Dominic Cummings Profile picture
Jun 18, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read Read on X
1/ Pundit babble pollutes understanding & MP/official incentives. Want to improve your understanding of politics? Stop reading these pundit babblers. They don't understand political communication, never mind *how power actually works in SW1*. Typical e.g - overconfident + wrong Image
2/ Watch how all the drone-babblers today suddenly have 'explanations' for what they can't predict. It's all bullshit, all the way down. If you want to get anything big done in politics you must learn to tune out the noisy hum of the drones...
3/ Wait for it... The Clown Prince himself, the epistemological Godfather of the lobby, will doubtless soon be 'explaining' electoral geography. If you rely on pundit-drones to 'explain' SW1 you are doomed to follow the ephemeral emotional waves of the lobby's constant hysteria Image
4/ Here we go the Clown Prince speaks... 'realignment is a fantasy'! Nonsensical use of 'strategic' & multiple errors in 1 sentence. There's literally *a BIG realignment* in UK/US over years which is why e.g pollsters now must do as Vote Leave did in 2016 & *weight by education* Image
5/ Remember how many drones said 'haha calling multiple votes to force a GE, no chance, No10 clueless, Grieve genius' thro autumn 19. If you believed the drones, what happened was a v big shock - & you'd keep being shocked... They won't change, all you can do is tune noise out Image
6/ How rubbish are the drone-pundits at politics/communication? The 'top people' are so clueless at last election they thought an interview THAT DIDN'T EVEN HAPPEN was a big deal!! Clue: interviews that actually exist are almost never a big deal... Image
7/ Pundits: not doing ANeil 'a huge campaign blunder'
Me: why the fu*k wd be put a gaffe machine clueless about policy & government up to be grilled for ages, upside=0 for what?! This is not a hard decision...
Pundits don't understand comms, power or management. Tune out!
8/ Rentool: so crap. If you pay for babble, if you see Cadwalladr/MHyde/Hodges etc as 'political commentators' rather than 'middlebrow entertainment', then you're supporting the grotesque ecosystem. Don't pay for noise, don't click on MSM pundits. Instead read e.g Scott Alexander Image
9/ Scott Sumner, expert on NGDP targeting, summed it up: NYT/Guardian/FT/Economist/MSM pundit ecosystem is *middlebrow who think they're highbrow* - constant bafflement is inevitable... 'at least I know highbrow when I read it', #MeToo Image

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Feb 26
1/ New blog. What can be done about the collapse of both old parties & Whitehall? (Link at end)

We can see the crackup of both old parties and the crackup of state capacity. Labour MPs have to face that Whitehall is shattered and Starmer put in charge of fixing it the guy responsible for pandemic preparation in 2019-20. SW1’s cross party approach to Ukraine — deeply deluded and doomed as I said from the start — has blown up under the whole rancid ecosystem and humiliated us globally. SW1 response is to call £6B 'a new war footing'.

The whole pattern since 2016 plays out again: as delusions are exposed, double down on new delusions, deepen humiliation, circle wagons, call everyone who rightly said SW1 is herding to idiot positions 'Hitler', lose more credibility with voters (now hard to do as credibility is close to rock bottom, the only ones who still believe in 'our institutions' are those making money off them or rabbiting about them).

We're on a path to serious internal violence and financial meltdown with pure Idiocracy ‘in charge’.Image
2/ MAGA + DOGE kicking open the Overton window Image
3/ The 'consensus reality' of the mass media age has passed into history. We’re into a world that in some ways resembles 1815 (no consensus reality) more than 1980 (powerful consensus reality). Most of SW1 now lives in an information bubble that is fake and delusional but they think it’s the voters living like this. It’s a huge historical process for information to become so abundant and decentralised at a time when elite education has been corrupted and political elites are totally at sea.

Today, the NPC consensus is: extreme pro-escalation in UKR, extreme hate for Brexit, extreme ‘they’re Hitler’ or ‘they’re fooled by Hitler disinformation and need censorship to protect them’.

UK entrepreneurs are awakening as America’s did 2020-4. They realise the regime media is fake and the old institutions are shattered. Similarly those under ~25 have totally different information ecosystems, ‘the news’ doesn’t exist for them, they also think the old systems are shattered. When I give talks to ~18 year olds they nod at my description of SW1, for them it’s just obvious. (The young are polarising like elites — both more pro-Elon AND more pro-Luigi.) SW1 will be shocked again by youth politics.
Read 11 tweets
May 20, 2024
1/ Thread on failure of old parties, academia, media, think tanks, government bureaucracies on UKR war

The Cadwalladr of IR, Prof Obrien, has been one of the most extreme and delusional. After every failure he just creates a new fake story, blames a lack of willingness to risk nuclear war, and goes again.

Here he combines two essentials - vast delusion over the counteroffensive, which he kept saying was a triumph long after it had failed - & anybody who disagrees is a Putin stooge.

Irony: many of the most aggressive pro-UKR propagandists like Obrien & Snyder are loudest in denouncing people like @elonmusk (a liberal who voted Obama), @DavidSacks, me who disagree on UKR & think the Idiocracy West has monumentally blundered as 'fascist' and an 'enemy within' -- i.e *exactly what actual fascists did*

Obrien adds snotty credentialism - to people pointing out his blunders he replies that he's a professor and they lack 'credentials' - exactly the attitude among public health 'experts' that was so disastrous in 2020

When others shuffle away from the disaster, he will keep doubling down & demand direct NATO attacks on Russia - if we avoid nuclear war, he will claim in years to come that we 'would have' won if only we'd not been so frightened of nuclear warImage
2/ PM-zero-agency

A crucial aspect of UKR war propaganda and how NPC swarms work is *narrative whiplash* - the Official Line suddenly flips 180 degrees but the old media just download the software patch and parrot the new line without ever explaining how/why it changed

So in Feb 2022, No10 briefed - the war has nothing to do with UKR joining NATO, it isn't our policy, Putin is lying.

Then the line flipped to - obviously UKR shd join NATO.

And Stoltenberg then flipped the script 9/23 to - Putin offered no war if we promised UKR wd NOT be brought into NATO *and we said NO & preferred war*! Obviously this has got no coverage as it totally undermines the entire official NATO story.

Below you see PM-zero-agency do similar.

In early 2022, PM-trolley cut off Russian energy & bragged it wd scupper the Russian economy & war effort & UK consumers wd suck it up 'for democracy'. I.e WE cut off the gas and bragged about it...

NPCs who'd said repeatedly 'Boris is a liar' instantly believed & retweeted all his faux Churchill bullshit, swallowed claims on sanctions that were obvious rubbish

2022-24 Sanctions main effect was to help *China* (selling Russia loads at higher prices), exploited by India which resold Russian stuff to us mugs at higher prices, laughed at everywhere outside NATO-media-sphere & contributed to rapid decline of NATO/EU diplomatic influence globally, failed to stop Russian war effort which has adapted better than NATO (which continues en masse refusal to change shitshow procurement even after covid & during a war)

As I pointed out wd happen early 2022, e.g

UK 2024, PM-zero-agency says 'PUTIN cut off the gas supplies & it had a devastating impact', UK consumers are sick as chips but blame Putin not HMG!

And obviously the NPCs, often keen on 'fact checking' and 'disinformation', just downloaded the software patch & parroted the new line even though it is blatantly entirely factually untrue. NOBODY CARES ABOUT THE BASIC FACTS because it's a war and we've defined the goodies/baddies. (Do you see likes of Professor Useful Idiot for the Worst Regimes Portes 'fact checking this? Obv not)

You can only understand the war propaganda if you understand that ~100% of hacks just follow *memetic dynamics* - if a meme crosses a threshold in their network, they boost it to signal their agreement with the swarm. The process acts to suppress critical faculties and boost in-group tribalism. Those who disagree are idiots or fascists. Left-Remain-trans academia is particularly prone to this, which is no surprise if you studied Stalin and Soviet propaganda in 1920s/30.

The same happened with extreme-Remain on Brexit in 2019 and led to their self-sabotage, and on covid 2020 where Guardian and Telegraph each mobilised NPC Remain/Brexit networks for ad clicks then *their hacks started believing the fake news* they each generated (e.g Telegraph: 'Boris was pushed into lockdown by scientists' (fact: SAGE et al OPPOSED lockdown); Guardian: rapid tests are more Cummings corruption, they don't work (fact: rapid tests were a huge success & Guardian performed narrative whiplash by flipping to support them, without ever explaining to their readers the flip)

3/ General Ben Hodges, 6 Jan 2023: ’Ukraine is going to liberate Crimea by the end of August [2023]. We know from history war is a test of will and a test of logistics. Clearly Ukrainian soldiers and the Ukrainian people have the superior will. The Russian logistics system is frail… The sanctions are having a significant impact… Not everybody has their head around the idea Russia is actually going to be defeated the old fashioned way on the battlefield.’

On 22 June 2023, he repeated: ‘Ukraine could actually still liberate Crimea by the end of this summer.’

Many, many generals and other senior ranks have said similar things, all across the old media & TV 'news'. The old media NEVER says to them, or academics like Obrien & Freedman & Snyder, 'when you were last on you said X would happen, it didn't, why did you get this wrong, what have you consequently changed your mind about?'
Read 7 tweets
Nov 22, 2022
New blog: Midterms. Trump's blunder, DeSantis' chance. Why it's in @AOC's interests to challenge Biden. 2024 dynamics. Elite polarisation, Cicero, fishponds & civil war. Prof Sides' book on 2020...… Image
2/ Trump favourable ratings still remarkably high with GOP voters. Whether he's beaten for nomination will depend a lot on whether there is a big field he can pick off or GOP elites/Fox can get behind DeSantis…
3/ The midterms was not a vote for Biden to stay after 2024. DEM voters want him to stand down and to see an open primary competition.
But Newsom & Kamala wd be MORE likely to lose to Trump…
Read 9 tweets
Sep 29, 2022
1/ New blog: The Human Handgrenade & Kami-kwasi fiasco - the Remain-PM + ERG totally on brand... Ignore MSM drivel from Telegraph, Economist - 'Truss underrated, will surprise on upside'. No No No…
2/ NB. How SW1 is largely ignoring that UK pension funds nearly blew up cos of massive hidden leveraged positions that No10/11 didn't know about or understand (like 2007-8)! How many MPs have a Scooby Doo what's going on?!
3/ the Tories installed probably the only MP more media obsessed than even the🛒. Hard to get a worse take than from the pundit with the highest 'pretentious crap to just crap' ratio
Read 11 tweets
Jul 30, 2022
New blog: Sunak has run a Cameroon-Establishment campaign, ‘fiscal conservatism’ is a *crazy* focus. 2023: best chance since ?1850s to build a replacement for the Tories when they sink in 2024…
Particularly crazy for Tory establishment to focus on 'fiscal conservatism' when they're *also* supporting breaking the manifesto guarantee on 'no tax rises'! Why would anyone believe your claims on tax/spend after that?!!…
Tory MPs are *already* discussing a new party for 2024 after the deluge. Good! Why try to rebuild a rotten brand that millions wd never support on principle? Best chance since 19th C to replace it with something focused on public, NOT the rentier class…
Read 4 tweets
Jul 19, 2022
1/ Fantastic to see efforts from so many officials, scientists, deep state, & misfits pay off with something left/right/remain/leave can all support.
Science must be core priority of UK + of No10.
And science funding must become much more diverse with much less friction
2/ For background -
The Power of the Context, Alan Kay…
The Dream Machine, Waldrop.
Interactive computing 1960/68, Licklider & Taylor:
My paper on ARPA history & why UK needs its own…
3/ Alan Kay, one of the PARC alumni present at the creation: this video explains the history & explores crucial Q: why so little learning from ARPA/PARC?
Read 4 tweets

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