“People wonder how we made it through the heat wave of 2006. The answer is we had San Onofre [nuclear plant] and a number of other plants totaling thousands of megawatts not there today.” - California electricity grid manager, 2020
“For years we pointed out that there was inadequate supply after electricity from solar has left the peak. We have indicated that procurement needed to be fixed. We have told regulators over and over that more should be contracted for. That was rebuffed. And here we are”
Despite the on-going energy crisis created by shutting down a nuclear plant that generated power for 3M Californians, Gov @GavinNewsom is moving ahead with plans to shut down another nuclear plant that provides electricity for 3M Californians
- blackouts & 8x larger electric price rise than rest of US
- increasing high-intensity forest fires
Democrats & progressives, taking the lead from @NRDC — which is directly invested in Chinese solar and nat gas and is working to shut down nuclear plants in CA & IL — have for 40 years opposed desalination & expanding freshwater storage, bc Malthus
Apocalyptic progressives may be right that civilization is unsustainable. But if they are, it won’t be because we can’t generate cheap & reliable electricity, build sufficient shelter space, produce enough freshwater, or manage forests. It will be because they didn’t allow us to.
As the system falls apart, the media does stories on failed parts — eg transmission line down, clouds/windlessness, unusually high demand for A/C — and then follow them up with stories to reinforce the narrative, eg, we just need more transmission, batteries, time-of-use pricing
For example, the LA Times coverage of these issues is indistinguishable from renewable energy industry stories and in many cases much worse. The solar industry has been covering the solar panel waste crisis more than mainstream journalists have been
Anyone who relies solely on the mainstream news media coverage of blackouts and rising prices in California will wrongly, but understandably, believe that they stem from too little weather-dependent energy, particularly solar, rather than too much.
After a dramatic video of a fire on the surface of the water in the Gulf of Mexico went viral last week, many journalists, scientists, and elected officials referred to it as more evidence of catastrophic climate change.
“The ocean is literally on fire,” tweeted California Governor @GavinNewsom , “but yeah, sure. We can't afford climate action.”
Journalists, experts, and elected officials are today blaming heat wave deaths, forest fires, and electricity shortages in New York, California, and Texas on climate change
But the underlying cause of those events is lack of air conditioning, lack of electricity, and the failure to properly manage forests, not marginal changes to temperatures.
All of those news stories including “explainer” stories we are seeing right now are grossly misleading because they deliberately *exclude* all of the relevant context that @BjornLomborg provided above
The media do the same on floods, forest fires, hurricanes, etc
As @AlexEpstein notes, humans took a dangerous climate and made it safe, we didn’t take a safe climate and make it dangerous
The idea that the climate was safe before humans caused climate change is an infantile fantasy & the Edenic foundation to a false, apocalyptic narrative