DOCUMENT: 1959-07-14: Peng Dehuai to Mao Zedong
Without a doubt, one of the most pivotal documents of modern Chinese history...
Written half a month before the 8th Plenary Meeting of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party that was... 1/
...held at Lu Mountain in Jiangxi, this attempt by Marshall Peng to turn policy around and save some of the 50-100 million citizens of China who were then about to starve to death. Peng was purged. Later, in the Cultural Revolution, with Mao’s active blessing, the Red... 2/
...Guards were to torture him, and denounce him as a “capitalist great warlord": “we have to struggle against him until he falls, until he breaks down, until he stinks.”
His health broken—serious blood clots—and with Mao ruling that his conditions should not be treated... 3/
...he went into a decline, dying in 1974. The story is that his last request was to be allowed to see the sun and the trees through the window, but it was declined.
My belief is that Lu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping (and perhaps Zhao Enlai?) encouraged Marshall Peng to challenge.. 4/
...Mao and attempt to reverse the Great Leap Forward policies that had set China on the path to famine, but then double-crossed him—or simply lost their nerve. However, in the aftermath of the Lu Mountain Plenary Meeting, Mao was to some degree sidelined. And by 1961... 5/
...Lu Shaoqi was attributing 30% of the responsibility for the famine and 70% to mistakes—Mao’s mistakes. Mao then made a tactical retreat, ceding authority over the management of the economy to Lu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping as they tried to salvage the situation and reduce... 6/
...the scale of the disaster.
Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping appear to have thought that Mao was easing into retirement. Instead, he was preparing for the Socialist Education Movement—and then the Cultural Revolution 7/END
First: This strikes me as rather important. But do note that Biden has consistently portrayed his major initiatives as sensible and common sense. It is the Republicans who are pretending that they are radical-left initiatives, and making them of... 1/
...partisan salience. All Democrats can do is to beg McCarthy, McConnell, Murdoch, and the other grifters to limit their culture war grifting to unimportant symbolic issues, and let the business of government operate as the business of government should. But experience... 2/
...tells us that does not work. **ObamaCare is substantially RomneyCare**, after all. But, yes, instead of making everything a culture-war battlefield, today not everything is a culture-war battlefield. Perhaps McCarthy and McConnell have told Murdoch and company to cool... 3/
SUBSCRIBERS ONLY: DRAFT: THINKING ALOUD: So here we have the characteristics of the “attention economy” that we are moving into in a nutshell: Increasingly, highly, highly sophisticated and integrated divisions of labor that need in no wise be... 1/
...geographically concentrated any more. Increasingly, information problems no longer complications but of the essence, and so we have the capture of high-value positions in the value chains by brands and platforms—and the remarkable phenomenon of clickbait in the small... 2/
...and the large: earning money by making your primary users more unhappy. Increasingly, the things of greatest value—with the highest notional willingness-to-pay—are experiential attention-grabbers, produced in a process of write-once, write-often, distribute-everywhere... 3/
@paulkrugman The consumption function work was good—albeit overstated. "Incomes from Professional Practice" on the role played by the AMA and the state bar associations in boosting doctors' and lawyers' incomes and keeping them high is very good. "Roofs or Ceilings?" is at least half... 1/
@paulkrugman ...right: markets ration the available supply by (ability to pay) x (relative intensity of demand); price controls ration available supply some other way, and send a signal to profit-seeking capital to shift investment resources elsewhere. I don't think F&S have it right... 2/
@paulkrugman ..but their principal targets have it very wrong indeed. Cf. the "grain supply" debate in France in the late 1700s, which is actually more sophisticated in elements than F&S.
It's the "Keynes was wrong: you don't need a 'somewhat comprehensive socialization of investment"... 3/
John Maynard Keynes (1938-02-01): Private Letter to Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Private and personal
Dear Mr. President,
You received me kindly when I visited you some three years ago that I make bold to send you some bird’s eye impressions which... 1/
...I have formed as to the business position in the United States. You will appreciate that I write from a distance, that I have not revisited the United States since you saw me, and that I have access to few more sources of information than those publicly available. But... 2/
...sometimes in some respects there may be advantages in these limitations! At any rate, those things which I think I see, I see very clearly.... Personally I think there is a great deal to be said for the ownership of all the utilities by publicly owned boards. But if... 3/
PODCAST: "Hexapodia" Is þe Key Insight XIX: America Today: A Zero-Sum Society?
Key Insights:
* Hexapodia!
* Periodically, America has had “the frontier has closed, now scarcity rules!” panics—& they have been bad, but so far they have all been...
...false alarms.
* The “new frontier” to alleviate scarcity in America is intensive growth, right here, but more: economic poldering.
Share Brad DeLong's Grasping Reality... 2/
John F. Kennedy (1960): “The New Frontier”: Liberal Party Nomination Acceptance Speech <…>... 3/