#ThisIs53: it is not my birthday. I want you to see a 53yo woman. I’m saying “Here is a middle aged woman. Look,”at a time when it seems that every time I look away, my body has changed.
My belly nods at her belly, knowingly; in the way that when you’re the only person of colour in a white space you nod knowingly when you see another person of colour. I see a middle aged, cisgender Egyptian woman, like me. And I nod, knowingly
To look honestly at our bodies as we age is to begin to understand what Bruce Lee meant when he said be “like water.”
To acknowledge the folly of “control.” At a time when we enthusiastically vow to become ungovernable vs fascism, to believe we can “control” our bodies is folly
Standing Nefertiti eschews that folly. She is a middle aged woman saying “Look at me, breasts and belly and all.” Millenia before Bruce Lee, Standing Nefertiti’s power came from being like water--her power was to stand in her body as it was. feministgiant.com/p/essay-perime…#Perimenopause
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Earlier this year, I started posting photographs of myself on social media with the caption “#ThisIs53. It is not my birthday. I want you to see a 53 year old woman.”
I wanted to be seen. Not to be told, as I often have, that I don’t “look my age.” That is not the compliment some people think it is. But to say “Here is a middle aged woman. Look,” at a time when it seems that every time I look away, my body has changed.
But because she is white, evangelical, and a woman--a rich one at that--Marjorie Taylor Greene is not in an orange jumpsuit locked but is instead a member of the House of Representatives in the most powerful country in the world.
The predictably-craven Republican leadership initially backed MTG and #LaurenBoebert’s male GOP opponents because party leaders thought the two women were extremists who did not stand a chance in primaries. feministgiant.com/p/a-white-supr…
If Trump could give birth, it would have been to Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert, both of whom are clearly created in his image.
They walk like Trump; they talk like Trump. And they hate like Trump. #LaurenBoebert
The GOP has long been a party of white supremacy, misogyny, Islamophobia, and other oppressions. And GOP women understand the very specific role they play to maintain it. They are also learning that to succeed vs the boys, they must outdo the boys in hate-- enter MT and #Boebert.
I have NOTHING to say to those Orwellian fucks who are suddenly “My body, my choice” to excuse being anti-vaxxers & anti-mask but who never said that about abortion as I say here from May 2020 🎥 @rerutled