Important to note that Dr. James Lindsay (Ph.D., mathematics, 2010) is most known as a hoaxer who considers the language of the humanities gibberish and likes to send it up (as so many have done since the early 90s).
Where Marc Lamont Hill (Ph.D., American Studies, 2005 [I think]) has, along w/his work in journalism, directed a dozen dissertations & has a frankly exhausting CV that includes, among too many books & articles w/illustrious publishers to count, fluent Spanish & solid Arabic.
Dr. Lindsay is trained as a mathematician. His dissertation at the University of Tennessee is called “Combinatorial Unification of Binomial-Like Arrays.” Holy sh-t.
I’m not a mathematician but I assume Lindsay’s work makes a meaningful & erudite contribution to the subject of combinatorial unification of binomial-like arrays. And that my mystification at this string of words, and impulse to parody it, is NOT of interest or use to anyone.
AND because the topic intimidates me I like to think I’d ask Lindsay questions & be willing to learn in good faith rather than defend my ignorance & fear of high-level mathematics with all my might.
Lindsay is a person who does NOT think this is gibberish!!
“it is possible to expand the polynomial (x + y)n into a sum involving terms of the form axbyc, where the exponents b & c are nonnegative integers with b + c = n”
And Hill is a person who ON TV can tease out what’s compelling abt his own rarefied subject for a general, if educated, audience. Sure Hill “wins” this TV bloodsport. But much more importantly, he makes a crucial distinction b/n Gramsci (& Frankfurt) & Saussure.
I hope that Lindsay goes back to binomials, the subject on which he must have surer footing (and less anxiety), and that Hill continues to teach a broad audience about the rigors and subtleties of critical theory, now that for once it’s in the news!
Fwiw I tried my best with @kmele to make the case for CRT as above all damned interesting yesterday. Wish I’d had Hill’s dexterity.
Prophecies are all duds. No more Q. No more messiah Trump. Q Shaman in jail. Powell says there’s no plan. Even Flynn says major ideas are nonsense. Infighting. Many want straight anti-Semitism; some still want to shill for intravenous bleach.
Nothing gold can stay.
The Watkins porn duo created Q — that’s common knowledge now, no?
After my son’s latest checkup with the pediatrician I’m some combo of floored & amused by how much stock even doctors put in boys realizing their dreams by growing to 6 feet.
The doctor was completely earnest when she said she hopes my son “makes it” and the both knew what she meant!
Is this the equivalent of hoping girls never pass 115 lbs or something?
Is the 6-foot+ ideal for men oppressive?
And all the dating apps and daters who fully despise & penalize men for lying about their height by an inch or two?
Because it seems possible that Trump’s loss, the failure of the coup to install Trump, the 100s of arrests, the moral humiliation of the spectacle, the condemnation of the event by all, including Trumpites...that might actually force some Qs to quit the game