So, I had a look at this. PinkNews, needless to say, wildly misrepresents the study.
There are two areas where GUESSES people make correlate with their biases.
The guesses are ENTIRELY PREDICTABLE just from the political bias which is known.
The study does not, as it should have, distinguish between correct guesses and knowledge.
Here, just straight up.
Take a guess between:
White people make more money on average than black people
Whites and blacks make about the same
Black people make more money than white people
That’s basically what they asked.
BLM supporters were more likely to guess that white people make more money on average than black people, which is correct.
Is that indicative of KNOWLEDGE?
I don’t see how.
The study simply treats is as such, which is a serious methodological flaw.
The study uses the phrase “correctly identify” the proper answer.
But they don’t know that a correct guess was not just a guess, and a politically biased one at that.
In other words, by ONLY ASKING QUESTIONS where the correct answer is skewed in one political direction, they are able to show that those of a certain political bias guess correctly more often.
No shit.
They should have asked about this:
21% of left-liberals think that 10,000 OR MORE unarmed black men are shot in a year in the US, as opposed to 10, which is correct. Only 3% of right-conservatives think that.
Oh, look, I just proved that leftists have a WARPED SENSE OF REALITY. Or rather, SCIENCE PROVED IT!
So, anyway, the study doesn’t prove or show ANYTHING LIKE WHAT PINKNEWS SAYS IT DOES.
Nor does the study claim to do so.
And even the two line items PinkNews cherry picked are obviously flawed as far as reaching the conclusion they want to draw.
All that is shown is that some political biases will tend to line up more with reality than others.
Who do you think gets closer to correct about black on black crime?
Leftists? Or rightists?
Bet you a $1,000,000 that lefties underestimate black on black crime.
Anyway, this study
(a) Doesn’t prove what PinkNews falsely says it does, and
(b) Is itself flawed because it fails to distinguish between correct guesses and knowledgeable recognition of facts
• • •
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Just had a dispiriting conversation (sort of) with a friend who, I learn, has a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
I cannot fathom how otherwise linguistically competent people can impute such insane and malicious meanings to Trump’s otherwise reasonably plain words.
There is something opposite to the Principle of Charity at play here—call it the Principle of Malice: when it is Trump, his words are *always* to be taken in the worst possible light, no matter how *wildly implausible*, no matter how much language must be tortured to get there.
My friend is (apparently) absolutely convinced that Trump told people to INJECT DISINFECTANT to cure COVID.
Let’s talk about this bit of dishonesty from Dr. Jillian Ford of Kennesaw State University.
She says
1 Critical Race Theory says that racism is an everyday occurrence for people of color
2 Critical Race Theory does not say that white people are inherently oppressive
3 Critical Race Theory is “not about individual behavior” but “about systems and policies”
Contra 1: This is an EQUIVOCATION designed to hide what CRT teaches. CRT doesn’t say that racism is an “everyday occurrence” AS PER individual experience, but that racism is EVERYWHERE AT ALL TIMES. You know, in the SYSTEMS and POLICIES.
“It means neither lying nor apologizing just because the crowd expects you to, least of all under the absurd implication that doing so makes you more virtuous and brave.”
To go along with the crowd is NOT brave. It is to submit to the Greatest Sophist:
“It's the refusal to be concerned with what other people think of you when you’re being yourself and the recognition that it doesn’t make sense to apologize for being true to yourself and your values, telling the truth as well as you can see it, or making a joke, even a bad one.”
“Being based means tolerating most of what’s done in good faith or to lighten the mood. It’s being real with lots of room to play. It elevates the worthy without falling into the indulgent trap of “celebrating” the ordinary, mediocre, and fake.”
@NewDiscourses 1 Do not LIE, even when the tyrants command you to
2 Laugh at tyrants
@NewDiscourses “While ‘it could never happen here’ is a bit of wishful thinking applied to the question of whether the Nazi regime could ever be repeated in the U.S. the ideological conditions and general cowardice that enable these sorts of catastrophes have already come knocking at our door.”
“The white race deems itself to be the dominant race in this country. And so it is, in prestige, in achievements, in education, in wealth, and in power.”
“So, I doubt not, it will continue to be, if it remains true to its great heritage and holds fast to the principles of constitutional liberty. But in the view of the Constitution, in the eye of the law, there is in this country no superior, dominant, ruling class of citizens.”