Wall Street is an enigma whose purpose is two-fold: 1)The service and growth of Capital, and 2) the control of Society. In my recent thread on Blackrock, I explained the larger goal of the Great Reset's Wealth Transfer.
But what I failed to explain is something larger. The Federal government is entirely reliant on the Federal Reserve. The Federal government does not control the Federal Reserve.
The practices of the Federal Reserve tend to control government, as the Federal Reserve controls all the money the Federal Government requires for its operation. They’ve actually never been completely audited. No group is capable and the Fed says no. nypost.com/2015/02/26/why…
If the Federal Government doesn’t control the Federal Reserve, who does? Well, there are 7 members of the board of governors and the 12 regional Federal Reserve Bank presidents. We know that the Board of Governors are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.
Who owns and controls those? A little-known company called “Cede and Co.”
Many think that Cede and Co is just a fictitious legal name used to refer to Depository Trust Company. But its not. Cede and Co. is a Legal Person, at least in the non-human person sense, known as a juridical person. chamberofcommerce.com/united-states/…
And as a non-human person they can do all the things a human person is usually able to do in law – such as enter into contracts, sue and be sued, own property, and so on. Cede and Co is the sole Registered Shareholder, through its parent company...
the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation of the 12 member banks that control the Federal Reserve.
And Cede and Co technically owns substantially all of the publicly issued stock in the United States. Thus, investors do not themselves hold direct property rights in stock, but rather have contractual rights that are part of a chain of contractual rights involving Cede.
Cede therefore controls or owns $46,994,123,000,000 – The worth of the entire US Stock Market. bloomberg.com/opinion/articl…
**Hang with me as we go through this because this is where it can get sticky. There is a difference between (the Depository Trust Company) and (the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation)**
What this means is that the Depository Trust Company has nominated Cede and Co. to be the sole Registered shareholder of all companies that trade across Wall Street. And the Depository Trust Company is a Member of the Federal Reserve.
The Parent holding company of the Depository Trust Company is… The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation making it the singularly most powerful entity, perhaps, in the world.
Not only do they control Cede ($46 Trillion), but they control the DTC who in 2007, settled transactions worth $513 trillion, and processed 325 million book-entry deliveries.
In addition to settlement services, DTC retains custody of 3.5 million securities issues, worth about $40 trillion, including securities issued in the United States and more than 110 other countries. And these numbers aren’t exactly the most recent. dtcc.com
And to top that off in 2011, DTCC settled the vast majority of securities transactions in the United States and close to $1.7 quadrillion in value worldwide, making it by far the highest financial value processor in the world.
DTCC operates facilities in the New York metropolitan area, and at multiple locations in and outside the United States. afr.com/companies/fina…
Many will say, well they don’t hold that much Capital and they just service it, process it, and transfer it. They don’t OWN it. Well they also retain the right to freeze it at any time, for any length of time, at their own discretion and there is nothing you can do about that.
Every financial organization that wants to operate in the US, bankers and brokerage houses, is obliged to secure membership with DTCC owned, DTC.
The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation effectively owns -OWNS- all 12 member banks of the Federal Reserve, Cede and Co, and the DTC. They own, well, everything.
This means your mortgages that are held by the bank, your stocks, your 401k, your investment portfolio, your business, everything. They own it all. And whoever controls the money, makes the rules.
Through a network of subsidiaries, holdings and the Wall Street & Banking enigma, DTCC owns all private, public, civil, commercial, and real asset in the US. This means they even own Wall Street.
And when the Federal government needs a dollar, they go the Federal Reserve who is controlled by the DTCC. These funds are loaned by the Fed who is Private. And your taxes pay the interest on these loans. Not the principle. That isn’t serviced at all.
The amount that is collected in taxes isn’t enough to service the principle. We toss a few dollars to the interest. Our Free and Fair Capitalistic society is little more than a centrally controlled and managed market capable of being frozen, held, and confiscated at any moment.
This isn’t lawful by any means, but it is legal on paper. Food for thought: Out of all the stock you own, how many genuine stock ownership certificates do you have in your personal possession?
This article puts forward the idea of putting the unvaccinated into ghettos just like the nazis did to the jews in WW2. I wish I were being hyperbolic.
It was written by Tara D. Sonenshine, former U.S. under-secretary of state for public diplomacy and public affairs. This is the attitude carried by those who hold power in our nation and reside within the beltway and those areas dominated by coastal elites.
--- But now we have to go one step further. We must create "safe havens" for vaccinated Americans.
---If we put some parameters around who can enter certain buildings and regions, the balance of power shifts to vaccinated Americans.
This 👇 isn't Conservative. Its hollow marketing designed to elicit a base response that associates the flag, sexuality, and an attachment to the military or nation with their product.
The Revolver piece sums it up nicely: "The right must stop fetishizing every company that panders to them, and they must move on from their embarrassing worship of the modern American military."
It may be an uncomfortable truth for many on the right but its spot on.
Can you try to imagine American leadership acting in such a way if placed in this situation. At Church, rockets begin to fall all around, and they continue with the service. It would never happen. Total panic would ensue.
We should never aim to be a theocratic nation, but we are missing a key element of well practiced faith in those who lead us. Stonewall Jackson, who served as an Officer in both the American and Confederate armies, was known for this level of conviction.