Aggressive Hybrid Equity Funds invest 65% to 80% in equities and remaining portion is invested in debt.
Most funds in the category maintain a static allocation into equity and debt.
If you see the category average, 75% is invested into equity and 25% into debt.
This allocation is periodically rebalanced to maintain equity allocation below 80% regulatory limit.
Balanced Advantage Funds invest 30% to 80% in equities and remaining portfolio is invested in debt.
The uniqueness of this category lies in its dynamic management of equity levels between 30% to 80% (some funds upto 100%)
These funds have in-house models for asset allocation
There are different kind of models based on fundamental factors like P/E, P/B and also technical factors like DMAs and volatility.
Some models keep reducing equity levels as market goes up and increase when markets correct, while some models go with the market trend.
Broadly all BAF models try to achieve one common goal, reduce volatility in returns and more importantly, protect downside when markets correct sharply.
The routes are different (using different models) but the destination is common - low volatile equity like returns.
Equity Savings Funds invest 30% - 40% in equities, 25% to 35% in equity arbitrage and remaining 25% to 35% into debt.
The combination of these 3 asset class makes it the most conservative strategy compared to aggressive hybrid funds and BAFs.
What to expect from these funds?
One should approach these categories purely on risk basis and not returns alone.
The key objective of these funds are..
Aggressive Hybrid: Equity linked returns with slightly lower volatility over 3 to 5 yrs
BAF: Equity linked returns with half the volatility of equity market over 3 to 5 years time horizon and provide significant downside protection.
ESF: +/- 2% over debt market returns with over 3 to 5 years time horizon with slightly higher volatility than pure debt funds.
A look at historic performance of all 3 categories gives a fair idea for setting our expectations right.
Risk: See volatility of each category compared to Nifty 50 in the table.
Watch out drawdowns and min returns of each category.
Lastly, look at average returns.
Aggr Hybrid and BAF have broadly similar return profile, but with significant difference in their volatility.
Aggressive Hybrid Funds have potential to return more when markets are rising, while BAF protects down-side much better when markets fall sharply (-27% vs -19%)
Equity Savings Fund's risk is lowest when compared to equities, but slight higher than pure debt funds.
ESF's average 3 year rolling returns have been around 7% and max around 9%.
These funds can be good substitute to pure debt funds in a low interest rate environment.
What not to expect from these funds?
Last 1 yr returns of these categories is definitely something one should not expect these funds to deliver consistently.
One should not expect Aggr Hybrid and BAFs to generate higher than market returns, they are not designed to do so.
They may outperform at some points, but not consistently. They are more to cut volatility in your portfolio and not necessarily to add additional returns.
Don't expect ESFs to give double digit returns. See it as substitute to debt, not equity.
Who should invest in these funds?
One who wants to reduce volatility of their equity portfolio can invest in Aggressive Hybrid or BAFs.
1st time equity investors who are afraid of market corrections and volatility can invest through BAFs.
If you are investing in equities for 3 to 5 years, better to go with BAFs or Aggressive Hybrid Funds.
Investors who want to protect their gains from equities at peak can park in ESFs.
Ones who want to earn slightly better than pure debt funds can look at ESFs.
Study all these three strategies from @EdelweissMF
Study how are they managed, what are the risks, what to expect, their historic portfolios, net equity levels and historic rolling returns.
1. Don’t bother to track every penny you spend. You'll lose focus on the big picture.
Instead, focus saving big on those big ticket items. Cut down on large, recurring purchases and then later, if necessary, focus on penny items.
Spend money on things that you really enjoy and not on those you don’t. As Ramit Sethi said best “live a rich life by spending EXTRAVAGANTLY on the things you love, and cut costs mercilessly on the things you don’t”.
2. Pay off your high interest credit card and personal loans before you start saving. Saving high with debt yet to be paid off gets you on the wrong side of the compounding.
3. Start saving and invest that savings as soon as you start earning. Taking risk becomes comforting
A thread explaining difference between ETFs and Index Funds.
What are ETFs and Index Funds?
Both are from the same family called passive funds, which mirror the index that they follow.
They both aim to track the performance of the underlying index as close as possible.
What is the difference between Index Funds and ETFs?
The key difference is unlike index funds, ETFs are listed on exchange and one can invest at real time NAV. 2/n
How it works?
ETFs have a unique structure. There are 3 parties involved - AMC, Exchange and Market Maker.
Most retail investors can buy/sell ETFs on exchange, whereas large investors can invest through AMC also if they are investing large amount (usually above 50 lkhs)
A thread to understand all about State Development Loans (SDLs).
Why you should invest now and how?
1. What is an SDL?
They are market borrowing by various States of India in form of bonds. These bonds are auctioned by the RBI on regular basis in the same manner as G-Sec.
They share similar characteristics such as:
-The coupon rate for each state is decided by the auction process
-The RBI conducts the auction process on behalf of States
-The interest is paid on semi-annual basis with bullet payment on maturity
- SDLs do not carry any credit risk. As a result, they carry zero risk weight – similar to G-Sec & T-Bills
- SDLs are eligible for SLR investments – similar to G-Sec & T-Bills
- SDLs are eligible for LAF and Repo operations – similar to G-Sec & T-Bills