DC's PR department: "No no no no, it's not that Batman won't go down on Catwoman because he's a selfish lover. It's because he's a selfish billionaire."
Angry mob: "Okay that checks out."
Kinda sorry for everyone who isn't part of Comics Twitter as that tweet just bonked y'all right on the nose without warning.
Anyhow it's apparently official that Batman just Will Not Do That, Because Superhero Reasons.
First WH press briefing after the Asia trip. Sarah HS opens with a joke. Place air quotes where you will.
SHS is thrilled with the tax cuts and says that Trump has no opinions on Roy Moore, unless the allegations are proven to be true, in which case Moore should step aside.
Reporter: How will allegations be proven?
SHS: Meh. Witches float, right?
Reporter: Why won't Trump speak out on Moore?
SHS: It's up to the people of Alabama.
Reporter: But Trump has opinions about everything and everyone. Why isn't he--