@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp The "Mysteries of the UFO Occupants" - Data Dump 2

If you need a refresher simply visit Data Dump 1 at:
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp The full series is found with links at:
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 1-I have decided that the next release is how ET develop psychic functionality in a human being. Why it matters and how it supports my other claims. Then working towards explaining how other foreign ET concepts give rise to the complex phenomena that all of you guys witness.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 3-As in the previous explanation; a living thing is connected from it's spirit to it's living body through three different layers of spacetime.

Get some coffee as you'll have to understand this concept to fully understand future disclosures by me.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 4-Spirits of living things exist in a ~timeless layer~ at the periphery of our reality. Below that layer exists "Influence space". Influence space contains a sort of "metadata" about the layer beneath it.

This metadata describes the processes and events in physical reality.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 5b-This is important to understand.

"Influence space" contains "metadata" that describes everything in physical reality. Not only in one actual timeline, but also for all possible outcomes.

That metadata is not incumbered by physical spacetime constraints.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 6a-Anyone with PSI abilities can access this metadata in influence space.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 6b-At the Spirit layer of reality; any living thing is provided at birth with attaching links to it's physical body. These links (think of it like cords from the puppet) traverse "Influence Space" throughout all it's versions
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 7-These Linkages terminate at different points along the body of a living entity. They are anchored in place inside that living body by termination points I refer to as "Influence structures".
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 7b-The Linkages can release (usually) from the body as it begins to die or receives trauma.

In other instances, people can partially detach them themselves to make themselves experience OOBE's. (Out of Body Experiences)
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 8-These structures are invisible to the naked eye but while embedded in flesh can create a structured exchange of information that can influence the organic tissues of the body.

Specifically in the brain, it creates organized activity and phenomena across living tissues.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 9a-This connected interplay across three spectrums of spacetime, causes the body to move and think and work under the remote control of a persons spiritual system.

It acts like a spiritual tether or wire through the fabric of spacetime.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 9b-The ET divide consciousness into two distinct halves.

The Lower Mind is a composite consciousness generated by the physical body.

The Higher Mind is generated by the spirit of a person.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 9c-Between these two halves sits "The Interconnect".
This is what the ET called the entire "Influence structure" as a whole.

A persons "Higher mind" has a special pre-programed mechanism called the "Translation Layer" of the interconnect.

This is considered secret information
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 9d-This "Translation layer" allows the two halves of your consciousness to communicate.

It takes a "physical life" format of consciousness and transforms it to a non-physical format that a spiritual system of consciousness can understand.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 10-The Lower Mind is generated by the living tissue and functions within the parameters of living tissue.

The Higher Mind is (normally) hidden from the lower mind perception and is generated by the Spirit. It is NOT like a Human mind.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 11a-The Higher mind generally drives the initial impulse for the activity of the Lower mind. It is where everything starts.

The Higher Mind is aware of all the embedded versions of you in "Probability Space". "Probability space" is an *abstract concept* used by the ET.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 11b-In most of Humanity, the entire "interconnect" system works asymmetrically with respect to data going back and forth between the two types of consciousness within *one person*.

The Higher mind issues simple impulses, the lower mind carries it out in a human context.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 11c-In other words, the Higher mind in a regular human being is mostly in charge of using like 1% for directing urging desires.

The Lower mind then carries out the impulse and then sends event data (experiences) back up to the higher mind (99% of the time).

It is simplistic.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 11d-When you develop your "psychic abilities" the whole process works very differently.

You have to first teach the Higher Mind of a person what "Size" means. Temperature ranges, material composition, what "Time" means, what is "distance", etc.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 11e-Show the "Higher Mind" what an "inch" means, and what the concept of "distance" is...and It'll be able to answer the query of..."how far are my car keys from my body?"

The answer to a query for information will then populate as cognitive awareness or "knowing" in your mind.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 11f-That is just a simple query.

You can also do what the "ET" do and give this spiritual aspect of yourself more complex tasks to carry out.

Such as monitoring for event data in other people, places, or monitoring time and spatial relationships between "xxxx".
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 11g-"ET" also offload psychic tasks with complex procedures to their own incredibly stable "Higher" consciousness.

There are 3 discrete levels of "process control" for psychic phenomena.

With each successive level providing incredible jumps in accuracy and level of manipulation
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 11h-First level control is what you typically find in normal human psychics.

1st--A "Lower" mind control over psychic phenomena with only "inner" influence structures.

2nd--Lower and Higher mind control over psychic phenomena with internal and external influence structures.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 11i-
3rd--Higher Mind control only with external influence structures only. (Top-Down control)

The scope and magnitude of inducing and controlling changes in "Influence Space" between each level is maybe about 10x. (There are other factors at play though)
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 11j-The magnitude of changes in "Influence Space" results in changes in physical reality.

If you induce an controlled imbalance in a physical object represented in "Influence Space". The resulting manifestation in physical reality is it'll go flying without a physical cause.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 11k-If you've ever wondered how "ET" or Poltergeist perform Telekinetic events...well now you have an idea of how the two types do it.

The same system and concept is used.

Except one has a physical body and the other does not.
One is alive, the other is not. (Synthetics are an
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 11l-...are an exception.

Synthetic ET's do not have a spiritual presence. They are machines with a body and synthetic "interconnect" that is attached to a form of non-physical programming. (just like a crafts A.I. ~"computer".)

They have the ability to conduct psychic phenomena
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 12a-Now you need to know what the differences are with inner and outer influence structures and why there is a pragmatic limit with each.

Why the "gods" of ancient civilizations use 2nd and 3rd level control and how people "saw" these "influence structures" and made art with it.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 12b-Inner and Outer influence structures are fundamentally made for different purposes.

Inner "Influence Structures" that are part of your "Interconnect" are primarily there to infuse your body and it's cells with a form of natural influence.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 12c-Inner "influence structures" never exit the body.

They are internal structures only. Yes, a psychic can affect "influence space" metadata with this 1st level of control and can indeed create psychic phenomena.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 12d-But...they can only do it up to a certain upper limit. Channeling any significant "influence" through these inner structures will not only damage the structures themselves but also damage the body and it's tissues.

Internal bleeding, seizures, bruising and permanent damage.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 12e-The main reason that these adverse symptoms occur when passing a certain threshold occurs is because (as the "ET" taught in lectures) the "working physics" of the body becomes affected.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 12f-The micro-telekinetic effects ruptures arteries, blood cells and blood begins pooling and moving against arterial pressures. Blood clots begin to form and you can suffer a heart attack.

The ET explained this is also the reason why human psychics are susceptible to heart...
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 12g-...heart attacks.

For this reason, we have to wait years until the inner influence system becomes fully developed and then the "external" influence structures begin to develop.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 12h-"ET" training involves them demonstrating what is a bad way to run influence through the body and keeping in mind what it does to the body as a side effect.

At the initial stages, when the internal influence system is robust enough, the influence begins to leak externally.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 12i-The ET instruct you to maintain the metaphysical exercises which just means you instruct/stimulate your metaphysical "interconnect" to continually keep injecting excess influence into your inner system until it steadily overflows and reaches saturation.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 12j-This overflow causes the "external" influence structures to become active. The female ET referred to it as "unfolding".

The external influence structures (which are fewer) begin extending a few inches outside the body (4 to 6 inches). They act as HEAVY DUTY control...
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 12k-...HEAVY DUTY control structures.

(2nd level control)

There is alot I am leaving out for sake of simplicity.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 13-I will now write about what it is like to develop external "influence control structures" in a more personal way.

If it seems foreign to you, it probably means you've never developed them. Later I will show you historical pictures that display the same structures on ET.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 13a-These "external influence structures" are divided into Primary and Secondary "external" control structures.

Out of your back comes out two external influence structures. They come out from either side between your shoulder blades. They are round and they follow your physical
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 13b-...follow your physical body wherever you go and move.

These are primary external structures. The one other primary structure that gradually eases out above the top of your head is ring like structure. (like a 1.5cm thick ring)
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 13c-The secondary ~external~ structures are a bit different. They are retractable and extendable depending on what psychic function you are accessing.

The rods are head area only, and point laterally (sideways) extending about 3 or 4 inches from from the body.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 13d-The rods bridge the gap at the head area between the inner influence field and the outer influence field.

In front of the forehead, there is an outflow that human being call "the third eye". I don't know if it is classified as a primary or secondary structure. I never asked.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 13e-The third eye has a rod, but it doesn't normally extend, it simply releases influence in a projected steady stream in front of the forehead.

This is the reason why when I was a teenager I learned to talk to people slightly off center to keep them from getting headaches.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 13f-Otherwise they could get stabbing pains in one eye or both, or develop intense headaches in less than 15 seconds or so from looking directly at them.

I later learned how to reduce the problems.

I also learned that the stream of influence coming out the front of my head was
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 13g-...strong enough to be felt by my hand (physically) when passing my hand in front of my face. As far as I could place my hand out in front of me.

I also had family pass their hands through my primary influence structure at the top of my head and they could easily feel it.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 13h-I also reached up and played with passing my hand through it. It was weird to feel it physically as if it were an object yet couldn't actually grab it because it was a non-solid. I could feel the interference internally as a perception.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 13i-I even had them try putting a certain number of fingers to see if I could accurately tell how many. (I could)
Though the people who passed their hands through it, it made their hands go numb after about a minute or their hands would become very red.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 13j-It also didn't feel that all that good for me to have someone intersect with it. I also noticed after a certain point in development that I had trouble wearing caps.

Or that my bed would saturate with stagnant influence to the point that I had to discharge it.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 13k-Later on I noticed that electronics would fail if I manipulated or moved my influence field or if I projected dense influence at electronics, cars, trucks etc.

The ET's explained (after much nagging) that my external structures were acting as a sort of "influence capacitor".
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 13l-They explained that I was still maturing and that there was a factor I hadn't been taught.

(This is important, remember this!)

That normally at my early stage of development my ability to retain influence around my external structures was very low 5% to 10%.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 14a-That as my influence structures matured, they would retain more of my overflowing influence and eventually I wouldn't have to inject as much influence into my system.

The "ET" system of PSI is an "always on" type. Like a freight train its a long journey to turn it on.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 14b-One of them said above 70% retention is normal for mature structures. At that point the influence required to maintain permanently active influence fields becomes less rigorous.

They said with more mature structures the amount lost is decreased and replenishment is less req.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 14c-The ET said if I ever reached that level of maturity in my external structures it would be increasingly difficult to be around human beings as the influence fields intensity would affect their minds far more easily.

(This turned out to be true much to my dismay...)
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 14d-Eventually, I noticed in 2008 or so that I was having undue influence over people just by looking towards them. It became my new concern.

I decided to stop all the metaphysical exercise and maintenance and coast to an "off" state. What I realized was I didn't know how.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 14e-I could stop the exercises, but the "influence field density" kept increasing and the functions that required alot of influence gradually required alot less. (meaning my structures were maturing by themselves anyway, even without using them)
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 14f-So I decided to stop using my higher mind and instructed it to disable all features. Then just kept avoiding using any of them.

As the years passed, I noticed that my brain was already used to experiencing ESP on an ongoing basis. So when features were disabled I felt....
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 14g-...I felt "blindness" at a psychic/physical level. My brain had seemingly already adapted and now without the ESP input it felt like I could see physically with my eyes, but I was also somehow blind.

It was downright horrible.
@JeremyCorbell @g_knapp 14h-My internal influence pressure that wasn't being used also hurt my body. It felt like an invisible pressure was trying to escape but couldn't.

Did I mention it was a horrible experience?

It took years to come back down to what should be a normal human experience.

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27 Aug
@TheUfoJoe People have really erroneous ideas about how PSI projections affect the human body. (Or so I claim)

(Click this thread to get a simple explanation)
@TheUfoJoe 1-(This is all from [alleged] "ET" lectures and training lessons on how to use PSI)

I'll only post basic explanations as I am feeling tired today.

Your body has an "influence" (aura in human-speak) that acts as an antenna.
@TheUfoJoe 2-Every experience your physical body generates is picked up through this "influence" medium, this antenna.

If you stuck an ET sensor anywhere on your body, it would pick up the ~metadata~ that contains all ongoing processes. This medium transmits and receives information from..
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26 Aug
@Munook @TheUfoJoe 1-Yep, gotta laugh to keep from crying.

I'll give you the cliff notes version of my experience.
They were there since before my memories begin.

5 years old, I was talking to a woman who I would later call my advisor/caretaker. She made a contract to hang around me until I was..
@Munook @TheUfoJoe 2-...close to my 20's.

I agreed. She said she was going to put me to sleep and from that day forward I wouldn't remember our interactions before this point. But I would always remember this binding agreement for the rest of my life.
@Munook @TheUfoJoe 3-Creepy tall individuals who were hunched over kept accompanying her and three male ET. The tall hunched entity would call me over to him and ask me questions but my mind would reel from the intensity.

I usually ran away at 5 years old. 3 male ET would sometimes appear with him
Read 23 tweets
26 Aug
@Munook @TheUfoJoe 1-David, I wanted you to notice something about the "ET".

They could, if they wanted to, direct their communication at you and everyone watching this line of text. But....they don't.

The capability is perfectly within their toolset.
@Munook @TheUfoJoe 2-The real reason they don't do so and rely instead on a Proxy... it's partially because they are interacting with you and the public through the rules imposed on them.

An invisible set of rules that the contactee normally does not perceive as being in play during interactions.
@Munook @TheUfoJoe 3-They require (for now) individual permission seeking. So they find one person (the channeler or a proxy) who has given away their permission, and within the confines of those rules, they use that proxy/channeler to amplify their permission seeking.

To increase the number.
Read 9 tweets
15 Aug
@TOEwithCurt Reality, Time and Consciousness are all modeled very differently in the "ET" circles. I've used those training models myself to conduct phenomena first hand.

PSI enabled entities have access to discrete layers of the same reality than humans.

@TOEwithCurt 1-For example Curt, the universe at large has a layer (meta)data. This descriptive metadata defines the physical layer and it's functionality.

In Human science, there is (perhaps) mistaken concept that one physical event flows into the next in an endless.
@TOEwithCurt 2-That this long chain of connected events in time is a relatively simply particle and potentials interactions and nothing more. That it is supposed to be extremely straightforward.

In reality though, PSI enabled entities can observe that metadata through their (dual) cognition
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13 Aug
@tomdelonge There are 4 major things that I would like to share about the ET. At the very least 4 key topics the "ET" don't want the general public to know about them. (Click the Thread to find out)
@tomdelonge 1-The "ET" do not want you to know their true origins and how they got there. They want to stick with the idea (at the start anyway) that they are merely the "ET" hypothesis.

Later on it will re-morph in Disclosure 3 (non-human disclosure) into something more akin to their...
@tomdelonge 1a-...historical fakery of "gods" and establish (falsely) how human kind was made by them.

They will try to hide the presence of the "Ultra-Terrestrials" who are above them and suppressed their activities on an ongoing basis.
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19 Jul
@JeremyCorbell The "Mysteries of the UFO Occupants" - Data Dump 1
@JeremyCorbell 1-The "ET" wanted to TEST "The Implementation" of importing knowledge into a human mind.

They wanted an asset (human|hybrid) to gain pre-processed knowledge on any task without having gone through the steps of a traditional learning curve.
@JeremyCorbell 2-I will water down and simplify the common everyday understandings that almost all ET should know.

This knowledge you'll gain, will help you in understanding how other experiments worked.

Just be advised some of these explanations are gross oversimplifications.
Read 85 tweets

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