As I said yesterday, the moment eminent position gained during the colonial period is no longer guaranteed, you will see Hindutva scudding and real feudal face comes out. They must consult Steppe Tambrahams to know where this caste superiority leads to.
And a reminder that this caste supremacism has no relation with the eminence of Brahmin in Manu Smiriti and other Hindu Scriptures despite many such Brahmins and their guru Padre-Indologist interpreting it that way.
Parag Tope, a descendent of Tantya Tope, on the atrocities on the civilian population (of UP) by Brit Gora during 1857.
"Once the English found the answer to the questions regarding the logistics of Operation Red Lotus, England’s reaction was immediate, specific and chilling. 1/
The counter-offensive, if it can be called that, was clearly two-pronged. First, was the offensive response, directed towards Indian non-combatants before the confrontation with Indian soldiers.
This offensive policy targeted hundreds of thousands of Indian civilians including women and children, who were systematically and ruthlessly massacred by the English.
यह कविता मैंने बहुत पहले (कक्षा ९ या १० में) पढी़ थी। इसका भाव मुझे बहुत अच्छा लगा और हृदय में अंकित हो गया था। बाद में मैंने इसको बहुत खोजा लेकिन मिली नही। लेकिन आज मिल गयी। कवि का नाम अज्ञात है। अगर किसी को पता हो तो बताना।
पाया न समझ माली गँवार।
क्या प्रेम नेम था वेली मे। क्या क्या गुन थे अल बेली मे ॥
वह तरु के ऊपर चढती थी। फैलती फलती फलती थी॥
जब प्रेम पाश उसने डाला । बध गया पेड हो मतवाला ॥
यह बेलि वृक्ष का दिव्य प्यार । पाया न समझ माली गँवार ॥१॥
दोनो ही मिलकर हुए एक । रह गया नही कुछ भी विवेक ॥
लू झंझा अन्धड़ बज्रपात । दोनो सहते थे एक साथ ॥
तरु के सुख मे बेली निहाल । बेली के दुख मे तरु विहाल॥
दाम्पत्य प्रेम का यही सार । पाया न समझ माली गँवार ॥२॥
"When dealing with Islam, it is crucially important to keep in mind the distinction between Islam as a doctrine and the Muslims, a group of people who were born or tricked into an Islamic environment.
There is nothing intrinsically Islamic about human beings, not even when they are named Mohammed or Aisha. ... It is a well-known fact that most South-Asian Muslims are the descendants of converts from Hinduism.
As for the Turkish, Persian or Arabiccomponents of the Muslim community, they too are the descendants of converts, be it from Buddhism or Zoroastrianism or some other Kafirreligion. There is nothing intrinsically Muslim even about Arabs, who were the first victims of Islam.
The post-1949 phase of RJB movement started in early 1980s with Ram Janki Yatra. The brain behind it was Moropant Pingle, an RSS man.
Tradgiri theek hai but let's not get blind to the facts.
रावण और कालनेमि भी साधू-सन्यासी बनकर ही आये थे तो क्या उनकी आरती उतारी गयी?
काँग्रेसी स्वरुपानन्द गैंग की भाषा बोलते हो और दूसरों पर आरोप लगाते हो "भक्ति" का? और ये वर्णाश्रम का क्या भूत चढा़ हुआ है स्वरुपानन्दियों को आजकल? 2/
If a Savarna really understands (ie by Buddhi developing an understanding of Siddhantas in Gita and Upanishads, not merely quoting a line or shloka from here and there) Varna is by birth, he will stop being an Asur/Aatatyin to Varnas below him or her. 1/
As Vashishtha Ji says, it comes straight from the viewpoint of keeping Varna order intact.
सोचिअ बिप्र जो बेद बिहीना। तजि निज धरमु बिषय लयलीना॥
सोचिअ नृपति जो नीति न जाना। जेहि न प्रजा प्रिय प्रान समाना॥2॥
भावार्थ:-सोच उस ब्राह्मण का करना चाहिए, जो वेद नहीं जानता और जो अपना धर्म छोड़कर विषय भोग में ही लीन रहता है। उस राजा का सोच करना चाहिए, जो नीति नहीं जानता और जिसको प्रजा प्राणों के समान प्यारी नहीं है॥