I know it, antivaccine groups redoubling efforts to scare pregnant women (and parents about their adolescent kids). The prediction is that many pregnant women (and adolescents) could contract the delta variant as it accelerates (currently >13% of virus isolates)
Earlier this year I had the opportunity to speak with @KatyTurNBC about her COVID19 vaccination. I think by doing this publicly she may have saved a lot of lives. Also good on @MSNBC@NBCNewsPR@TODAYshow for strong public health messaging
Yes but there’s more. I’m realizing that phony #LabLeak arguments have morphed into justifications to bully and intimidate prominent American scientists. The far right (but increasingly the mainstream GOP) are adopting antiscience as a major platform. I’m working to stop this
For instance, where is the condemnation of @DailyMailUK@DailyMail for their disgusting and unjustified hit piece on @PeterDaszak it’s nothing more than their capitulation to far right extremism and promotion of an antiscience agenda in order to sell newspapers
Or the condemnation of the attacks I’ve experienced from the “army of patriots” who say they will “hunt” me down? I’m looking at models like the Southern Poverty Law @splcenter but an organization to defend biomedical scientists vs far right (or even not so far right) attacks
1/3 Many thanks @yasminv for hosting me today. Apologies for throwing some cold water on the vaccination “victory lap” today, but there are some stark realities to consider...
2/3 first I don’t know where that 70% of adults goal comes from, but it’s not adequate. Yes the Biden Admin deserves credit for great successes, but we need 75-80% of entire US pop vaccinated, all of the adults adolescents. The South looks terrible, we’ll see a surge this summer
3/3 also there’s a humanitarian tragedy underway in South America, the Biden Admin needs to take some leadership here and help our neighbors. We must scale up and distribute vaccine for Latin America now, and ultimately all the LMICs. US State Dept invisible
Nationally yes Dr Jha, but here in the South we’re woefully behind. Very few getting vaccinated, Louisiana Mississippi Alabama, literally at one-half the vaccination rate of Vermont or Massachusetts. Our nation’s vaccination heat map looks like a Union-Confederacy map from 1861
This observation may have important USA implications, especially for American kids. Given how B.1617.2 is accelerating in the US affecting especially among the unvaccinated, including children. This may require us to accelerate the urgency immunize younger groups
Whether the illness is truly disproportionate in children compared with other variants of concern is still unclear to me, but hopefully @CDCgov might comment news18.com/news/india/cov…
1/5: In 2021, I've written a series of articles describing the globalization of antivaccine/antiscience movement that rose out of Texas in 2015, now a triple-headed monster: 1) Far right extremism/white nationalism 2) Organized and funded US groups, 3) Russian disinformation
1/10 Many thanks @chrislhayes for hosting me tonight @allinwithchris on the very important problem of Covid vaccine immunogenicity and takes on people receiving immunosuppressive Rx or with immune deficiencies.
2/10 it’s now a significant % of US population as much as 3-5% and increasing annually
3/10 includes those with 1) primary immunodeficiency, 2) leukemias lymphomas, 3) solid organ malignancies and chemotherapy, 4) bone marrow transplants, 5) solid organ transplants, 6) B cell mab Rx, 7) corticosteroids Rx, 8) CAR-T Rx, 9) splenectomy, 10) primary immunodeficiency