fields.
The consequences of all Mobbing is the same. Intolerable suffering and despair, humiliation and death.
“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..”
John Milton, Paradise Lost
We all agree that Trump’s GOP and MAGA faithful are swooning in some ‘mass hysteria’.
It is growing in velocity, to our collective peril. We’ve seen it before: Germany, Cambodia, Rwanda. We know it travels quickly. We know it feeds on lies and laughs at suffering.
We know it leads to genocide, if unchecked. I know it intimately, but I know it as Mobbing Syndrome.
I was a Bystander and Target in a Workplace Mobbing. I was rapidly injured by it, just by being near it; by being unable to stop it.
In only 8 weeks, I had hypertensive crises and rollicking PTSD. It nearly killed me. Mobbing Syndrome is an incubator for suicide. Worse.
Here is a thread containing 10 Clues the Eliminative Lust of Mobbing is Present.
I invite you to comment with evidence from the past 4 years you feel applies.
(Report any abuse).
(Administrative Mobbing at the University of Toronto, Westhues, 2004)
1. The target is a popular
A high-achieving person and solid performer. Popularity of the television show Survivor illustrates this – when a possible winner would be voted off the island because their skills and prowess made them ‘a threat’.
2. Lack of due process
Sophisticated eliminators make a show of appearing scrupulously fair, but vigilant outsiders can usually see through it.
A weaponized Industrial Disease made a Murderous Juggernaut
(And why the MAGA don’t see it)
by Arthur Malraux
A contagious disease has knowingly been unleashed upon America.
It is thinly disguised but the evidence is there, and there is more coming. It’s called Mobbing Syndrome.
Now, I’m not saying the last 4 years of near-daily assaults on decency, truth, reason, and precedent resembles Mobbing Syndrome.
I’m saying it is EXACTLY that.
I first saw Mobbing Syndrome 3 years ago at my work.
I’d never heard of it.
Mobbing is found in animal behaviour; crows often do it. When a crow detects a threat to their nest, be it a snake or owl, they rally other crows for help.
I’ve seen this, and had it happen to me. This sudden narcolepsy will be indicative of the change in those brain centers.
This is the physical manifestation of the underutilization of glucose in those lobes. That’s not all.
This has implications relating to problems with vision. They don’t believe what they see. You can show them stark, irrefutable evidence but they cannot process it at all.
Blindly following is right.
Let me tell you a story..
I worked with a MAGA.
If he hadn’t been..
we would’ve been good friends. In his clear moments he was a good guy.
When Trump betrayed the Kurds to Erdogan and his murderous ISIS-like proxies, I showed him a video of those brave allies being beheaded by these savages.
His response? Some parroted bullshit about China..
A weaponized Industrial Disease made a Murderous Juggernaut
(And why the MAGA don’t see it)
by Arthur Malraux
A contagious disease has knowingly been unleashed upon America. Indeed, it was loosed upon the world.
It is thinly disguised but the evidence is there, and there is more coming. It’s called Mobbing Syndrome.
Now, I’m not saying the last 4 years of near-daily assaults on decency, truth, reason, and precedent resembles Mobbing Syndrome.
I’m saying it is EXACTLY that.
I first saw Mobbing Syndrome 3 years ago at work.
I’d never heard of it.
Mobbing is found in animal behaviour; crows often do it. When a crow detects a threat to their nest, be it a snake or owl, they rally other crows for help.
Neither Baldwin nor I believe nor say, that genocides are a Whites Only condition; however, like water fountains in Selma, Whites have taken a long cool drink from these waters, historically.
Aztecs wanted Empire, and built schools to spread their..
Europeans considered Indigenous Americans to be primitives; they didn’t recognize that they had a thriving culture because they did not value it. They thought they’d found these peoples in a state that resembled the biblical Eden.
@Jcadvamlier@MaryLTrump (ab origine, Latin: from the original) They wouldn’t know that the Mohawk had once conquered more territory than the Romans.
History wasn’t studied then; only gold and arable land had value. Plunder.
Smallpox and other disease would decimate the populations of both Americas.