every time one of these "1 like = 1 answer" images goes around I get to unfollow so many people because nobody cares about access! you don't care about me, I don't care about you either, goodbye
I know the questions don't all fit in the alt text! it's better to write them out as you post the answers anyway, because nobody will keep scrolling up and down to see what you're even answering.
but you're not even making the slightest effort.
I'm fucking tired of this kind of exclusion, and it hurts especially if it's other disabled people doing it.
at this point there's no excuse for not even *trying*.
just say you don't care about disabled people and save us all the trouble. yes, even if you're disabled yourself.
you're literally posting a meme with the specific purpose of getting to know you - and you're excluding everyone who doesn't have 100% perfect vision. that communicates very clearly what kind of people you do and don't want to get to know you.
I've had enough.
I also make note of the people who somehow always "forget". can you imagine how much it sucks to be "forgotten" and left out all the fucking time? and I'm not even blind. I can see pictures fine. If I really have to I can squint and read those text pictures.
I won't actually be able to process the text in them and understand what the sentences mean, but I can understand what they're about.
a lot of people that I care about can't do that and it all just makes me so fucking angry.
it's not just a sucky meme on twitter, it's a recurring theme throughout my life. I can't even count how many groups I'm actively being excluded from by lack of access, online and offline. some days I just can't fucking take it.
special mention goes out to the nonbinary meet-up where they listened to me when I told them that where they decided to go and how they decided to talk where not accessible to me, went "oh", and proceeded to go to the inaccessible place and do the inaccessible talking
and then proceeded to not do the things they'd promised to do to make it less inaccessible, and then I went home and nobody said goodbye.
I'm not sure if I'll ever get over that one.
y'all are certainly not making me feel like there's any chance for something better.
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I would like to add that opiates are a very good option for pain relief, and that the fact that they also make you high is in many cases a feature and not a bug.
if you're in immense acute pain, that high does actually help you through it.
I'd also like to add that growing opium poppies in your garden is something that people have been doing for millennia, because it's easy, it works, it's quite safe (it's difficult to dangerously overdose oral opioids by accident) and it's, for some fucking reason, illegal.
we do not actually require doctors or pharmacies in order to get effective and safe pain relief.
if you buy multiple things I am happy to give discounts or add surprise items. I'm currently not making the stimmy bracelets (sorry) because my workspace is a mess and half the stuff I'd need for those is buried where I can't reach it and I HAVE to tidy the living room first
which is clearly not happening, I don't know why I am like this
this is a sign that your natural circadian rhythm does not correspond to the schedule externally imposed on your body and if you keep going like this you'll ruin your health permanently and the fact that you've got no choice means capitalism is killing you ✨
take it from someone who did ruin their health permanently in exactly this way and is now unable to work or do their favourite hobbies forever ✨
every body is actually not able to function at the same circadian rhythm and the fact that it varies is an incredible advantage to us as a species: some people function *best* at night shift and thanks to this variation we can take care of each other 24/7
Auch immer faszinierend wie entgenderte Sprache den Bedürfnissen von Behinderten entgegengesetzt wird, als ob trans Personen nicht überdurchschnittlich oft behindert wären
Ich weiß schon warum ich deutschtwitter weitestgehend ignoriere. nur Arschlöcher unterwegs
the voice part for that doctor who doomsday song makes a reeeeallly nice violin song 👀 I mean when I try it that's just horrific, but played someone who CAN actually play it would probably sound like a dream
soooo pretty. my attempts are starting to vaguely sound like this song but oooooof. long way to go
I am really proud of me for correctly noticing that this part would be perfectly within the range of a fiddle, which for me is a new skill 🤣
Leute... Bevor ihr ohne Fachwissen mutmaßt, dass es doch nicht so schwer sein kann, Kunststoffprodukte durch Alternativen ohne Kunststoff zu ersetzen, solltet ihr euch klarmachen, warum Kunststoff so universell eingesetzt wird:
Weil es ein verdammt guter Werkstoff ist.
Viele Kunststoffe
- sind problemlos wasserfest, es gibt aber auch wasserlösliche Kunststoffe
- sind komplett ungiftig und hypoallergen
- sind unheimlich stabil, aber immer noch flexibel, und lassen sich an fast beliebige Anforderungen anpassen
- sind popelbillig
Mit Kunststoff kannst du hauchdünne Beutel machen, die du mit Tomaten vollstopfen kannst ohne dass sie reißen - und du kannst Flugzeuge bauen mit nie dagewesener Stabilität bei verringertem Gewicht.
Das Zeug ist aus werkstofftechnischer Sicht *unheimlich gut*