Some pretty sick truths are about to come out about this guy & MANY others.
All I can say is,Be Ready.
I have NO MORE WORDS that can be said about any of it.. Humanity is about to be awakened pretty much over night.
He literally just set the stage for everything that is about to
There is absolutely no stopping the truth & from evidence I've seen, it's absolutely horrific.
Ones can say all the things they want about what has been happening behind closed doors by many in this world all they want but until the proof comes out/
Released, it will just be an endless battle/fight between ones who are brainwashed/asleep & ones who are awake ..
This was said on purpose to keep everyone fighting one another. It's A childish tactic that many fall for but it is what it is ..
I know you will see this, when you do, please don't cry! I made A promise to you in the beginning that I wouldn't forget about you.
. Promises made & Kept.
For Paul! #HONOR
Mirror Mirror
Juice is playing the role of who IRL? ..
Didn't A few woman come forward about Manson hurting them recently? ..
The only way for this ALL to work is forgiveness. I forgive so none of YOU have to forgive..