Reminder: Even if vaccines are 97% effective, mortality risk for *unvaccinated* children is lower than vaccinated adults over 30. 100x lower than vaccinated adults over 75.
**No mitigation measure can be justified as "for the children," ever.**
(And that's without adjusting for overascertainment, which we know is substantial.)
Why are you masking unvaccinated children at lower risk than vaccinated adults you unmasked, @RWalensky? Even if masks worked it makes no sense.
Wrong. Same viral interference phenomenon happened everywhere in the world, regardless of mask usage or non-usage. And the other viruses started to rise whenCOV2 peaked, in January -- masks firmly on.
Shorter Walensky: who needs science? White House politicals and the teachers unions keep me on a short leash.
I got nothing else, so here's an idiotic "vectors" claim debunked for over a year. Except even stupider now because everyone vulnerable has been offered vaccination.