Wall Street is an enigma whose purpose is two-fold: 1)The service and growth of Capital, and 2) the control of Society. In my recent thread on Blackrock, I explained the larger goal of the Great Reset's Wealth Transfer.
But what I failed to explain is something larger. The Federal government is entirely reliant on the Federal Reserve. The Federal government does not control the Federal Reserve.
The practices of the Federal Reserve tend to control government, as the Federal Reserve controls all the money the Federal Government requires for its operation. They’ve actually never been completely audited. No group is capable and the Fed says no. nypost.com/2015/02/26/why…
This article puts forward the idea of putting the unvaccinated into ghettos just like the nazis did to the jews in WW2. I wish I were being hyperbolic.
It was written by Tara D. Sonenshine, former U.S. under-secretary of state for public diplomacy and public affairs. This is the attitude carried by those who hold power in our nation and reside within the beltway and those areas dominated by coastal elites.
--- But now we have to go one step further. We must create "safe havens" for vaccinated Americans.
---If we put some parameters around who can enter certain buildings and regions, the balance of power shifts to vaccinated Americans.
This 👇 isn't Conservative. Its hollow marketing designed to elicit a base response that associates the flag, sexuality, and an attachment to the military or nation with their product.
The Revolver piece sums it up nicely: "The right must stop fetishizing every company that panders to them, and they must move on from their embarrassing worship of the modern American military."
It may be an uncomfortable truth for many on the right but its spot on.
Can you try to imagine American leadership acting in such a way if placed in this situation. At Church, rockets begin to fall all around, and they continue with the service. It would never happen. Total panic would ensue.
We should never aim to be a theocratic nation, but we are missing a key element of well practiced faith in those who lead us. Stonewall Jackson, who served as an Officer in both the American and Confederate armies, was known for this level of conviction.