Every Uyghur that the Western press puts on blast is a fraud.
Rushan Abbas worked at Guantanamo Bay.
Nury Turkel works for the State Department.
Sayragul Sauytbay changed her story (and isn't Uyghur).
Tursunay Ziyawudun changed her story.
Arsalan Hidayat is a serial liar.
Meanwhile, hundreds of Uyghur bloggers in China, workers at various government agencies, superstars like Merxat Yalkun and Dilraba Dilmurat, etc. are superciliously dismissed as "propaganda agents."
Americans don't want truth, they just want their atrocity propaganda reinforced.
Just look at this garbage.
That guy is some high-up at AFP.
This other Doyle guy is high-up at Reuters.
It's impossible to overstate just how entirely Westerners exist in an echo-chamber of pure, unchallenged, undistilled propaganda.
As I keep saying: the entire purpose of "Western Marxist Academia" is simply trying to de-fang Marx, cleave him from Engels and Lenin (to say nothing of Stalin and Deng), try to make him compatible with their anti-revolutionary, anticommunist, professional-liberal sensibilities.
It is essential to understand that liberals don't see slavery or invasions as "authoritarian."
"Liberal" freedom always has been the capitalist ethos of "freedom to own slaves and not pay taxes," no more and no less.
(Doyle is "Reuters Global News Desk Director"—h/t @ximuoicay)
In "Liberalism: A Counter-History" Losurdo repeatedly centres Montesquieu's denunciations of "slavery among ourselves" (as opposed to generally).
This defining liberal tendency endures today: "They did X to their *own* people!" always implies doing X to *another* is better!
It's hard to fathom how "free" capitalists are in the West.
They fly around in private jets, murder and rape, our entire media industry flatters them, they compete in private space races, they get psychiatrists to diagnose their kids with "Affluenza," etc.
Cuba won't fall simply because a bunch of gusano influencers tricked a coalition of geriatrics and low-info radlibs to back the imperial blue on social media.
A fiasco like this one isn't something to panic about, it's an opportunity to educate about real history.
Pick your battles. Don't frenetically counter long worthless "megaposts" blow-by-blow, take your time to identify the most embarrassing fraudulent claim and focus on it. Taunt them while doing it. Don't let them set a tone of solemnity that they haven't earned.
"Nayirah Testimony" refers to a witness account given before the US Congressional Human Rights Caucus on 1990 by a girl that went only by Nayirah.
She claimed that she had witnessed Iraqi soldiers take babies out of incubators, taken the incubators, and left babies to die.
Her story was initially corroborated by Amnesty International, a still-famous and "prestigious" British NGO.
Executive director John Healey subsequently accused the Bush administration of "opportunistic manipulation of the international human rights movement." 😄