1/ The first #Durban conference, with its #Antisemitic anti-Zionist 'Durban Declaration' keeps regenerating itself, like a virus
Sept '21 will see the @UN hosting #DurbanIV, which will double down on its '#Zionism-is-racism' slander, giving oxygen to Antisemitic anti-#Zionists
2/ The original Durban Conference was intended as a conference against racism, but quickly revealed itself as a grotesque farce rife with #Antisemitic anti-#Zionism.
It has remained so to this day, promulgated by those who simply want a world without its only Jewish state.
3/ The UK pulled out of Durban III in 2011 because of the grotesque Antisemitic-anti-Zionism
The UK is a self-declared friend of Israel 🇮🇱
The UK's @BorisJohnson must stand up for its friend, 🇮🇱, & against the #Jew-hate now synonymous with the #Durban conferences & Declaration
4/ So sign our latest campaign NOW to email @DominicRaab , cc-ing your local MP & ask the UK gov to confirm it will NOT attend the Durban IV conference in Sept. 2021
There is NO reason for the UK to reverse its previous policy in this regard!
5/ By REFUSING to attend a conference that gives oxygen to the world's oldest hatred, a conference which will further embolden those already attacking Jews across the UK, the UK will be taking a noble & just stand with UK Jewry, & its close friend, Israel. #NoUKAtDurbanIV
6/ By refusing to attend DURBAN IV, @BorisJohnson will be emulating the moral decision made by former PM @David_Cameron when he pulled the UK out of attending Durban III in 2011 because he did not want the 🇬🇧 to celebrate the anniversary of an event associated with #Antisemitism
7/ By pulling OUT of #DurbanIV, @BorisJohnson will be placing the UK 🇬🇧 on the right side of history.
Watch this video, 'The UN’s Durban Programme: what is it and how should the UK respond'
Wonder what all the Israel haters have to say about this:
#Palestinian police detain their captive in the same way as the 🇺🇸 cop who murdered #GeorgeFloyd.
Will Jordan (they train them) be blamed?
Will America (they also train & fund them) be blamed?
No, only ever 🇮🇱🤬
The photo in the Tweet above was shared by the Palestinian Voice for Peace FB group, see here: facebook.com/PalestinianVoi…
The Arabic in the image, translated through Google reads: "Freedom deplores the killing of the young Al-Amouri by the Palestinian police in Al-Eizariya"