When CrCl <30, technically should stop TAF and FTC/3TC. TAF can be used down to CrCl 15 not on dialysis (think HBV monoinfection tx data) BUT technically FTC or 3TC should be renally-dosed at these lower CrCl.
I've seen FTC and/or 3TC continued at these lower CrCl levels since risk of lactic acidosis and/or other AE is still low but technically would not be "appropriate"
To keep the momentum going, let’s move on to transmitted drug resistance. For those just joining, we previously discussed that #HIVDrugResistance is important yet challenging for learners.
2/ We also reviewed the basic principle that HIV resistance develops when HIV replicates in the setting of subtherapeutic drug levels. Virions containing resistance mutations are selected for in this case.
3/ Today we’ll define transmitted drug resistance (TDR) (vs acquired drug resistance). TDR = acquisition of drug-resistant HIV at the time of new HIV infection. We identify TDR when we do a baseline HIV genotype (recommended for all patients who are newly diagnosed with HIV).
All @ID_fellows and HIV providers should receive training in trauma-informed care. It is critical for effective and compassionate care of people with HIV.
Many of our patients have experienced adverse childhood experiences, which have significant impact on future physical and mental health.
Women with HIV suffer disproportionately. 30% have PTSD, 55% have experienced recent IPV, 61% have experienced lifetime sexual abuse, and 72% have experienced lifetime physical abuse.