“NO MORE THAN MERE SECONDS” of exposure in 10-60 centimeters where one man triggers several #DeltaVariant infections with brief “fleeting” contact. Thousands of shoppers at NSW🇦🇺 mass tested. Delta called “near & present danger”.
2) he “brushed past a man” in his 50’s… who became case #4. Ummm, wow. 👀
3) Like geez, we know #DeltaVariant is basically the fastest transmitting variant to date. But this kind of “fleeting contact” infection is all the more reason for masks and improved ventilation and air disinfection.
4) NSW health minister Brad Hazzard said the Delta variant which is behind this outbreak is a “near and present danger” given the fleeting contact between cases at the Bondi Junction Westfield.
5) ““It is fair to say that this Delta virus would appear to be a near and present danger to anybody who is in the vicinity,” he said.”
6) Cmon, must be have a one time random event. Right? Wrong! ➡️ “It is the second “fleeting contact” transmission connected to the first case. A woman in her 70s was sitting outside a cafe that the initial case had visited and genomic sequencing of her virus is an exact match” ⚠️
7) No way you say???? Lordy, I hope there’s tapes you say???…. Well guess what, this other fleeting contact case with the woman was **caught on security cameras” of a store. “They never came into contact” at all.
8) Anchor: “they just passed each other in the department store” ⚠️ (see video above)
“This obviously caused some concern” by NSW 🇦🇺 health authorities.
9) I think it’s safe to say #DeltaVariant is now the greatest threat of #COVID19 pandemic in 2021. It is by far the fastest variant known to date. The data complied from 64 countries by @WHO don’t lie. #B16172 is a clear and present danger to the world.
10) #DeltaVariant was formerly known as the “Indian variant” before the new Greek names established. In India, it was estimated by @IHME_UW that there were 13-14 million NEW infections PER DAY during its peak. Let that sink in.
11) We’ve also seen how #DeltaVariant has efficiently infected millions in India 🇮🇳 and likely killed ~1.6 million people (estimates by Economist and NYT range from 600,000-4 mil). Let that sink in. That’s mostly from #B16172 - aka Delta. Don’t let this happen to the world.
12) The numbers too staggering? You don’t believe it? Well here is NYT’s analysis. @IHME_UW also estimated over 1 million conservatively as well. This is the same #DeltaVariant now infecting the world. Take it seriously please. And tell your local leaders. nytimes.com/interactive/20…
13) Why act now? Because #DeltaVariant is soaring across multiple countries of the world. It’s all but certain to dominate the US and continental Europe soon too. Even the head of WHO Europe region admits it.
14) Good news is vaccines mostly work against #DeltaVariant, albeit attenuated (below is the average of AZ and Pfizer vaccines, though 2 dose AZ efficacy itself is actually 60%, not 80%, while Pfizer is 88%). But bad news is 1 dose efficacy is only 30-33%—very poor. Need 2 doses.
15) that said, the #DeltaVariant is trouble. let this sink in - #DeltaVariant is still penetrating for vaccine breakthroughs that 10% of all hospitalized #COVID19 cases in last week was among those with 2 dose + 14 days fully vaccinated (and UK is majority AZ vaccinated)
16) “Dr Jenny Harries, the chief executive of the UK Health Security Agency, urged people eligible for vaccination to come forward to receive the jab.
“vaccination is our best defence,” she said, noting two doses provided significantly more protection than a single dose….
17) As Dr Fauci warned recently: “The problem you get into … is that a single dose only provides about ~30% effectiveness [against #DeltaVariant]—so that is really an issue you gotta be careful”, as Fauci tells @nehakhanna_07.
18) 2 doses much better than 1. But one dose only modestly better than none against #DeltaVariant. We need 2 doses for everyone ASAP. Fauci and UK leaders all recognize this.
20) please sign this petition to CDC for urgent #DeltaVariant action. It is by @endCOVID19 & @CovidActionGrp and a “coalition of scientists, public health officials, epidemiologists, health care workers, educators, advocates, parents, & concerned citizens: change.org/p/centers-for-…
21) UPDATE: multiple new locations of exposures added due to more newly uncovered casual contact cases from the same outbreak in NSW. #DeltaVariant is just that contagious. 9news.com.au/national/coron…
22) Mad respect to the NSW public health govt officials. They have now published the full exhaustive list of “casual contact” locations in which every case has been - with precise time and location for each. Wowzers on the comprehensive contact tracing.
23) Many of you are asking about changing vaccine types amid #DeltaVariant. It’s a tricky topic but many countries are now allowing it. Canada for example…
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again… once upon a time, liberals did have our own “Leftist Joe Rogan”… his name was Joe Rogan…
Here he is advocating for socialized medicine, healthcare for all, and supporting labor unions to protect workers.
2) Recall, Rogan was once pro Obama and pro Bernie Sanders, and pro Yang Gang, and anti Trump. It’s sad he has since failed to the dark side. But like Vader… maybe he can be redeemed someday and come back to the light.
Joe Rogan was also pro gay rights and pro DACA and pro helping inner city communities that suffer economic and social injustices. It’s sad what he has become. I feel we should try to pull & welcome him back someday. Everyone can be redeemed.
BREAKING—FDA suddenly cancels meeting to update next season’s flu vaccines, with zero explanations. Any delays will jeopardize next year’s vaccine supply chain.
2) Folks who follow me know that I’m no bullshitter. I criticized past pandemic response right and left, and have called balls and strikes without bias. And I often say things that doctors & epidemiologists are whispering among themselves but don’t say publicly. (Cough cough) ⬇️
3) While I don’t recommend hoarding… I think stocking up on flu antivirals, which you can obtain prophylactically (preventively) from doctors if you ask nicely why you’re high risk, can be a good idea. I know many doctors, epidemiologists and virologists who do for their family.
Doctors are debunking RFK Jr’s claim that 20 hospitalized measles cases in Texas are there for mainly quarantine. Doctors on the ground say the 20 kids hospitalized are having trouble breathing. Oh and they are all unvaccinated against measles, which RFK Jr neglects to mention.
2) RFK Jr told Trump today there’s now 2 measles deaths.
Woke or biology? There are actually more than the basic “male” XY & “female” XX sexes. Why? Because biology also creates people with single X chromosomes, or extra chromosomes like XXX, XXY, XYY, or XXX+, plus many 🧬genes. 👉All I’m asking is— please be kind to others. Thanks🙏
2) “The most frequent SCAs include Turner syndrome (45,X), Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY), Trisomy X syndrome (47,XXX), and Double Y syndrome (47,XYY).”
3) “The phenotype seen in SCAs is highly variable and may not merely be due to the direct genomic imbalance from altered sex chromosome gene dosage but also due to additive alterations in gene networks and regulatory pathways across the genome as well as individual genetic modifiers.”
I'm shocked a lot of doctors don't know about this newer flu antiviral drug called Baloxavir (XOFLUZA)... that shortens your flu illness by 33%, and reduces your viral load by day 2, versus what a placebo takes 5-6 days to achieve. Baloxavir also seems superior to TAMIFLU (oseltamivir) for smashing your viral load on 2 day, achieving what takes Tamiflu 3-4 days. CDC even lists Baloxavir on their website as one of the top 4 drugs that it tracks whether it works against new flu strains (it works)
2) "Baloxavir was associated with significantly more rapid declines in infectious viral load than placebo or oseltamivir (Figure 3A and 3B)." nejm.org/doi/full/10.10…
3) Adverse events for baloxavir were no different than placebo. in fact theres even hints that it could be lower than Tamiflu.
"Adverse events that were considered to be related to the trial regimen were more common in oseltamivir recipients (8.4%) than in baloxavir recipients (4.4%, P=0.009)"