Everyone knows the current problem of vaccine scarcity is due to insufficient production.
The ideological hardliners against boosting production globally are now the European Commission, which seems to listen to Germany more than any other EU Member State.
And yes, ideology.
While the EU has finally backed down and agreed to allow text-based negotiations proceed on the #TRIPSwaiver proposal, the European Commission remains opposed to the proposal, which would relax patent rules to expand vaccine production globally.
The arguments the European Commission uses to oppose vaccine patent waivers have been debunked over and over.
That they continue to put them forward shows not only dishonesty but arrogance.
There's a reason that the vast majority of countries in the world support vaccine patent waivers, along with medical experts, global health experts, the European Parliament, Nobel laureates, and top scientific journals... nature.com/articles/d4158…
But for the European Commission, sadly, what scientists and health professionals say doesn't matter.
They are focused on one thing in this global pandemic: helping the pharma industry.
The pharma companies have their own interest, of course, and that is to extract as much profit as possible from their products.
They set production levels to suit themselves.
The scarcity of vaccines globally has helped them keep prices high.
But the world needs more.
The European Commission's ideological insistence on standard intellectual property rules - even in the completely non-standard situation of a global pandemic - has helped pharma companies, but it's been a disaster for the rest of us.
The "business as usual" approach is deadly.
The evidence is also clear that "business as usual" is not working: we are not producing enough vaccine doses fast enough.
The fight over scarce doses means rich governments have rushed ahead in vaccinations.
85% of shots that have gone into arms worldwide have been administered in high- and upper-middle-income countries.
Only 0.3% of doses have been administered in low-income countries.
Now, if you are lucky enough to have been vaccinated already, you may look at all these numbers and think, "I'm alright, Jack".
This is perhaps what the European Commission and the German government hope EU citizens will think, so they can continue pushing their awful policy.
The scarcity of vaccines means a longer pandemic, so, not only:
☠️ More death.
☠️ More economic pain.
But also:
☠️ More chance for more dangerous variants to emerge that are more deadly, more easily spread and/or resistant to current vaccines. oxfam.org/en/press-relea…
By the way, the pharma companies know this. They are preparing for new recipes to address new variants, as well as 3rd shot boosters.
This will further increase global demand, but production facilities are insufficient even for current demand. cnbc.com/2021/04/15/pfi…
So, rich governments will keep fighting over short supplies…
And most of the world will continue to have nothing…
A little charity from the rich governments in the form of a small number of donated doses over the span a year or two is NOT going to solve this.
This is where we will be until global vaccine production is big enough and fast enough.
✅ Condemned 7/10 killings by Palestinian armed groups;
✅ Questioned legality of some Israeli airstrikes;
✅ Condemned Israel's collective punishment of Palestinians & called for targeted sanctions on those responsible;
Belgium has also:
✅ Expressed support for the International Criminal Court’s role and its ongoing investigation on the situation in Palestine, which includes jurisdiction over the current hostilities between the Israeli government and Palestinian armed groups.
In addition, the Belgian federal parliament has introduced a bill to ban trade with settlements in occupied territories.
Convincing people that they have fundamental rights takes no effort at all.
Convincing them that others have fundamental rights is the hard part.
I want to write about these things in ways that might encourage new people to warm to the idea of universal human rights.
I don’t feel you can do that by using language and tropes that immediately spark “culture war” reactions - those cliché phrases that close minds instantly.
That’s been the purpose of my newsletter over the past year: to find language that brings people closer to understanding the fundamental rights that bind us together.
Dans l'après-midi du 2 octobre 2018, l'éminent journaliste #saoudien et chroniqueur du Washington Post Jamal Khashoggi s'est rendu au consulat saoudien d'Istanbul pour obtenir les documents nécessaires pour son mariage. C'est la dernière fois que sa fiancée l'a vu.
Des agents saoudiens l’ont assassiné à l'intérieur du consulat et ont découpé son corps en morceaux.
Il ne s'agissait pas simplement d'une opération véreuse. En 2019, une enquête de l'ONU a mis en évidence "une coordination, des ressources et des finances gouvernementales importantes" derrière l'assassinat.