Why are dozens of cops necessary to support City staff? Or 8 horse-mounted officers?
🚨UPDATE🚨 Come bear witness to #encampment evictions at Alexandra Park. Will also be speaking alongside @DesmondCole, members of @HPAP_Ontario, performance by @cadenceweapon. Details, location TBD, but nearby.
From legal observers: police, security are planning to force out all non-residents, or charge with trespass. No timelines given. Non-resident volunteers aren't here to protest, they're here to support people packing and moving their belongings.
Volunteers are being grabbed and removed from the kettling cage for "getting too close" to police.
Volunteers being thrown out of the kettling cage. How will residents inside be supported to move? Will they be in there alone with police and security?
Residents with their belongings outside the cage. Where are city staff helping them to move? None in sight, only community members and other volunteers here.
My apologies, here comes the "help" for folks being displaced: a garbage truck. Again, no social workers in sight.
Hearing some volunteers were cuffed while being removed from the park. Cuffs taken off once outside the cage, though. At least two volunteers issued tickets for trespassing, comes with $65 fine, 90-day ban from the park.
Dreads is speaking about the "homelessness industry" -- it serves the purposes of the powers-that-be to keep people unhoused to keep the industry going.
Thank you, Nanook, Isaiah, and Nichole. 🙏
The aftermath: a bulldozer in the background, only a few residents left inside. "No Trespass" signage is prominently displayed. What an absolute waste, and an egregious choice by @JohnTory today.
We knew that a better approach to supporting people was happening in #DufferinGrove#encampment. But to @anabailaoTO's comments, this park *is* receiving preferential treatment vs. Moss Park, other parks. This approach must be applied everywhere. thestar.com/news/gta/2021/…
I'm also obligated to point out @anabailaoTO's voting record at @TorontoCouncil on June 8. Bailao voted against @JoshMatlow's motion to make shelter safer, and for @stephenholyday's motion of achieving "zero encampments."
Most importantly, @anabailaoTO voted against adopting a collaborative approach to working with #encampment residents as presented by @m_layton — the very approach now being used exclusively in her ward.
There are two inquiries into #encampment evictions on the agenda, beginning with @kristynwongtam's administrative inquiry. Answers to the Cllrs questions are due at Council — although how transparent will they be? app.toronto.ca/tmmis/viewAgen… /1
The second item is @m_layton and @JoshMatlow's excellent motion requesting a public inquiry into #encampment evictions by a judge of the Superior Court of Ontario. The public can and should write letters of support for this motion ahead of Oct. 1. app.toronto.ca/tmmis/viewAgen… /2
Additionally, Council will once again consider multi-tenant housing, which represents one of the only affordable housing options for low-income and unhoused people, including #encampment residents. This motion must pass. app.toronto.ca/tmmis/viewAgen… /3