In 2020 @ninaturner started a public affairs co. called Amare. Amare is a "Fictitious" name which means it's doing business for Mercury Public Affairs, a Washington DC-based lobbying firm.
You know, the kind of corporatist establishment lobbying firm Turner rails against. #OH11
Of course, Nina Turner talks a big game about the environment/Green New Deal and against the lobbyists who buy politicians.
But by working with Mercury she's working with Corporate Lobbyists who blocked the Climate Debate at the DNC last August. #OH11
Charles King brought Nina to Mercury. According to the American Prospect article above, "Mercury was hired by 68 clients to lobby the fed gov't in 2019, including the gov't of Qatar defense company United Technologies... receiving a total of $9.5 million in lobbying fees." #OH11
The story also notes: "In 2018, reporter Lachlan Markey found eight additional foreign-registered clients signed by Mercury after it succeeded in getting Russian aluminum parent company En+ removed from the Treasury Department’s sanctions list."
This was KNOWN to Nina. #OH11
Nina also knew: Mercury "had several lobbying clients last year in the energy and natural resources sector and the oil and gas industry."
Nina Turner is basically the very corporatist establishment robber baron she rails against. #OH11
Nina Turner's working for a lobbying firm currently helping a Chinese surveillance firm build influence in Washington, with help from former members of Congress…
Washington Post: "the Chinese tech giant Hikvision, accused of helping the Chinese govt's campaign against the Uyghur minority," hired Mercury Public Affairs to lobby on its behalf in order to continue to do business w/US businesses and investors as US seeks to limit them. #OH11
Nina Turner's public affair firm will according to the Washington post "join former senator David Vitter (R-La.) in lobbying for a company racing to defend itself in Washington amid questions over its links to Chinese government surveillance and oppression." #OH11
According to the Post: "the Biden administration banned Americans from investing in the company, citing its links to the Chinese military."
The lobbying firm working to support Hikvision is the very same lobbying firm Nina Turner associated herself with in 2020.
How has not one reporter made the connection between Nina Turner who is running for office in #OH11 and Mercury Public Affairs which basically does everything she preaches against daily.
Now it appears that Nina "Medicare for All" Turner hired Juan Peñalosa to be Managing Director at Amare. Penalosa as Managing Dir of FL Dems was responsible for allowing health insurance to lapse leaving some staff unable to pay medical bills.
Manny Diaz stated about Penalosa's allowing the health insurance to lapse: “The party could have paid for it... It seems to me both mismanagement and inhumane.”
Nina Turner then hired Penalosa to be Managing Dir. of her firm Amare saying he could help the firm's "goals." #OH11
Mr Penalosa says: "Progressive ideals, our government, corporations & America wins when diverse voices have seats @ the table w/ more than just their voices, but also budgets & decision making power."
Nina Turner chose to partner w/Mercury PA just in September 2020 to start her company Amare. According to Ballotopedia Mercury PA worked for the Presidential campaigns of CHRIS CHRISTIE and SCOTT WALKER. Look at their notable GOP members past and present #OH11
Nina Turner Does: Nina hires Juan Peñalosa who was responsible for allowing health insurance to lapse leaving some staff unable to pay medical bills - an act the new FL DNC Chair called "both mismanagement and inhumane.”
Nina Turner Says: her opponent has begged for Super Pac $.
Nina Turner Does: She ran a dark money Super Pac organization and has used her connections to raise more than $2million for her campaign - nearly 3x as much as her opponent.
Here is Nina Turner on stage with multi-millionaires Cenk Uygur and Killer Mike talking about "ordinary people" needing to come out and support "progressive" candidates.
She chose to be on stage in Ohio with Uygur whose candidacy she retracted her endorsement of in 2020.
Nina Turner talking about only "one" candidate in the #OH11 race that has called in "other forces" and gone negative - then Nina smears that campaign.
In fact it's Nina Turner who has raised $2 million+ from outside support using Our Revolution, TYT and other "outside forces."
Nina Turner has raised more than $2million for her congressional campaign - that kind of money is usually enough to run for the U.S. Senate. Her closest opponent has raised $600k+ - a sum akin to what Marcia Fudge normally raised.
The interesting thing about Nina Turner being part of the Ohio Task Force on Community-Police Relations established by Gov. Kasich in 2014 is that the guidelines they supported were LESS STRINGENT than MANY of Ohio's police departments at the time.
In fact, by 2020 only 443 of Ohio's 1000 police departments have been certified as complying with the "VOLUNTARY" standards (which many departments had already exceeded) outlined by Ohio Task Force on Community-Police Relations co-chaired by Nina Turner. #OH11
Nina Turner talks the talk on police reform, but when she had the chance to actually push for stricter standards for police accountability her policies were LESS stringent than many already in place and she allowed adopting those weak standards to be VOLUNTARY. #OH11
Right after Bernie Sanders threw in the towel in 2020, Nina Turner went on Breakfast Club and said the Biden campaign didn't want her on the joint task force with Bernie progressives. Then she agrees: "absolutely" f'ck them people.
Nina Turner is not a Dem and not a team player.
8/20 Nina Turner says people who want to work within the Dem Party: "You know that song 'It's my party and I can cry if I want to?" Go on ahead, do that on the inside. Then there are people who decided the hell with it, we working on the outside."
So which is it for OH11, Nina?
In August 2020 Nina was speaking about leading a revolution: "No more lousy peace. We can both slay the Neofascist. Slay the Neoliberal... So, yeah, this is Revolution Time."
So, is #OH11 ready to elect Nina Turner, self-proclaimed revolutionary?
Let's put a thread together of folks who have stated that President Trump invited them to DC on January 6th, shall we?
First up is Amy Kremer who started the Tea Party and was head of Women for Trump during the election and then started Women for America First to organize a national bus tour for Trump to contest the election results and plan all of the DC rallies including Jan 6th.
Amy Kremer states on bus tour for Trump 1/5:
"Pres. Trump hasn't asked much from us. He's asked for our vote and he's asked for us to come to Washington, DC on Jan 6 to stand with him...The President has asked us to come and we will be there."
Worldview Weekend Broadcast Network is hosted by @GoDaddy. They are a 501(c)3 charitable religious organization that is hosting some of the most seditious livestream interviews with Mcinerney, Flynn, Lindell to keep Trump in power. Please use form 2report:…
Lt. Gen McInerney appears on Worldview Weekend Broadcast Network on 1/13/21 telling their audience that "World War III has started. WWIII is a hybrid war that is started that is a mixture of biological, cyber warfare and other means..." among other Q conspiracies and lies.
Lt. Gen McInerney on Worldview Weekend Broadcast Network on 1/1 telling their audience that "the Pres must notify the Congress that [WW3 has started] he has no choice this is an outright attack on the U.S.... this fraudulent election was unconstitutional. This cannot stand."