Though most know me as a teacher of hitting, the fact is that I have worked with many pitchers and position players regards developing greater THROWING capabilities. The overarching [big picture] theme is predicated on the idea of optimizing muscular tension of the trunk region.
The trunk is defined as the musculature of the pelvic region, mid trunk, upper trunk [scapular complex]. Optimizing both the eccentric [loading] and concentric [unloading or "turn around"]
This, of course, entails numerous considerations as regards the magnitude, timing, and direction of many muscles and/or muscle systems of the trunk.
In the context of throwing, a kind of generic construct for thinking about this kind of optimization CAN be understood as:
Combining optimal stretch tension of the upper trunk [scapular complex] AGAINST the rapid opening of the hips going into and at foot plant.
In the context of hard throwers, whether pitchers or position players [especially outfielders], and understood both from a physiological and empirical perspective, the ability to RETRACT the scapular complex is a big part of optimizing muscular tension in the upper trunk [loading
Note that I said BOTH sides of the scapular complex. I say this to denote the physiological fact that the scapula retraction is optimized by the synergistic actions of both sides working together.
This entails both sides trying to "pinch" towards the spine, AND it entails the upper arm on each side to lift along the shoulder line.
Those who have seen Paul Nyman's throwing animation wherein both arms [humerus ] are ..."on the disc" will know what I mean.
If you go to about 1:10 of this you tube highlight clip, you will see a damn good example of this kind of synergistic scapula action:
Though he starts the unload with the hips more closed than I think is optimal, he makes up for this with VERY good upper trunk rotation [also note the "flail effect"],i.e., the elbow to hand lags "in line" with the upper arm. Pretty good ex. of upper body loading/unloading!
And though I have shown this one before, this one also shows a number of important movements/postures of the hips/shoulders/lead arm/bat:…
On my website [as well as actually physically demonstrating this]I have written about the hips being..."the bottom of the swing plane." What does this actually mean? Well, here's a clip from the well known golf instructor Jim McClean who shows this pretty well:
I have seen over the last 10 or so yrs. a high degree of focus on the back leg and/or the back hip action as being THE KEY to creating very good hip rotation. This [of course] typically entails NOT any kind of rigorous argument of biomechanics or physiology.
No. It's simply an assertion along the lines of....."see...see this...THIS clip PROVES my assertion!!"
Well, yes. I do see the clip. And I do hear your assertion. But. You have not really convinced me.
I'm not at all convinced that ONE leg or ONE hip is THE causal link to high level hip rotation.
Anyone who is familiar with my teachings knows that I am pretty thorough and pretty detailed oriented [a process 20 yrs. in the making]. Any newcomers are subjected to a basic process as regards the first time they hit with me.
The process works as follows: I very much understand what I refer to as the "high standard." And I know the process by which individuals go about the process of developing/working effectively towards that high standard.
I also very much know that both parents [typically dads] and players either think or have heard many things about "how the body works" as regards high level hitters. Many of these things are simply false.
As I have said before, when I was growing up in Pasadena/South Houston Tx. , if you were caught playing golf or soccer on a field, you greatly increased your chances of getting your ass kicked. Baseball was ok as being sufficiently masculine one could say.
And as regards someone approximating my physical stature, football was essentially mandatory, i.e., "son, with your body you HAVE to play football." And I did.
But yrs. later, in my pursuit of trying to understand how the body works in the context of swinging a bat, I found any number of golf instructors that I thought had a MUCH better understanding how humans swing an object [any object really] compared to most baseball instructors.
Over the yrs. I have had the great fortune of meeting dads who really wanted to learn how to help their sons or daughters reach their hitting potential. One such individual is Stu Byrne.
An engineer by profession, he did a remarkable job of using his engineering eye to learn "my stuff." He had a remarkable way of taking my words and creating DAMN GOOD! visual interpretations.
He created MANY clips--including quite a few still sequence clips which many on my site really liked: