FRENCH PATTERNS IN Western Canadian Landscapes - RoN WILLIAMS vol31_1_55_64 2006 - the great rivers which like their counterparts in Eastern Canada were the first highways of the West. French voyageurs from the East went West.
FRENCH PATTERNS IN Western Canadian Landscapes - RoN WILLIAMS vol31_1_55_64 2006 - Batoche, Saskatchewan - Last refuge of the Bois-Brules. - According to historian Graham MacDonald of Parks Canada "The hand of the early French explorers and settlers is visible everywhere in the
country, From the ATLANTIC to the Rocky Mountains, in the long-lot system that follows every river."/ history- New France - cradle of modern Canada - Hudson bay was part of New France. pub May 21 2020.
obviously Weinstein is full of it too, as he will knows as he was a researcher for the NCC who had a totally different definition of who a Metis citizen was. Obviously his is a bought and paid for decision ..
Behind the Scene of the Send First Ministers Conference on Aboriginal Constitutional Affairs-05190.vol15-3 Mar 1984 New Breed- MNC trying to convince NCC on Metis Definition.
"Mr. John Weinstein (Chief of Staff, Métis National Council) at the International Trade Committee":… -Gee this was the same researcher for the NCC. No wonder they can re-write all history to suit themselves, they have top inside help
BG8AboriginalSelf-DeterminationoffaLandBase. - John Weinstein - then concentrating exclusively on the institutional jurisdictional and fiscal arrangements for the Aboriginal self-government on a land base. ( Gee does that sound familiar !! )
A History of the Legislative Assembly of Assiniboia - Norma Hall PHD, Clifford P Hall and Erin Verrier.- census conducted in 1870 at Red River - individuals who were descended HOWEVER REMOTELY either by mother or father, by ANY indigenous tribe of Indians, or a white ancestor, no
matter how remote, as long as they had Indigenous heritage as well .. I want to see the historical revision being written here, in some historical article, you can't find it , because it is being re-written as MNC history now. The contemporary MNC use a 2002 definition, tell me,
"Articles | Encyclopédie du patrimoine culturel de l'Amérique française – histoire, culture, religion, héritage":…
Can't even ... smh .. 🤣 apparently unless you are from New France? Oh wait Acadia was part of New France, as well as the Red and Assinboine River ... oh the lies and shit we will try and distort. MNC can go through ethnogenesis in 100 yrs but an older colony can't? Bullshit !!
institutions onto the Prairies./ Manitoba History_ The French Presence in the West, 1734-1874.- it was the francophone majority at Red River who protested most effectively. Manitoba entered Confederation in 1870 as a bilingual and bicultural province.
The_Forks_of_the_Red_and_Assiniboine were part of New France. 1988-The_Forks_of_the_Red_and_Assiniboine_Thematic_History_1734-1850_Report.- in the early 18th century French commercial interests operating from New France established a network of trade and provisioning posts in the
Colonizers Being Colonizers: Lobster Fishing & the Continued Oppression of L’nu’k in Mi’kma’ki - Yellowhead Institute…
My uncle signed that treat in 1761, Francois Mius he was chief of La Have and this is what Bryson has to say to me and other French Mi'kmaw people who identify as Metis .. he is Mi'kmaw ..
Copy of the Brevet de Commission of the Indian Chief - Francois Miouce - Mikmak de Mirligueche en l'Acadie. That is the respect they give to their fellow kin.