The big historical mistake made by the mainstream left was to regard the state as neutral, a tool which could just as well be used to defend the people as to oppress it.
But the state only ever came into existence in the first place in order to keep the people in line, to prevent them living freely in organic autonomy. It is not so much as tool as a weapon.
And the moment anyone takes this weapon into their hands, with whatever good intentions, they are obliged by the nature of the weapon itself to carry out the destructive work for which it was designed.
"Irrationality, the abdication of reason, the annihilation of critical judgment and the denial of evidence are the true pandemic virus of our time" - speech opposing #GreatReset by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, May 30, 2021.
"We should therefore renounce the comforting premise which tells us that our leaders act for our good, and more generally the idea that our interlocutors are honest, sincere, and animated by good principles"
"It warms the heart to believe that the multinational pharmaceutical companies and international health agencies have nothing at heart but our good..." - the rather sarcastic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
English visionary William Blake knew 200 years ago that his people had been enslaved.
Torn from their traditional way of life in England’s green & pleasant land, they were forced to toil in dark satanic mills for the profit of rich parasites.
Is this a holy thing to see
In a rich and fruitful land,
Babes reduc’d to misery,
Fed with cold and usurous hand?
“Human Thought is crush’d beneath the iron hand of Power” warned Blake.
He urged us to cast off our "mind-forg’d manacles", resist the "cogs tyrannic" and create a free and fair society, "Jerusalem" in his own personal language.
We are not so foolhardy as to suggest that the tide has finally turned in humanity’s struggle against the Great Fascist Reset being imposed on the back of Covid, but there have certainly been some encouraging signs.
A festive element is becoming increasingly apparent, as the movement overspills traditional “political” forms and turns into a deeply-felt revolt of life against the Great Reset transhumanist death-cult.
This spirit of resistance is very encouraging, whether it takes the form of a street party in New York or a supermarket rave in the Netherlands.
"The Evil Impactorship wants to own and control us, our bodies and every moment of our lives. It wants to own and control every square inch of our world".
"They want to herd us into smart cities, strap us with wearable technology, monitor and control our every movement and interaction".
"The divide that appears to be emerging is one between those who trust the state to look after their welfare on the one hand and on the other, those who trust people acting as individuals or collectively to decide what’s best for them".
"If anyone was looking to the left to stand up for liberty against the imposition of the restrictions we’ve been subjected to, we would hope that the experience of the last year has disabused them of that somewhat naïve hope".